
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Bloody Purple

James Ironwood was this close to calling all of Atlas's forces scattered across Remnant back to Atlas after this incident. Dozens of Atlas's wealthy and influential were found dead at an illegal slave auction. The incident quickly took on the moniker of the Red Auction Incident with the sheer amount of bloodshed that took place. To make matters worse is the fact Robyn Hill was the one who called in on this political nightmare. Despite her condemning of the criminal behind the slaughter, she is making use of the deaths of her political enemies to further her agenda.

As the Atlesian forces carted out bodybag after bodybag, Clover Ebi came up with a report in hand and said.

" General, you're going to want to see this."

Ironwood took the report, saw something unpleasantly familiar, and asked Clover.

" Clover, what are the chances this incident is linked to the previous one you were assigned to?"

" Permission to speak freely?"

James granted the lucky fisherman's request with a silent nod, and Clover reported.

" Similar MO, with the same sleeping agent along with precise execution with little to no trace, I'm leaning towards the two incidents being done by the same group or assailant. But this is speculation on my part, sir."

The general sighed and agreed with the assessment despite the lack of evidence.

" I concur, Clover, and need your team to expand your search just to be safe."

Clover saluted James as he went to inform his team of their new mission parameters. The General sighed as he took out his Scroll and called Qrow directly. Qrow groaned at being woken up early in the morning after a night of drinking and finding a woman who wanted him to warm her bed. He got up to answer his Scroll, and his casual fling tossed and turned at the reaper's sudden movement. Qrow answers his Scroll, irritable, with a whisper to not wake his companion.

" What, Jimmy?!"

" Qrow, there has been an incident..."

Qrow dug out the sand in his eyes and said, not caring about the situation.

" You don't say..."

" Qrow, there's been a massacre... dozens of dead bodies from Atlas's influential families, and there are indicators of this being done by the same person that assaulted the scientists."

Hearing this made Qrow sober up and curse.

" Crud, where are you, Jimmy? I will head to your location."

The reaper started to get dressed, and James gave him the coordinates.


Winter Schnee got up as her alarm rang despite barely getting any sleep last night from following Qrow around Mantle. As much as she just wanted to sleep, she forced herself up and got ready. She received an alert on her Scroll that told her to report to an airship immediately to head to the abandoned town north of Atlas. Winter wondered what could've happened to prompt these orders but complied and rushed to the designated airship. She saw Qrow and really wanted to give him a piece of her mind for dragging her into his shenanigans last night, but she puts her emotions on hold as the general is nearby.

Winter saluted the general and said.

" Specialist-in-training Winter Schnee, reporting for duty, General!"

" Ah! Ice Queen, I was wondering where you were at!"

Winter barely restrained herself from retorting at Qrow as she briefly considered giving him an impromptu haircut with her saber! James told the two in a serious tone.

" Follow me."

The reaper and ice queen followed the cyborg into the theater and saw the bodies still being examined at their place of death. Winter turned paler as she saw all the blood on the seats and floor as this was the first time she had seen something of this scale. Qrow frowned as he looked at the bodies; he may not like these so-called elites of Atlas and might even consider their end well deserved, but he is here as a Huntsmen and ally to James Ironwood. Seeing the slashes at their throats, all clean and almost uniformed, he made the conclusion.

" There wasn't any struggle..."

" Correct, Qrow, they were knocked out by the same sleeping agent as the scientists weeks back."

Ironwood informed Qrow, and Winter looked aghast at this information. Atlas was now shooked by its very core, and the Grimm were attracted by the fear and anxiety that everyone was now feeling as information on this incident spread.


I, Silva Branwen, am now helping deal with the Grimm that are currently attacking Mantle. The bloodbath I caused seems to have disturbed everyone, but given a chance, I would probably do it again as I tore through the Sabyrs and Beowolfs with my claws as the siren rang. I am doing this because I feel partly responsible for the current increase in Grimm activity. Thankfully, I am only dealing with the smaller varieties of Grimm and in small groups. As a Sabyr charged at me, I heard gunfire, and it died. I turned to face Emerald with Thief's Respite in hand, and she smiled as she said.

" Got your back, Silva!"

