
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Liberating Purple

Winter Schnee was seriously reconsidering her choices in life. This is due to Qrow Branwen being well his usual drunken self. As the reaper did his investigation in multiple bars while flirting with several women, the ice queen tried to get him to take this investigation seriously. The results were obvious. Qrow ignored Winter or insulted her to the point of almost coming to blows. The ice queen sighed as she watched the drunken reaper get into shenanigans from a distance away from him to avoid getting involved.

And Qrow got into a drunken brawl again. Winter wants to ask for reassignment, but this mission is directly from General James Ironwood which could open a lot of doors in her military career. As the reaper made a terrible impression on the drunken fist while still having the upper hand, the ice queen briefly thought about Qrow's nephew Silva. Usually, the faunus she meets at the academy are wary or flat-out hostile toward her, but not in the snow leopard fanus's case. He welcomed her to dinner and had no issue with her family name.

What caught her attention was Silva's referral towards Jacques's maiden name before he married into the Schnee family. Winter wanted to ask about this but was distracted by the two girls accompanying the snow leopard faunus. The mint-haired girl, Emerald, was curious about day-to-day life up in Atlas. While the girl that reminded the ice queen of a tub of three flavored ice cream oddly kept silent and mimed or texted her questions. Winter assumed she was mute and answered as best she could. As the ice queen's thoughts wandered, a glass was thrown into the wall and shattered.

Seeing that Qrow was still fooling around, Winter knew her assignment would be a long one as she felt herself mentally age a few years. The ice queen realized she was going to have to be the adult in this partnership. She is seriously considering asking for reassignment.


" I will be back tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

" Are you sure we can't come, Silva?"

Emerald asked me with her weapons in hand, along with Neopolitan looking ready for a fight. I replied as I assured them I would be fine.

" Don't worry; I have everything I need and then some, Em."

" But!"

I raised my paw to stop Emerald and gave her my reasons for going alone.

" Em, while I trust you to have my back, you lack experience in fighting, which we will rectify at a later date, and right now, the faunus I am going to free is going to be more than a little wary of humans."

Neopolitan walked up to me with a smirk and used her Semblance to give herself cat ears, one brown and the other pink with a white tip. Getting a mild case of cuteness overload, I took a picture on my Scroll to preserve the memory. The tri-colored girl didn't stop there as she gave Emerald a bunny tail, and the mint-haired girl exclaimed.

" Problem solved!"

Neopolitan nodded in agreement which made me sigh as I firmly said.

" The answer is still no."

Emerald and Neopolitan looked disgruntled at my refusal, and I made a peace offering.

" Look, I promise that once this is over, I will treat the both of you to anything you want within my power to give."

" Anything?"

I nodded and gave an additional condition to prevent anything too embarrassing or outrageous.

" Within reason."

" Fine..."

Emerald folded, and Neopolitan looked at me with a mischievous look in her eyes. I'm going to regret this, aren't I? I felt that as I looked at Neopolitan as she skipped a little to the bed. The mint-haired girl wished me well.

" Be safe, okay, Silva."

" Sure, Em, and make sure Neo doesn't cause too much chaos while I'm away."

Neopolitan stuck her tongue out at me for my remark, and I grinned back at her. Emerald shrugged and said nonchalantly.

" I can't control her."

" See you later then."

I left them and went outside the inn to start my trek to the auction. Thankfully, I could get there easily enough. I use Door to Darkness to go up high in the sky and start falling. As I fell, I took out my Scroll and used a compass app to find north. Finding the direction, I opened a portal below me and fell into it, which shot me up in the air. I continued this process a few more times until the abandoned town was in view, and I landed near it. I took out my cloak and mask, then started searching for the auction location. I just need to wait for tonight.


Several "esteemed" members of Atlas's high society arrived tonight either through private airships, hovercrafts, and other means at an abandoned theater. As I watched them enter the auction location, I took note of any additional guards and started my plan of attack. The auction guards were stationed outside the theater throughout the town to deal with Grimm and any uninvited guests. But my priority target is the command center to cut off communication between the guards. Thankfully I saw where they set it up at and who was likely the commander in charge.

It was easy to evade detection, and once I saw the commander, I used my claws to slit his throat and dump his body out in the frozen tundra of Solitas. Disabling the temporary communication was simple enough without needing to blow it up, and now for the rest of the guards. Door to Darkness makes sneak attacks and ambushes far too easy for me, but now my Aura reserves are down by over half. I can't rest yet; now, I need to seal all the exits to prevent the rats of Atlas from escaping. I took out a light blue Dust crystal and infused my Aura in it.

