
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Solitary Purple

Qrow Branwen was not happy despite having no shortage of alcohol, and this is because he has to work with his least favorite kingdom, Atlas. He may consider James Ironwood, a friend but only barely since his half-metal associate has a massive stick shoved up where the sun doesn't shine to the point you could hear from his mouth while Tindick spoke. Qrow did look at the bright side of things; plenty of lonely ladies in Mantle want someone to warm their bed for them, and his nephew, Silva, is also staying at Mantle currently. The reaper got off his flight to the floating city and made his way to Atlas Academy to see James.

After showing the reception his Huntsmen License, he got to the General's office easily enough. James greeted his acquaintance with a tired smile.

" Qrow, I'm glad you are here. Has Ozpin informed you of the situation?"

"Yeah, yeah, Jimmy, let's get this show on the road already."

Qrow irritably told James while taking a sip from his flask, and the general sighed then said.

" Very well, Qrow, while my team has Atlas covered, I need someone to investigate around Mantle for any additional information about the assailant that attacked the scientists."

" Okay, anything else, Jimbo?"

James smiled, which made Qrow frown because when the general usually smiled at him, it usually meant he was going to dump something annoying on him. The general touched his desk to a message to one of his secretaries.

" Send in Specialist-in-training Schnee."

" No, Nah, Nope, not going to do it, Jimmy."

James replied with a smile at Qrow's amendment refusal.

" You need a liaison to stay in contact with me and help you get through any red tape."

" What, am I a babysitter?!"

Young Winter entered the headmaster's office and saluted the general while feeling a bit nervous.

" Specialist-in-training Winter Schnee, reporting for duty, General!"

" Seriously, Jimmy, couldn't you find someone with an EVEN bigger stick up their-!"

Before Qrow could finish his sarcastic remark, James added.

" Qrow, please cooperate."

Hearing his friend's sincere request took the wind out of Qrow's sails and deflatedly replied.

" Fine... Let's go, ice queen!"

Winter looked around, confused as she wasn't briefed on her current task yet, and the general ordered her.

" Schnee, follow Huntsmen Qrow Branwen in his investigation of the incident with the scientists!"

" Yes, General!"

With a quick salute, Winter then chases after Qrow.


As I brooded over the information I acquired through my Scroll on the Slave Auction, which was easy thanks to the backdoor programs I installed in all of Atlas's systems during my raid, I knew it was going to hold in an abandoned old town north of Atlas. This town was destroyed during the Great War, and all the former residents left as Grimm started to focus more on the town with broken-down walls. Emerald asked me, looking a bit concerned.

" What's the matter, Silva?"

I sighed before I replied, feeling a bit disgusted and despondent at finding out how prominent slavery still is behind closed doors.

" Just got to do something troublesome soon if I don't want my conscience bothering me."

Looking over the information I have gathered in the last few days, I feel confident in dealing with the auction and the scum connected to it, but it's still annoying to deal with for various reasons. The biggest is, getting the captured people somewhere safe while I could drop them off at Vale and Mistral with little to no issue. Vacuo and Menagerie are places I haven't been to yet, so my Door to Darkness can't transport anyone there. The best I could do is probably give them some Lein for travel expenses. I can only do the best I can...

I suddenly heard a knock at my door, and Emerald went to answer it for me.

" I got it!"

The mint-haired girl opened the door revealing a familiar face, Uncle Qrow. My drunken uncle asked Emerald.

" Hey, Spearmint, is Snowball around?"

" Come on in, Uncle Qrow."

As I invited Qrow in, my mint-haired companion moved out of the way. To my surprise, my drunken uncle was being followed by Winter Schnee, who looked more than a little disgruntled. Well, this is going to be interesting. I asked Qrow to sate my curiosity.

" What brings you here, Old Man?"

" I am not old! I have more than enough inappropriate stories to prove it, Snowball!"

I retorted with a smile.

" Okay then, so you are going after women far younger than you; I understand."

Qrow opened his mouth while raising a finger for a comeback, but it never came, and he closed his mouth and then muttered.

" Dang it!"

I gave my drunken uncle my smuggest smile, which made him frown as he explained.

" As for your question, Snowball, I can't say; it's very hush, hush, but since I am here in Atlas for a while, I decided to check up on you."

" Thanks, uncle. Are you going to stick around for dinner?"

Qrow smiled at me as he took a sip from his flask and then replied.

" Sure, if you are cooking, Snowball."

I looked at Winter and made her the same offer.

" Will you be sticking around as well?"

She looked surprised at my offer and replied.

" I rather not impose..."

" It's fine; the more, the merrier."

I wasn't going to miss a chance to get to know Winter since a golden opportunity landed in my lap.


After borrowing the tavern owner's kitchen, I made some chicken ramen with the supplies I had back at my airship for everyone. I made sure not to use my Semblance, Door to Darkness, in front of my uncle and Winter to avoid any suspicions about my last visit to Atlas. I managed to use Soul Archive on Qrow for future reference on where Salem was and about his assignment to as well, find me, not that he has any clue that it was me that knocked out the scientists up in Atlas. With Winter as his liaison, I can already see her pulling her hair out at my uncle's usual drunken shenanigans. I asked Winter to introduce herself.

" So, what is your name?"

She hesitated to answer but did so regardless in a slow manner.

" Specialist-in-training, Winter... Schnee."

" Okay then, Winter, mind answering a question I have?"

The Ice Queen looked a bit nervous but nodded in agreement.

" What are the differences between Huntsmen and Specialist-in-training? Curriculum wise."

Again I surprised Winter, but I was honestly curious about this, and Qrow answered with a snide remark.

" That's easy; they became sell-outs!"

The Ice Queen glared at the drunk as she answered my question.

" Specialist-in-training curriculum involves a more focus approach on military tactics and operational guidelines with some officer training if you meet the requirements."

Qrow did not look impressed but kept quiet as he ate his ramen, and Winter asked a question of her own as she set aside her utensils.

" May I ask something?"

" You just did!"

Qrow retorted, much to Winter's annoyance, and I replied.

" Sure, ask away."

" Doesn't... my family name bother you?"

I arched an eyebrow as I asked back.

" Are you Jacques Gele?"

" What?! No!"

Winter immediately denied my question, and I then said.

" Then I have no problem with you."

" But my father-!"

I raised my paw to stop her there and said calmly.

" Your father's faults are his and not yours, Winter."

Winter looked at me, stunned for a few moments, then absentmindedly said.

" Thank you..."

Realizing what she had just said, Winter clarified what she meant.

" I mean, thank you for not judging me by my last name."

I saw a brief smile grace Winter's lips before it disappeared, and dinner continued. Interestingly, Qrow looked a bit proud of me for whatever reason and behaved himself from annoying Winter too much. Emerald then asked her questions from Winter.

" So, what's it like to grow up in Atlas?"

Qrow snorted but kept quiet for the most part, while Neopolitan also looked interested in Winter's answer as the ice queen went over general stuff without touching her own experiences. Well, today was a nice dinner, and I hope I get to meet Winter some more in the future.