
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Changing Remnant

" Are you sure, Ms.Nikos?"

" I am, headmaster."

Pyrrha confirmed her choice as she spoke with Ozpin. It has been a few days since Pyrrha's Nightmare Incident, and she has just finished up her medical check-ups before seeing the old wizard on a matter that has been on her mind for a while. Ozpin sighed and then told the student before him.

" I understand, Ms.Nikos, but do you not think you are making a premature decision due to the Nightmare Incident? Even I myself have made more mistakes than any other person alive. No one is perfect."

" It has been on my mind for a long time since the start of the semester, Headmaster, and what happened with the Nightmare was the final nail in the coffin for my decision."

Ozpin took a sip of his cocoa and leaned back in his chair before saying.

" I will make the arrangements, Ms.Nikos, and I hope you do not come to regret your decision."

" Thank you, Headmaster."

Pyrrha thanked the old wizard and left his office. Ozpin turned to look out the window of his office and commented.

" I wonder how things will turn out in the future."


" Ren, when do you think Fearless Leader will be back?"

Nora asked Ren for the umpteenth time today, and the quiet guy just sighed and did not bother to answer as it did not change the last time. He did not know. He instead focused on class as he was a scholarship student like the thunderous girl and needed to keep his grades up. Nora changed targets since she could tell that she had exhausted Ren's patience.

" Emerald~."

Emerald groaned as she now had to deal with her teammate now.

" Yes, Nora..."

" When do you think Fearless Leader will be back?"

The mint-haired girl was starting to question her life choices once more. A bored Nora is never a good thing.


" So, wait a minute; you were lugging around a giant red cookie jar in Pyrrha's dream?"

" It was awesome!"

Ruby answered Yang before adding with a forlorn look.

" I kind of wish I could have brought it back with me."

" You are such a child."

Weiss retorted as she was still a bit sore about not getting to enter Pyrrha's dreamscape, and Blake asked out of curiosity.

" I wonder what the rest of us looked like in Pyrrha's dream?"

" I'm curious as well, but the most important thing is that she is alright."

The blonde pun maker said, and the rest of Team RWBY went into discussing other matters, like homework.


In Team NALA's room, Neopolitan was putting on a show with her Semblance to reenact Pyrrha's Dream World. Luna and Argint called out some detail, respectively.

" There is no way Master gave you a piggyback ride throughout the mission!"

" I severely doubt Pyrrha saw My Lord as a giant flying snow leopard that shoots out rainbows."

Ilia was also not believing the story the tri-colored girl was embellishing.

" If you are going to make stuff up, Leader, at least try to make it believable. I mean, filling the streets with brightly colored ponies does not sound like Pyrrha, and I don't claim to know her as well as you do, let alone Silva."

Neopolitan shrugged and continued to tell the story her way regardless of her teammate's protests.


Let's see here, pulled chicken, check. Buffalo sauce, check. Cream cheese, check. Shredded mozzarella and mild cheddar cheese, check. Ranch dressing, check. And lastly, some chopped green onions for a garnish. Mix the pulled chicken and cheese together, then add the buffalo sauce and bake it in the oven for about ten to fifteen minutes. Take it out and stir to mix the flavors together, then top off with the ranch dressing and onions, and we have some Buffalo chicken dip for nachos, tortilla chips, and waffle fries.

I grabbed one of the waffle fries to scoop out the dip, and ate the first bite of my mid-day snack-slash-lunch. Ah, the pleasures of skipping class and sneaking back home. I should have started skipping classes a long time ago since I am honestly not learning anything new at Beacon. I ate while I worked on my Smart Projectile Project to make Smart Weapons and, more importantly, a birthday present for Ruby; even though it's still several months away but I had this idea for a while, so I am going for it.

Designing and making the guided micro missiles was easy. It's programming the targeting system and AI that's giving me trouble, as I am holding off on using Soul Archive to make a super think tank with some of the multiverse's brightest minds I came across in my travels, as it would make things too easy and boring. A nice thought-provoking project is something I need to pass the time when I run out of shows to watch or when I get sick of them. I need something constructive to do, or I get stir-crazy.