A Beowolf leaped in the air at Emerald, but before it could get her, it stopped mid-air and fell down. Neopolitan appeared out of thin air thanks to her Semblance and twirled her light sword, then stabbed the downed Grimm with a cruel smirk. I then heard someone call out to us.

" Hey, kids, what are you doing?! You should be inside!"

I turn to face Robyn Hill, Mantle's hometown hero. As she looked at us with a bit of concern, I replied.

" Just trying to help."

" Kid, you should leave this to the professionals."

Before Robyn lectured me, the ground beneath my feet shook as a Megoliath charged through the streets towards us. I wasted no time and rampaged at the mammoth Grimm and used Emission to launch myself and get on its back. I placed my paws together as I balanced myself on the massive beast and fired off a fan-shaped blast, and severed the Megoliath's head. The corpse crashed and started to dissipate into black particles, and the sirens finally stopped ringing; I guess that was the last one. Robyn looked at me with a mixture of surprise and a bit of respect.

" Not bad, kid, but you still should've left this to qualified people with Huntsmen/Huntresses licenses."

I shrugged, not caring about the minor details as I am partly to blame for this mess. Robyn gave me a wry smile at my response and said.

" I will vouch for you this time, so you don't get into any trouble for running around without a license but on one condition."

" What?"

I asked the happy huntress feeling curious about what she wanted.

" Tell me about yourself because I never seen nor heard of you till now."

" Sure, but later I have a few things I need to deal with first."

Robyn smirked at me and said.

" Okay then, but where do I find you?"

" I'm staying at the tavern near the Crater."

The happy huntress nodded at my answer and went off to do whatever. I sigh as I now need to deal with the doll I picked up at the auction. Emerald and Neopolitan were already asleep when I brought her in, so I set her on the other bed and slept with her to keep her warm for the night. Calling her a doll is not inaccurate, as when I looked through her memories with Soul Archive, I saw how she was broken down. Every torture, every humiliation, and stripped of all dignity. The girl lost all memories of her past before being trained to be the perfect toy, if she even had one.

I would not be surprised if she were specifically bred into existence. As I returned to the tavern with Neopolitan and Emerald in tow, they saw the girl for the first time as we woke up immediately to the sirens going off, and they followed me to deal with the Grimm. The girl had long hip-length silver-white hair that matched her pale translucent skin, and what popped out from her appearance was her slightly pointed ears, black dress, and blood-red eyes devoid of life. Emerald asked me, seeing the seemingly lifeless girl.

" Silva is she from the..."

" Yes, Emerald, and she truly has nowhere or no one to go to. She is barely a person right now as she can only follow the orders of her selected master."

Emerald looked nervous as she asked me while Neopolitan poked the broken girl with her parasol.

" What do you mean, Silva?"

" This girl was broken down until she became nothing more than a doll to be played with, then discarded."

Emerald walked over to the girl and looked at her cold dead eyes, then asked me.

" So what now?"

I sighed as I walked over to the doll-like girl in both looks and emotional state. I can help her, but it will take time, years, maybe even decades. I needed to use the pre-programmed triggers in this girl's head to get her started on the path of being a person. I told Emerald and Neopolitan.

" Mind standing back, you two. I am going use her mental triggers to imprint on me to see me as her master, so I can get started on helping her."

" Wait, what?!"

Emerald asked in surprise, and Neopolitan was poking me with her parasol to demand answers from me. I told them honestly.

" This girl was to be imprinted on the person that brought her by using a set of suggestions and mental triggers. The only way to make her into a person is to, for lack of a better term, start her up."

Emerald alternative from looking at me, then the girl with a look of shock and Neopolitan placed my paw on her head, and I used Soul Archive to see what she wanted. The tri-colored girl wanted the doll for herself, but I flatly refused her.

" Neo, no. This girl has gone through enough as is."

Neopolitan held her hands up in surrender and gestured that she was joking, but I glared at her as I did not find it the slightest bit funny at all. I got ready to start up the doll-like girl. I opened her mouth to see her long canines as she is a vampire bat faunus with the fangs as her animal trait. I pricked my paw against her sharp fangs and called out the girl's name.

" Argint, wake up. It's time to serve me."

Light came to the girl's red eyes as she memorized my face, then said.

" I am ready to serve, master."

I got a long rehabilitation plan ahead of me.