
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Unleashed Remnant

I ran through Dream Argus and wondered what weapon I should use to face Dream Pyrrha. I slipped in and out of alleys as I led the dream construct on a merry chase through the dreamscape. She was flying by the way via a cloud of iron sand as she tried to detain me, and I finally decided to what weapon to use. I held out my paw and drew out my keyblade, Defiance of Night.

It was a keyblade of darkness that I acquired right smack dab in the middle of the Keyblade War that I popped into during my journey home to Remnant. At the end of it was a black dual axe head with grey serrated blades that was attached to a black pole with a white ring connecting it to the hexagon guard surrounding the gray handle. The key chain attached to a four-point star silver chain that at the end was a silver diamond-shaped accessory that had a black pearl at the center of it.

I was not surprised that I had a stronger affinity for Darkness over Light, as I knew my darkness and accepted it. I leaped up against the walls of the buildings to gain some altitude and unleashed a dark flying slash at Dream Pyrrha. She countered by raising a shield of iron sand, and I did not stop there as I released a barrage of flying slashes at her. The dream construct sent spears of iron sand at me as she defended herself, and I generated some black lightning to disrupt the EM field that she was manipulating.

The spears of iron sand broke down and sent a blast of black lightning at Dream Pyrrha and broke down her wall of iron sand, and she started to fall as she could not support her iron sand cloud. The dream construct landed with grace as she drew out her javelin and shield, then charged at me. We clashed as my keyblade ground against her weapon and gave her a swift front kick, then fired a beam of darkness at her. She raised her shield to block but was pushed back by the beam.

Using the magic unique to my keyblade, I used something called Dark Eruption, I struck the ground, and it filled with dark magic, then erupted as Dream Pyrrha tried to close the distance. I clashed with her as I concentrated the darkness around my weapon to form a Longsword of Night, and I forced her on the backpedal. I called out to the dream construct.

" Come on, Pyrrha, don't hold back on me!"

" As you wish!"

Dream Pyrrha called as she drew in iron sand to make a 50-foot-tall titan, give or take a few feet. The titan formed a massive spear of iron sand and then thrust at me. Still, I countered a dark magic known as Obsidian Mirror, a circular shield of darkness that reflected the kinetic energy back at the attacker. The giant staggered and fell from its attack being reflected, but it still held itself together thanks to the dream construct. I leaped into the air and struck its chest with my keyblade, then used another dark spell, Inner Darkness, that created a mini black hole within it that sucked in the titan of iron sand. I called out to the dream construct.

" Surely that's not everything you have, Pyrrha?"

" No, it is not..."

Dream Pyrrha then made dozens of titans of iron sand that marched through the streets to me, and I ran into a nearby alley as I had my fun and used one of the Dream Coins to create a decoy.

" Surely that's not everything?"

The decoy called out as it floated away, and I used another coin to leave the dreamscape. Well, it was interesting, to say the least.


Silva woke up to find himself surrounded by everyone, and more than a few of them were not happy with him sneaking around behind their backs.

" Big guy, do I need to break your legs?"

Nora asked with a frown, and Weiss added with indignation.

" You sneaky rapscallion!"

" Hey, now let's at least hear what he says for himself."

Emerald mediated, and Ruby agreed.

" Yeah, Silva ultimately did the right thing, and considering that he came back without waking Pyrrha could mean things are complicated with the Nightmare situation."

" Ms.Rose has a point; Silva, please enlighten us as to what you have learned from your trip into Ms. Nikos's dreamscape."

Ozpin added his opinion to the mix, and Silva sighed as he started explaining himself.

" Things are complicated, and Pyrrha's dream world is massive, so it is going to take a while to tell all of you everything. Oh, and Glynda, can I trouble you for a dry-erase board?"

Glynda looked at the old wizard, and he nodded in agreement as she went to get a board for the snow leopard man to draw on. Everyone started to bombard Silva with questions about the dream world of Pyrrha, but he said to them.

" I will tell you everything I saw there after I get a board to show you just how big the dreamscape was."

The strict professor returned, and the snow leopard man thanked her as he started by drawing a near approximate of Dream Argus's size. He then told them everything he saw and his thoughts on various matters within the dream world. After his explanation, Yang interjected.

" So let me get this straight, Pyrrha's dream world is not only massive, but Dream Pyrrha is strong enough to make several giants out of iron sand AND control them."

" Yep, that sums it up pretty much. The only place I have not had a chance to check out is the arena at the coastline. Also, I recommend Emerald, Ren, Nora, Ruby, and Neo to go next time with me, as from what I have seen, Pyrrha feels the most familiar with all of you."

Silva said, and Nora called out in triumph.

" Ha! In your face, Ice Queen!"

Weiss pouted and then demanded answers.

" I can understand Pyrrha's teammates, but why Ruby and Neopolitan?"

" With Ruby, Pyrrha feels like she is an open book for the most part due to a lack of a mask, and as for Neo, she is a friend and rival."

The snow princess wanted to argue, but she could not disagree with the sound logic Silva presented. Ultimately the next people entering Pyrrha's dreamscape have been decided, and now all that is left is to let Shion recover their Aura for tomorrow.


[ Raven Interlude]

It is another day for Raven and Goku since they met a few months ago, and currently, they are sparring unarmed. The former bandit chief closes the distance and aims a quick jab at the monkey-tailed boy, which he blocks with his arm and tries to counter with his free fist. She quickly grabs his wrist before the punch can make contact, then uses a low kick. He raises his leg to guard and his tail to help his balance as it supports its owner like a third leg.

Raven pulls back, and Goku pursues her with a battle cry as he unleashes a barrage of fists that she either avoids or deflects. For the former bandit chief, it is unwise to try to directly block the monkey-tailed boy's attacks as he has gotten stronger enough to break her Aura with a few well-placed hits. They continued their exchange until lunchtime, and the former bandit chief told the young Saiyan.

" Let's call it quits, Goku."

" Okay, Raven. I'm getting hungry anyway. I'm in the mood for fish. Want any?"

" Sure, go ahead, and I will bring out the spices Silva gave me."

Goku ran off to a stream to fish but ran into a saber-tooth tiger that made the foolish mistake of trying to turn the young Saiyan into lunch and was met with a swift punch that broke one of its two large fangs. He used his tail to tempt the fish to jump out and succeeded, then killed it with a kick. The monkey-tailed boy repeated the process and got another fish to share with Raven since she won't be able to eat the whole thing.

Goku lugged the two giant fish back home but then heard an unfamiliar sound and turned to see a car charging at him, but it thankfully stopped in time. A blue-haired girl popped out her head from a window and yelled at the young Saiyan.

" Kid, don't you know you are supposed to look both ways before crossing!"

" Ha! A stranger monster ate someone! Don't worry. I'll help you!"

Goku set the fish down and then lifted the car before tipping it over, much to the girl's surprise; thankfully, she had her seat belt on, so she was just disoriented but unhurt. The blue-haired girl quickly got mad as she got out of the vehicle with a gun and shouted.

" Are you trying to kill me!?"

She shot at Goku, but they only stung his skin without actually hurting him.

" Ow, what's that for!?"

The blue-haired girl looked at the boy, who was unharmed by the bullets, with wide eyes and shouted.

" What in the world are you!?"

" I'm Goku!"

Goku replied back, and the girl quickly decided to apologize, seeing how the boy in front of her was not hurt by guns, as she was under no illusion as to how a fight would break out between them.

" Sorry about shooting you. You scared me when you tipped over my car. I'm Bulma."

" Goku, what is going on? I heard gunshots!"

Raven then appeared and immediately noticed the Bulma. She then knew it was time to get her first wish in this world.