
Anos and Eris (story ideas)

Anos and Eris is a side-splitting tale of misunderstandings and comedic chaos. When Anos lets Eris sleep in his bed, rumors spread, leading their friends to become hilariously overprotective. Eris's attempts to explain the truth, coupled with her adorable confusion, only make things funnier. Anos, desperate to make amends, showers Eris with extravagant gifts. Their friends witness the stark contrast between Anos's treatment of Eris and their own, resulting in laugh-out-loud situations. With Eris's teary puppy eyes as her secret weapon, their comedic journey unfolds, filled with laughter and amusement. Prepare for a riotous adventure in Anos and Eris

Erisia_Alvarez · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: Anos's Unending Workload

Chapter 4: Anos's Unending Workload

Anos, as the ruler and monarch of all beings, was burdened with an immense workload. He was responsible for the governance and well-being of the entire world. His days were filled with planning and executing tasks that spanned billions, if not trillions, of centuries. His work consumed his every waking moment, leaving him with no time to spare.

This busy schedule frustrated Eris, who longed for quality time with Anos. She felt neglected and ignored, as his focus remained solely on his work. Determined to get his attention, Eris decided to ignore him completely, hoping that her absence would make him realize what he was missing.