
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Dividing Remnant

Silva, Ruby, Neopolitan, Emerald, Nora, and Ren had gathered after a few hours in order to enter Pyrrha's dreamscape made by the Nightmare, with everyone else there for support. The six lay on the giant dream catcher as Shion used their Semblance to send them into the dream world after getting some much-needed rest. The six soon found themselves at the outskirts of Dream Argus like how Silva first did. The snow leopard man then got everyone's attention.

" Before we go off, check to see how many coins we have between us."

" I got three!"

Ruby called, and Nora also said.

" Same here!"

Everyone had three coins each, meaning they had 18 in total. Silva then took note of everyone's outfits. Ruby was the same as the dream version he had seen previously and was already digging out jumbo cookies from the giant red cookie jar she was now lugging around to munch on with enthusiasm. Neopolitan had her mouth covered with a three-colored bandana of her colors while wearing a white semi-transparent jacket over her tight pink tank top and brown skinny jeans, and white-heeled boots. Emerald had a white visor mask over her eyes, a green tube top with a white jacket over it, and black leather chaps with green stitching over her white shorts with open-toe high heels.

Nora had a pink eye mask over her right eye. She was wearing a white crop top with a black jacket, and short pink skirt with white bows on it, and white combat boots. Ren had a green menpo over his mouth. He had on a green long sleeve Kung Fu top with pink buttons and stitching with white Kung Fu pants and matching black shoes. Everyone was also checking out their new attire, and Silva clapped his paws to get everyone's attention.

" I think we need to discuss what to do next instead of blindly charging into the city to find the Nightmare."

" What do you have in mind, Big Guy?"

Nora asked with a curious look, and the snow leopard replied.

"I plan on distracting Dream Pyrrha while you guys hunt down the Nightmare. In the event it is not at the arena, you need to split up and scour the city while I keep our favorite redhead busy. Is anyone against what I have in mind?"

" Are you going to be alright, Silva?"

Emerald asked with concern, and the snow leopard man assured everyone.

" Even if I can't beat her, I am confident in my ability to run away if necessary, so I am the best one to lead Dream Pyrrha on a merry chase."

Ruby then added.

" Okay, Silva, but be careful."

" I always try to be, Ruby."

Silva replied back with a slight smile, and the six then went to enter Dream Argus.


After entering the city with the others, I went hunting down Dream Pyrrha while they made their way to the arena. As they got closer, we heard cheering, and I commented.

" Looks like we're just in time for the show."

" What do you think everyone is watching?"

Ruby asked no one in particular, and Nora answered excitedly.

" Maybe it's an extreme pancake-eating contest!?"

" Nora, we're in Pyrrha's dreamscape."

Ren pointed out how unlikely the thunderous girl's idea was, considering where they were, and Emerald added her thoughts.

" Well, considering it's a Coliseum, a fight is probably going on."

It was easy to sneak into the arena, but I finally saw a thorny vine covering various parts of the seating and everywhere else. I grinned as I told everyone.

" Looks like we are in the right place."

I took out the red Rook Relic that I picked up from my last venture and handed it to Neopolitan as I told them.

" Here, this should help to get to the Nightmare, and I see our favorite redhead, so that's my cue to make a nuisance of myself.

Dream Pyrrha was in the arena fighting a small hoard of Grimm for the crowd's entertainment, and I ran to the arena and then leaped high into the air before coming down as a dark, fiery comet and destroying the remaining Grimm. I greeted the dream construct with a bow and smile.

" Hey there, Pyrrha, may I have this dance?"

She wordlessly raised her shield and javelin while facing me. I let out a battle-hungry grin and said.

" Let's fight!"


Ruby, Emerald, Ren, Nora, and Neopolitan watched as Silva started to clash against Dream Pyrrha with dark explosions and unrestrained destruction. The little red reaper asked in surprise.

" Was Silva always this strong?"

" He's actually still holding back because he does not want to inflict friendly fire on us."

The mint-haired girl said as she was more familiar with the snow leopard man's abilities, and the tri-colored girl nodded in agreement. The thunderous girl then asked.

" So, how much is the big guy holding back exactly?"

" He can easily turn this whole arena into rubble."

Emerald stated matter-of-factly, and the quiet guy reminded everyone.

" Everybody, we need to find the nightmare while Silva is distracting Dream Pyrrha."

" Right, let's split up and look for a way into the arena and meet up back here in five minutes!"

Ruby's natural leadership shined as she gave out orders, and they all split up to look for where the Nightmare may be hiding. They ran through the stadium's sitting to find a way into the deeper parts of the arena while Silva continued to clash against Dream Pyrrha. He created a spear out of his Semblance Dark Wrath and threw it at the dream construct. She deflected the projectile with her shield and charged at him while thrusting her weapon. The snow leopard narrowly evaded the attack, then grappled the javelin under his arm as he sent a front kick at Dream Pyrrha, and she raised her shield to defend herself.

Ruby used Petal Burst to cover ground more quickly and found an entrance covered in thorny vines. The red Rook Relic reacted as it glowed, and she called out to everyone as she waved the relic around.

" Guys over here!"

Everyone could easily see Ruby if they did not hear her, so they went to her and saw the entrance she had found. Emerald commented.

" Well, I'll admit this does look suspicious..."


Nora exclaimed as she snatched from the little red reaper and almost shoved it in the mint-haired girl's face, and Ren just sighed at his childhood friend's antics. Neopolitan nodded in agreement, and they all entered the dark entrance filled with thorny vines.

Silva noticed that everyone had disappeared from the arena, and he decided to cut loose and draw out his keyblade, Defiance of Night. He used the keyblade's form change, Dark Rebellion; the keyblade transformed into four halberds, four spears, and five swords that surrounded him as he hovered in place with a stream of darkness enveloping him before calling out.

