
Anos and Eris (story ideas)

Anos and Eris is a side-splitting tale of misunderstandings and comedic chaos. When Anos lets Eris sleep in his bed, rumors spread, leading their friends to become hilariously overprotective. Eris's attempts to explain the truth, coupled with her adorable confusion, only make things funnier. Anos, desperate to make amends, showers Eris with extravagant gifts. Their friends witness the stark contrast between Anos's treatment of Eris and their own, resulting in laugh-out-loud situations. With Eris's teary puppy eyes as her secret weapon, their comedic journey unfolds, filled with laughter and amusement. Prepare for a riotous adventure in Anos and Eris

Erisia_Alvarez · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: A Gentle Side Unveiled

Chapter 3: A Gentle Side Unveiled

Anos, notorious for his impatience and short temper, had never shown a gentle side to anyone. Their friends had grown accustomed to his harsh treatment, enduring his discipline and even engaging in battles at his command. However, witnessing Anos's considerate act towards Eris left them dumbfounded.

Their friends couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Anos than met the eye. The contrast between how he treated Eris and how he treated them was astounding, and they couldn't help but be taken aback by this newfound gentleness.