As I worked on the memory core, my Scroll rang with the caller ID being Old Wizard. Is Ozpin already going to get on my case for skipping classes? I thought Glynda would be first, considering how strict she can be. Well, better answer, if only to say I don't care.

" You have reached Silva Branwen; I am currently in the middle of something; please leave a message at the tone."

I couldn't help but grin at my monotone reply as I joked around. I kept silent for a moment to see if the old wizard would buy it, but of course, he knew I was screwing around.

" As humorous as that was, Silva, I need to have a word with you, and before you make any assumptions, it's not about skipping classes, so please make your way to my office."

" Sure, be there in a few minutes."

I hung up on him and wondered what he wanted but ultimately decided just to head over anyway. I looked at my buffalo chicken dip and went ahead and put it on a large platter with the rest of my waffle fries, nachos, and chips. Not that I will be sharing with the old wizard, but Glynda is another matter. I opened a portal at one of Beacon's blind spots in its surveillance system and walked while I ate. I soon reached the elevator to the headmaster's office and ran into an unexpected face.

" Cinder? Did the headmaster call for you as well?"

" Yes."

The fiery woman answered curtly, and I asked.

" Any idea why?"

She shrugged, and we got into the elevator as I continued to snack on my platter without a care in the world. Cinder arched an eyebrow at my actions, then reached for some of the nachos, but I moved my platter away. Yeah, I am not sharing with fire b*tch as I used Soul Archive on her and saw her planning to manipulate Pyrrha if she shows any trauma from the Nightmare possession. I am fairly certain she is going to die alone without a person to shed a tear for her. I continued to play keep-away with my platter as Cinder seemed determined to snatch some of my food for whatever petty reason.

We finally reached Ozpin's office, and the fiery woman glowered at me with displeasure. Only Ozpin was in the office, and he quirked an eyebrow at my platter but did not comment on it as he said.

" Silva Branwen, Cinder Fall, I am sure you are curious as to why I have called you here, so allow me to enlighten you. I plan on assigning you to teams."

Okay, now that is surprising and certainly not what I was expecting. The old wizard continued as the fiery woman, and I absorbed the information.

" Ms.Fall, I want you to take over Team CRDL, as I am sure you can get them out of the rut they are in."

" Thank you, headmaster."

Cinder said gratefully, and I was not sure who to pity more, the fiery woman with the racist a*sholes or the mediocre idiots with the temperamental woman who had no problem burning them if they crossed her. Well, not my problem, and I might get a show out of it. Ozpin continued to me as I munched on my nachos.

" Silva, Ms.Nikos has expressed that she wishes to pass on her leadership because she feels inadequate for the role."

" What!?"

Now I am really surprised and almost dropped my platter, but I caught myself. I knew Pyrrha was unused to being a leader and had her issues, but I honestly thought she would grow into the role if given time like Ruby. As my mind was a mess with the new information I got, the old wizard said.

" I wish the both of you the best of luck."

Aside from needing to talk to Pyrrha later, there was one other thing I needed to do.

" Before that, headmaster, I would like to request to retain the current room I am residing in as I am assuming Pyrrha will stay on the team, and five people in a single room might be too cramped."

" Yes, Ms.Nikos will stay on with the team, and with you, it will become a five-person team—a rarity but not something that has not happened before in Beacon's history. You may also keep the room you are currently residing in, as adding another bed would be a bit too much for the dorm room."

Well, with that solved, I now need to find Pyrrha and have a talk with her.

" If you will excuse me, headmaster."

I turned to leave and headed back to the elevator. Of course, Cinder joined me and tried to grab some of my food again, petty woman.


It took some looking, but I found Pyrrha on the rooftop of the dorms, and the first thing she said to me.

" I am guessing the headmaster told you?"

" Why?"

I asked back, and Pyrrha looked... Vulnerable, as she explained herself.

