
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Chaotic Purple

James Ironwood was growing increasingly frustrated at the lack of progress on the assailant or group that attacked the scientists and massacred several influential people. A week has already gone by, and not even Qrow has learned anything new despite his efforts. He is halfway considering doing a massive city-wide search in Atlas and Mantle to find anything that could be linked to this case. The General considered the viability of enlisting all of Atlas's forces and the students to the academy for a massive search Jacques Schnee walked in with a sneer directed at Ironwood and said.

" What do you intend to do about this mess, James?"

James sighed and replied to the question with a matter-of-fact tone.

" I am currently using every available resource to find the perpetrator, Jacques."

The fake Schnee scoffed and presented his own theory on the manner.

" James, it should be obvious to you who stands to benefit from the deaths of all those people, the faunus."

The general did not entertain Jacques's hypothesis as while it could've been a faunus that did the deed, but it could've also been a human with an agenda against those members of Atlas's high society as well. James knew the real reason for bringing up this theory. Jacques wanted to pass some bills to lower the already low standardized payment for faunus labor and limit their benefits to increase his profit margin. The general firmly told the fake Schnee.

" Jacques, while your input is... admirable, we can not make baseless theories at this juncture now more than ever as this is too big to make any assumptions without evidence."

Jacques puffed up like a preening peacock and added.

" The White Fang has been acting suspiciously as of late and-."

" I am going to stop you there, Jacques. Despite the rumors of the White Fang having new leadership, the fact of the matter is that they are a PEACEFUL organization that, at the very most, acts in self-defense from hostiles."

James interjected Jacques's sentence and would not tolerate the slandering of a group that James approves of at this point and even supports in spirit. None of his subordinates are allowed to act against the non-violent protest so long as they don't disrupt anything of importance. The general dismissed the fake Schnee.

" Good day, Jacques, and please leave me to my work."

While Jacques was displeased at being dismissed like this, he left without a word and took out his Scroll. He made some calls to the various news stations and decided to introduce his theory to them, and unfortunately, they ate it up.


Within a secluded part of Anima, the White Fang's new base of operations.

Sienna Kahn, the newly made High Leader of the White Fang, is a dark skin woman with tiger strip tattoos all across her body with dark hair and amber eyes plus tiger ears. She was organizing a massive operation to demonstrate the organization's change in policies with the captains of various teams of the White Fang, and a grunt entered them said while holding a tablet.

" High Leader, you're going to want to see this."

It was a report from a sympathizer of the White Fang from within the Atlas Military forces on the Red Auction Incident. The Bengal tiger faunus looked over the news with mixed emotions. Part of her felt glad those human scum died, and the freed faunus were reuniting with their families from the related reports, but the other part of her felt annoyed that she would have to delay her plans until the heat in Atlas went down over this incident. What drew Sienna's attention was the fact the sympathizer noted that with their heightened sense of smell, they picked up on the scent of a faunus of the feline persuasion, along with some thoughts of who did this while not notifying their military superiors of these findings.

Sienna processes the information, and one of the captains, Adam Taurus, a tall, fair-skinned young man with red hair with a Grimm mask covering his eyes and bull horns adorning his head, asked.

" What's the matter, High Leader?"

" Have a look at this, everyone."

Sienna sent the copies of the report to all the leaders. Some smirked, pleased with the news, especially Adam. In comparison, others were more interested in who pulled this off, and another one of the captains stated.

" We should find out who did and recruit them."

" Agreed."

" They would certainly have a useful skill set, especially with our current plans."

The general consensus is everyone was all for recruiting the faunus behind the massacre. Sienna also agreed and asked them.

" Who should we send to find him or her?"

A quick debate was started, and a few names got thrown around, and even Adam volunteered to find them but was shut down as he was too high profile. A decision was made, and the High Leader ordered.

" Very well, then Ilia Amitola will be the one to seek out this... assassin."

Assassin, the White Fang, felt this was an appropriate title for the one that managed to evade Atlas's best efforts to find them. Ilia was chosen because she could blend in with the humans and was familiar with Atlas, both of which work to her advantage.


A week has gone by since I started up Argint, my newest companion. She's... adjusting well enough. The first step to rehabilitating her or maybe turning her into a person might be more accurate was letting her know she can make choices for herself. Starting with food and clothing, I took her out to get something appropriate for her to wear since that dress of hers was more along the lines of lingerie than anything else. Emerald and Neopolitan enjoyed dressing her up as she was as beautiful as a doll with her graceful physique, nothing too big or small but perfectly portioned.

