
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Direct Purple

As Emerald and Neopolitan explore the floating city of Atlas, they realize why Silva didn't come with them. Throughout every store they have been to, they either saw a sign that said that they don't serve faunus or no faunus allowed symbol. They stopped at a cafe to rest and chat for a bit. Emerald commented with some disdain.

" Silva wasn't kidding when he meant that Atlas was just as bad or even worse than Mistral."

Emerald quickly found herself disliking the city a great deal because she noticed how some of the residents and shop owners looked at the two of them like they didn't belong there. Neopolitan nodded in agreement and decided she wasn't fond of Atlas either despite the high-class shops. Emerald sighed as she got herself some hot chocolate, and Neopolitan got herself a hot drink with her three favorite flavors together. As the girls debate whether to return to Mantle and the tavern early, a guy in a high-quality suit shows up and starts hitting on them.

" Hello, lovely ladies, new to Atlas?"

Emerald and Neopolitan blankly stared at the guy, but he ignored his awkward feelings and continued talking to them.

" I will take that as a yes, then! Seeing how the two of you are new here, why don't I show you the best places in Atlas!"

The two girls looked at one another in silent conversation, trying to decide what to do with this guy. The snob pushed forward as he tried to invite Neopolitan and Emerald.

" Look, there are certain places that only locals know about, and I am willing to show them to you, so how about you come with me."

As he reached for Emerald's arm, she got up along with Neopolitan and left the cafe. The guy chased after them but unfortunately, it was all in his head, thanks to Emerald's Semblance Hallucinations. With the nuisance gone, Emerald looked through the wallet she had just stolen plus his Scroll and asked Neopolitan.

" So anywhere else you want to go, that guy is paying for us."

Neopolitan smirked and used her Semblance Overactive Imagination to look just like the guy that Emerald stole from, and thus they started a shopping spree on someone else's money with little to no guilt.


Raven woke up with Silva spooning her after a long night of lovemaking since the snow leopard faunus was more than a little pent up after a few weeks of a dry spell since his claws make masturbation a... challenge. The former bandit chief separated her from her lover and felt how full her womb was from last night. She went outside and used her Aura to push out the semen to remove any worries despite the pregnancy prevention pills she took after she and Silva took a short break during their fun. Raven found her situation familiar as she did something similar with Taiyang after she got drunk from finding that Salem couldn't be killed.

Raven briefly wondered how a child between her and Silva would turn out aside from the obvious that it would be the same kind of faunus as Silva. Thinking of this, the former bandit thought of her daughter Yang and wondered what to do with her. She no longer felt the need to run and hide like before, and she did feel a small bit of regret at being absent in her life. However, there was one thing that made things more bearable in that regard for Raven. It's that Summer Rose was undoubtedly a far better mother than her in every aspect.

Where Raven would've likely ignored Yang or told her to toughen up, Summer did everything she could for the fiery blondie while keeping a firm hand. But now, Summer is gone, likely killed by Salem if Qrow's word is anything to go by, and now both Yang and Ruby lost the only mother they ever knew. Raven sighed as her thoughts wandered and considered maybe making up for the lost time in more ways than one. The former bandit chief saw April coming out of her tent with bags under her eyes. Raven's subordinate looked at her leader and greeted her.

" Morning, Chief..."

" Morning, April; I see we kept you up at night."

April had a slight blush adorn her face as she replied.

" Yes, chief."

" Did you enjoy the show?"

April stiffened at the question, which told Raven that her subordinate was watching her and Silva last night despite giving the order for privacy. The former bandit chief then ordered.

" Come here."

April stood in front of Raven, then the black-haired woman ordered.

" Kneel."

Raven's subordinate complied, and Raven then placed her hand on April's head and asked.

" Tell me, April, what should I do with you?"

" Punish..."

April meekly answered, and Raven then told her as she pulled her subordinate's head toward her vagina.

" Clean me, and all is forgiven."

April got the message and started to drain Silva's cum from Raven's hole with her mouth and tongue. Raven's subordinate wasn't bothered by the order because while living with the Branwen tribe when it still existed, she saw no shortage of sexual acts and fetishes. The black-haired woman found this situation arousing despite spending most of the getting some long-overdue release and briefly imagined April servicing Silva while Raven watched and didn't find it displeasing. Raven considered what she knew of April; her obedience, loyalty, and respect for personal strength made the black-haired woman consider a few things to do with her young lover.


" Welcome back, Silva."

Emerald greeted me as I came back from Raven's camp, and Neopolitan waved at me and then went back to her game. I then asked the two of them.

" How was Atlas?"

Neopolitan gave me a so-so gesture while focusing on her game, and Emerald answered, sounding neutral.

" It was fine for the most part, but I wouldn't head back up there unless I have to for some reason."

I'm not surprised, considering that most people living up in Atlas think of themselves as elites of the greatest kingdom, which make them biased toward outsiders along with faunus. Seriously considering causing Atlas to fall from the sky for whatever food I am craving at the time by using the Staff of Creation. As Emerald told me of their time up in the clouds, they handed me the wallet and Scroll they took from the snob hitting on them. I hacked into his Scroll easily enough and found out something disturbing an auction... with people being the merchandise.

Why am I not surprised? F*CKING ELITIST SCUM THAT THINKS THEIR GODS COMPARED TO ORDINARY PEOPLE! Okay, one way or another, I am using the Staff to end that floating eyesore, but first, should I or should I not get involved with the auction. I am no hero, but my heart isn't made of stone either. It's still days away, so I will do some information gathering first to decide if I can handle it or not because a half-baked rescue just adds danger to the ones being rescued. I'm really starting to hate Atlas on a personal level.


Clover Ebi and the Ace-Ops stand in front of the head of the Blud crime family up in Atlas. Wrath Blud is an older man with graying red hair and dark red eyes wearing a simple black suit with a red dress shirt. Wrath sighed as he told the Ace-Ops.

" Look, Ebi, whoever met those scientists did not make use of our services to sightsee Atlas."

Wrath constantly chose his words with care in front of Ironwood's attack dogs out of fear of this conversation being recorded to deal with him, not that it would work actually since his connections would easily keep him out of behind bars. Elm wanted nothing more than to throttle the older man in front of her, but Vine placed his hand on Elm's shoulder to keep her calm. Elm kept quiet, and Clover did the talking.

" As you've said, but what I want to know is if any did anything behind your back, or you know of others that might have provided the service necessary to our "guest" to wind up in Atlas."

Wrath threw Clover a bone since attacking Atlesian scientists is touching James Ironwood's bottom line for tolerance of the crime families.

" I will make some inquiries but don't expect much as no one is dumb enough to get involved with this recent incident."

" That will do..."

Clover dropped the matter for now as he couldn't do much else, and the rest of Ace-Ops followed. Elm complained calmly.

" This was a waste of time, Clover."

" Not necessarily."

Clover smiled at his teammate's confused expression as he explained.

" The best way to catch a fish is to use the right bait. Considering how our visitor has put so much effort into leaving no trace, that likely means he won't tolerate anyone giving him away. So he is going to tie up some loose ends."

" Understood."

Vine agreed with Clover's thoughts, and Elm stayed quiet but also agreed with a nod. The hunt continues.