" Being a leader, it never felt right with me. I always wondered what I should do while considering everyone's feelings, and after seeing other teams like RWBY, I realized I lacked decisiveness. After being possessed by the Nightmare and remembering what you did as you tried to help me wake up, I noticed you had what I lacked most—a willingness to make a choice regardless of what others think. So I talked to the headmaster and recommended you take over, but I wasn't expecting a five-person team to form because of my choice."

Hearing Pyrrha out, I sighed and set aside my platter as I got closer to her and asked.

" Are you sure?"

I brushed aside a loose strand of her hair, and she replied with a genuine smile.

" Happy to have you, Silva."

Well, not how I expected my year to turn, but I will deal with it as best I can.


[ Raven Interlude]

Raven will admit Dyno Capsules are definitely convenient as she exits the Capsule House with Goku after their first day of journeying with Bulma. Oddly enough, despite Silva telling her in advance, a sea turtle appeared out of nowhere, and the young Saiyan decided to help the turtle return to the ocean. The blue-haired girl objected.

" Goku, the nearest point where the sea is, is over 100 miles away!"

" You can wait here then, Bulma. I'll be right back."

Goku replied as he said he would help the turtle, and he kept his word. Bulma looked toward the former bandit chief for support.

" Raven, surely you want to go and gather the Dragon Balls and not waste time, right?"

Raven sighed and told the blue-haired girl patiently, as she knew this detour would lead them to another Dragon Ball.

" Bulma, even if the Dragon Balls were to go off somewhere, we can still track them with your radar. A detour is not such a big deal, plus going to the beach sounds nice since Goku has never seen the ocean before."

" Oh, fine..."

Bulma caved as she was outvoted and went back to the capsule house to revert it to its capsule state, then took out a motorcycle. Goku picked up the turtle and started to run in the direction of the ocean, and the blue-haired girl said to the older woman.

" Hop on!"

" That's not needed."

Raven transformed into her bird form, and Bulma watched as she flew after the young Saiyan with a slack jaw, as she never thought Raven could turn into a raven. The blue-haired girl shook herself out of her stupor and called out as she rode her motorcycle.

" Wait for me!"

The three went toward the ocean, and, aside from running into a giant bear bandit that wanted some turtle soup that got quickly beheaded by Raven's Imperial Arm, it was an uneventful trip. As they reached the ocean, the sea turtle thanked them and said.

" Thank you for helping me return to the ocean. Would you please wait here as I want to repay you for your assistance?"

" Sure!"

Goku quickly agreed with a smile, and Bulma felt exasperated while Raven looked for a spot to relax at then took out a lounge chair from her storage ring as she waited. The young Saiyan played around with the water and even tasted it while waiting. The blue-haired girl took a page out of the former bandit's book and relaxed as well while she waited. Hours later, the sea turtle returned with an old man in sunglasses with a turtle shell on his back.

" So, Turtle, are these the folks that helped you?"

" Yes, Master Roshi, the boy, and the older woman helped me."

Roshi nodded in understanding and thanked them for helping his friend.

" Thank you for helping, Turtle. I would like to repay your kindness."

The old master called out a flying cloud for Goku, and as he turned to Raven, his smile turned lecherous, and he shamelessly said.

" As for you, pretty lady, how about a date with me as your reward?"

The bandit chief seriously debated castrating the old lech but remembered that despite being a hopeless pervert, Roshi was actually reliable and trustworthy... To a degree, as Silva explained to her. The old martial arts master felt a chill at his nether region and stepped away from Raven as he saw her cold eyes and played off his attempt at asking for a date as a joke.

" Of course, I am just kidding... Haha."

The former bandit chief then asked for the Dragon Ball around the old master's neck.

" How about that orb you have there, Old Man?"

" Oh? This old thing? It showed up at the shore of my island one day, and I don't have much use for it, so sure."

Bulma immediately recognized what it was.

" A Dragon Ball!"

Raven took the Dragon Ball from Roshi and thanked the old man. He returned to his island, and the blue-haired girl tried to ride Goku's Flying Nimbus but couldn't, as she was not pure-hearted. The former bandit chief did not bother trying, and Bulma used the Dragon Radar to find the next nearest Dragon Ball before starting off again in their journey.