" Don't hold back!"

Dream Pyrrha then called out massive amounts of iron sand and magnetized weaponry then sent them as an enormous wave at her opponent. The weapons of darkness swirled around the snow leopard man violently as he tore through the tide of iron sand to clash against the dream construct. The five swords of darkness met with the golden shield as it was held high, and the four halberds came in swinging at the polite spartan's exposed flank, which she blocked with her javelin. Her opponent then thrust the four spears at once, which sent her skidding against the arena floor.

Dream Pyrrha was not about to be outdone, and she drew in all the magnetic metal she could to form a titan that pierced the sky at almost 90 feet tall. The titan raised its foot and then proceeded to stomp down on Silva, but he grinned as he evaded and started to climb the giant as he defied gravity. The arena shook, and the rest of the infiltration team felt it.

" Sounds like the fight got epic. Is it wrong to want to go and watch it?"

Ruby asked, and Nora agreed with her as she got curious as the vibrations continued to become localized earthquakes.

" Sounds like Fearless Leader and Big Guy really know how to rumble! I kind of want to watch their fight too."

" I admit, I am curious as well, considering we can feel it even deep underground, but we have an important duty to fulfill."

Ren also agreed but knew that what they were doing was more important. Emerald and Neopolitan shared a knowing smile as they knew Silva would share the memory of the fight with them later if they asked. The five head deeper into the dark underside of the arena as they search for the Nightmare.

Back outside, Silva triggered the final move of his form change, Last March. The swords, spears, and halberds multiplied several times and surged into a massive circular blast that blew off half of the enormous titan. The iron sand fell like rain, and Dream Pyrrha watched as the snow leopard man landed gracefully without effort with his keyblade in hand, well paw in his case. He asked her with a confident look.

" Well, do you want to continue?"

The dream construct kept silent for several moments before saying.

" All that power... And you don't use it to help the world."

" I do help the world in my own way, but my and the people I care about benefit comes first. At Menagerie, I am slowly turning it into a paradise for all Faunus that wish to get away from discrimination and have somewhere where they feel truly at home and safe. After that, the rest of the world is next, step by step. Moving beyond the reliance on Dust and seeking a means to seek out the final frontier, the stars themselves are my goal to help humanity and the faunus."

This was true for Silva to a degree, as he wanted to set things up for the world of Remnant so he would have something to do for the next couple of centuries, as completing his Divine Core is a must in his confrontation against the Brother Gods. Which means he will have a long life ahead of him regardless, and he also plans to extend the life of those he considers family if they want. Dream Pyrrha looked at the snow leopard man in stunned silence at his great endeavor as it was bigger than anything the polite spartan could imagine.

Underneath their feet, Ruby, Emerald, Ren, Nora, and Neopolitan came into contact with the Nightmare at last as its thorny vines covered Miló and Akoúo̱, Pyrrha's weapons. The little red reaper called out as she ready her weapon.

" Let's take it down!"

" I'm gonna break its legs!"

The thunderous girl exclaimed, and the quiet guy commented.

" Nora, I don't think it has legs for you to break."

" It's the thought that counts!"

Nora retorted, and the mint-haired girl started to slash at the vines to reach the weapons along with the tri-colored girl. They all continued to harass the Grimm, and it called out to its protector but to no avail as Silva kept Dream Pyrrha in place and out of the way. As the light of the polite spartan's weapons shined, Ruby noticed the long dark shadows that everyone else cast, then looked to her own and saw a single glowing red eye hidden within before calling out to everyone.

" The Nightmare is hidden in the shadows!"

The little red reaper shot at her shadow and forced the Grimm to emerge, and everyone struck at it at once.

Outside the dreamscape, the Nightmare removed itself from Pyrrha, and Shion caught it and then sealed it away in the special jar they had. Ozpin smiled in relief and said.

" I guess that closes the matter."


[ Salem Interlude]

Salem was meeting with one, Cleria Belial, the overseer of Kuoh, for a simple reason. She wants the King Piece in the devil's possession, while Silva said the Evil Piece was unlikely to have the ability to turn someone into a Devil like the rest, but after turning into a Devil, then switching it out with the Evil Piece, that turned her could work. It could multiply the witch's power further once she becomes a Devil herself. Rias is currently still in the underworld bonding with her newfound friend Akeno. At the same time, Salem is presently considered the young Devil's contracted magician on an official basis but unofficially considered a future peerage member.

The witch will admit that the Gremory's Supernatural Luck is nothing to scoff at after learning more about Zeoticus. The man married one of the most desirable women in the underworld from the Bael Clan and is the father of one of three Super Devils plus, he has another child that inherited both Supernatural Luck and the Power of Destruction. Overall, the current patriarch of the Gremory Clan can be considered one of the luckiest men alive and continues to do so by gaining more and more favorable contracts in the human world.

Cleria Belial met Salem at her mansion's foyer and greeted the witch.

" Apologies, my work was running me behind schedule."

" It's fine; after all, keeping your relationship with an exorcist hidden is undoubtedly difficult for you."

Cleria stiffened in shock at what Salem said and tried to deny it.

" Me, a pure-blooded Devil, with an exorcist? Surely you are joking."

" You are not as subtle as you think you are, Cleria Belial, and that includes your little lover. Then there is the fact you are sticking your nose into the King Piece, which will not escape those old Devils in the Great King Faction."

The woman of the Beliel clan broke out in a cold sweat, and Salem suggested casually.

" Why don't we have a lengthy discussion with some tea?"

The witch had everything under control, and Cleria knew it as she ordered a maid.

" Please prepare tea and snacks for our guest."

" Understood, my Lady."

Cleria directly asked Salem with a solemn expression.

" What do you want?"

" All in good time."

The witch said with a smile.