" Master Silva, is there anything I may assist you with?"

I tried to get her to call me just by my name, but her addressing me as Master slips in naturally to her, and I decided to let it go for now as it's a process to turn this girl into a functioning person without needing any expressed order. I replied casually.

" Not now, Argint, thank you."

She bowed and stepped away to give me "privacy" as I worked on my current project. Before I get in contact with Willow about her taking over the SDC and Schnee family after handling Jacques, I need enough evidence to show her how the fake Schnee ruined the family name her father built up. I also need to get a decent amount of blackmail material to get the board of directors and political rivals in line for the transition to make things happen smoothly. Once I am done with helping Willow, I will snatch the Staff of Creation and put Atlas behind me.

All the backdoor programs I installed make things easy for me, and I even got evidence of Jacques arranging an accident for Nicholas Schnee, which should light a fire under Willow. After all, if the fake Schnee could do this and seduce the Schnee matriarch for her family name, who's to say what he won't do to his daughters and son later on. Jacques had plans for Winter to be married to someone of influence to further his goals of expansion both politically and economically. Still, they were scrapped when she joined Atlas Academy's Specialist program, which put her under the protection of James Ironwood.

The more I review Jacques's memories, the more I see him as a manipulative b*stard of a father with how he controlled his children's lives. Weiss is seeking his approval right now. Whitney is doing everything to imitate him to avoid his ire. And Willow has given up because she can't divorce him, at least not without losing everything else. One way or another, I will deal with him but let's first try to limit the damage to the Schnee family, as they have suffered enough already. As I dug through and organized the information I was getting, I heard a knock on the door.

Argint answered it for me, and I heard the familiar voice of Winter ask the vampire bat faunus, sounding unsure.

" Is Silva here?"

" Yes, the master is in now."

Argint answered politely, and I invited Winter in as I got up.

" Come in, Winter, but I am a bit surprised you are here."

I would've thought she still is stuck with following Qrow around and my drunken uncle driving her up the wall with his shenanigans. Winter cooly asked me with a stern look.

" Do you know where Huntsmen Qrow Branwen is?"

" He ditched you, didn't he?"

She slumped slightly as she asked back.

" You don't know?"

I shook my head and offered her.

" Feel free to stay a while. I'll try to get in touch with him."

" That would be appreciated."

After trying to call him a few times, I got no reply, and I sent him a text message that I needed his help urgently. I told my guest after sighing at Qrow's antics.

" Well, I should hear from him eventually."

" Thank you again."

Winter thanked me again as I took a seat and dug out my manuscript for Heaven Defying Demon Empress to work on while I waited as I couldn't go back to gathering information in front of her. A quiet calm covered the room, with Argint awaiting my next order, Emerald reading her book, and Neopolitan playing her game. After a few minutes, Winter asked me.

" May I ask something of you?"

" Certainly."

I gave a short reply as I set aside my manuscript and the ice queen asked me.

" Why do you refer to my father by his maiden name?"

" I may not have known your grandfather personally by the records of his time leading the Schnee Dust Company still exist. He is, was a great man that gave all his employees, faunus, and humans, opportunities for growth and job security. So I feel that Jacques Gele is unworthy of the name he stole and is running through the mud."

Winter gave me a slight smile at my answer and said.

"It's nice to meet someone that can see my father for what he is and not judge me for his actions."

" My pleasure."

I smiled back at Winter, and we talked a bit to pass the time. Qrow finally showed up after a few hours looking worried and asked in a concerned tone.

" What's the matter Snowball?!"

I pointed at Winter and deadpanned.

" She broke my heart..."

The ice queen blushed ever so slightly while gaping at me, and Qrow looked at us, then laughed out loud. After wiping his tears from laughing, he said.

" Good one, Snowball!"

He messed with my hair, and I swatted his hand away in annoyance. I looked at Winter and asked her.

" Since he's here, do you want to shoot at him for payback?"

The ice queen looked at me, stunned. Blinking a few times and then shaking herself out of her stupor. She got up and said.

" Thank you for your hospitality, and I am sorry to impose on you like this."

" It's fine; if he pulls this on you again, let me know. I'll help you out."

She gave me a curt nod and stood beside Qrow, quietly glaring at him. My drunken uncle then said.

" Well, if you don't need anything, I to head off before Jimmy gets on my case."

" Be safe, old man."

Qrow growled at me.

" I'm not old!"

" Older than me."

I retort while looking smug, and he grumbled as he left with Winter smiling slightly at his disgruntlement. Another day, another objective.