With nature's wrath in hand, I created glaciers to seal the front and back entrances of the theater. I went to the roof with a portal and started working my way down after dealing with the last of the guards within the auction area plus the bodyguards of those so-called elites. Funny, really, only a handful of them had Aura, and since they never saw me coming, they didn't think to keep it up to protect themselves. As I sneaked into the auction area, I heard the bidding.

" 240000."



" Going, once, going, twice... Sold! To Mr.Gem. Enjoy your new pet!"

I saw a girl with bunny ears no older than ten being treated like an object as she cried. Well, there goes the last of any hesitation about what I'm about to do next. I released some smoke bombs filled with sleeping gas, and not long after, everyone else fell asleep after the initial panic of seeing the gas. Now to remove these overgrown tumors, I walked up to the nearest unconscious person and touched them to use Soul Archive on them. Seeing this b*stard's past of abuse and violence, I slit his throat with my claws with only a moment of hesitation.

While I felt a bit squeamish at killing these people in cold blood but after using Soul Archive to double-check who I was dealing with, I only felt a slight bit of guilt as every single one of them was scum or worse than scum. As I walked up the stage and then looked at the audience, I saw my handy work. I took in the sight of all the people I had just killed and felt my stomach tie itself in knots. I sighed, knowing that even if I were to use legal channels to deal with them, they would either flat out avoid going to jail entirely or only stay in a VIP cell for a couple of years at most.

I am truly starting to hate my stay here in Atlas, but I still need to do a couple of things before I consider leaving. I got the keys off the auctioneer and made my way to the back. I saw various faunus and even an odd few humans bound in chains and locked in cages. As I walked up to the first cage, its inhabitant looked up from the ground and saw me. He asked, sounding fearful.

" Who are you?"

" Someone who is giving you your freedom."

He asked me nervously.

" Really?"

I just quietly removed his cuffs and moved on to the next one. After several minutes everyone was free, and some hugged and cried at their newfound freedom. I called out to them to get their attention.

" Okay, before anything else, I have a means of taking you to various places."

I opened a portal to Vale first and told them.

" Through here is the city of Vale, so if you're from there or have family, go through here now in a single file line! And I am warning you, the only other places I can drop you off at are Mantle and Mistral. So if you want to go to Menagerie or Vacuo, I recommend going to Vale and asking the White Fang or local faunus community for help."

As they broke out into murmurs, I warned them.

" Make your choice quickly; I can only keep these portals open for so long."

After that, they got ready to leave, and after several minutes the last of them went to Mistral, and I was running on fumes. I only have enough Aura for one more portal. Before I decided to head back to the room at the tavern, I saw that there was one person left over. Oh, come on! I huffed in annoyance and walked over to them. I saw a pale, almost translucent girl with pale silver-colored hair in a simple black dress sitting with her knees to her chest, and I called out to her.

" Hey!"

She didn't budge, and I kneeled to her eye level and shook her by her shoulders to get her attention. But there was no reaction, okay, now I'm worried. I used Soul Archive on her to find out more about her. What I saw... I lost the contents of my stomach at what I had just learned, and as I continued to lose my lunch, an explosion went off. Crud, what now? I wiped my mouth and picked up the broken girl, and left through a portal I made. No rest for the wicked, I guess.


Robyn Hill, a tan woman with pale blonde hair and violet eyes, had scored big, a highly illegal faunus auction being attended by the majority of her political enemies. While they wouldn't stay behind bars for long, they didn't need to, just long enough to damage their power base and push some changes needed for Mantle through. While Robyn smiled at the lack of security, she felt that something was off, and she wasn't the only one. Her sheep faunus friend said.

" Robyn... somethings wrong."

Fiona Thyme is a short fair-skinned woman with sheep ears and white hair with olive-colored eyes. Robyn asked her teammate Joanna Greenleaf, a tall woman with tan skin, beige irises, and dark green hair.

" Joanna, do you see anything?"

" Not yet."

The tall woman kept her weapon ready for any sign of trouble, and Robyn turned to May Marigold, a caucasian woman with blue hair and amber-colored eyes, and asked.

" Are you sure your information is right?"

" Yeah, my source is reliable, and the auction should be held at that old theater there."

May was starting to get concerned as well because in another life, when she was a man of the Marigold family, these sorts of illegal agendas always had high security. They soon reached the theater and saw a glacier blocking the entrance, which made Robyn frown. She readied her arm-mounted crossbow and ordered her Happy Huntresses.

" Stand back, everyone; we're going in hot!"

She fires a few crossbow bolts, which then explode and break the glacier down along with the entrance. The Happy Huntresses ran inside and saw the massacre that took place. Fiona puked at the sight while Joanna and May looked squeamish. Robyn frowned and asked in concern.

" Who could've done this?"