
Anomalous Anomaly

They are outcasts. They hide amongst the crowd, unbeknownst to anyone. Superstars, merchants, preschoolers, they could be anyone. They band together into cliques for their own purposes. And Wazir just happened to discover one such clique.

Ascorbic_Acid · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 6 - Sewer Waters

The sewers, also referred to as deathtraps by some, were in one word – Horrendous. The stench of urea and hydrogen sulphide was so dense, it could probably cause respiratory intoxication. The metallic walls of the pipes were broken down, letting all the dark sludge seep into groundwater. Debris of all sizes floated around, along with various trinkets, ranging from jewellery to used diapers. Amongst those trinkets was a furcoat, now utterly ruined by slimey goo and tar. Its pearly white, now nothing just a lifeless grey. Slumped on the wall next to the dirty coat was a thin figure, half of his body drowned in the fluid. He was unconscious.

Heavy splashes were sounded through the tunnels. Like Moses' deeds, the sludge parted into two. On the dried path, each footstep made a loud crunch, crushing plastics, wood and metal. The black tributaries converged right behind the source of the crunches. The hulking figure was approaching the youngster. His dark silhouette only brightened by minor flashes of broken lights above them, his appearance unreal with the unending tattoos peeking from beneath the camo-clothing,

Enzo was only regaining his senses. His vision was blurred, his mouth tasted acrid. His nose burnt with the horrendous odor. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the heavy liquid. He flapped his hands around in the air, then proceeding to wipe off the muck from his forehead and cheeks. He blew his nose and spit out the salty saliva that had built up in his jaws. His glasses were missing, and oh his fur coat! He moaned, his entire being lifeless. He tried to stand up, leaning on the wall, before slipping right back into the waters, thanks to the gutter waters that had lined up on the surfaces for decades without maintenance. Enzo, out of his state of alertness, flopped back into the waters, no hesitations. He didn't care if he got sick, he just didn't want to be disturbed.

Unfortunately for him, the mammoth's footsteps only made him groan in displeasure. Who the hell was it? His eyelids barely open, he tried to identify the figure. The flashing lights only made his current migraine worse. Enzo saw a bizarre sight in front of him. A hairless man with a skull's face and military gear stood atop him. He was a marvel to look at, atleast in Enzo's hazy eyes. A unique specimen Enzo had only ever seen on Pinterest and in the Ripley books. Enzo giggled. His probabilities were swerving in front of his eyes. He chuckled at the sight of it.

The chances of getting killed in the next few minutes 100%

The chances of escaping death in the next few minutes 100%

'Anything funny bub?' The figure's deep voice croaked out.

Enzo took the risk, 'Would you… would…' He barely had any energy to raise his finger, 'Would you… like to model for me.' Following that Enzo's giggles got louder.

The monster at first laughed alongside Enzo, but stopped a few seconds later, 'That is funny! Here I'm thinking whether to kill you or cripple you, and there you are trying to hire me. That is definitely funny!'

Enzo's grin persisted although his laugh faded, he managed to mumble, 'I'm serious though.'

'How much you payin'.' The figure now bowed down, his inhuman eyes glaring right at the twinkish face. The green glow in Enzo's eyes mesmerized him, 'Gimme your eyes and it's a deal.'

Enzo's smile filled his face, 'Deal.'

Instantly, netted, bony arms rose from the water. The skinny hands attached to them, folded into fists. One held glass shards, causing profuse bleeding, and the other a rusty screwdriver. Before the hulk could even make a move, the objects were lodged in his face. The screwdriver stuck in his throat, and the glass piercing his dark cheeks, forming a darker gash. The man reeled back with the pain. Enzo laughed harder.

The chances of getting killed in the next few minutes 100%

The chances of escaping death in the next few minutes 100%

What the hell was going on?

The man reached for the screwdriver with shivering hands. A swift grab and a pull later, a fountain of blood spurted out the wound. The hulk just stood back up, almost unbothered. Enzo was sure he had struck the Carotid. Why was this beast still able to stand?

'What the hell are you?' Enzo screamed with whatever energy he had reserved.

'Oh that's right, I forgot to introduce myself.' His face drew closer, the gashes on his cheeks bubbling with blood, clots and pus, 'I'm the freak that will rip your eyes out.' His palms gripped Enzo's head, as if trying to crush it. Enzo's figure shivered. Right after that, the freak placed his thumbs around Enzo's mild dark circles, caressing them, preparing Enzo for what was to come.

The chances of getting killed in the next few minutes 100%

The chances of escaping death in the next few minutes 100%

Enzo couldn't help but chuckle. The freak found himself severely annoyed by Enzo's lack of fear. 'The gig's tomorrow.' Enzo whispered, assuming that sufficient time had passed.

Just as suddenly as Enzo's attack, another hurling blow came right at that freak through a pink portal that blew him right off his haunches into the sewer water. From within that portal peeked Finnegan's rounded face. Bright sparkles flew out from the portal, as the fist poking out of it slowly retracted and the portal grew smaller, before vanishing into the thick air. Enzo's abilities were never wrong.

'Gimme some boosters Finn.' Enzo's cracked voice managed to voice out, 'I got this.' Complying, like a bolt of lightning, a portal appeared dropping an instant-protein bar right atop Enzo's floating furcoat. Enzo grabbing it tried to stand back up, this time relying on the uneven, shit-covered base of the gutters. He pulled the wrapper off and munched away. Just as the maltase in his saliva started working on the sugar, the bar melted into his mouth, performing like a cup of heavily caffeinated water. He was completely rejuvenated, new and refreshed, although still dirty. Enzo cracked away at his knuckles, 'Thank you Finn. That was unhygienic as hell, but now I can also have some fun. SUMMON!'

As if smoke started condensing into Enzo's palm, small particles colluded at a rapid speed, combining to form a long staff in Enzo's grip. A thin rod, no bigger than his pointing finger was wrapped tightly by Enzo's palm. Protruding out one of its ends was a shiny blade, shaped like a white teardrop, with a black ellipse connecting the staff and the blade. This was Enzo's beloved scythe, Elegante Extravagante.

A swing as Enzo passed the blade from one hand to another, and the force sent the waters reeling backwards. That freak was back up again, approaching Enzo. Enzo still unphased yelled, 'The offer is still up!'

The chances of getting killed in the next few minutes 98%

The chances of escaping death in the next few minutes 100%

His victory was nearing. Enzo's smile knew no bounds.

His scythe ripped the air apart, with each light swing from Enzo sending heavy gusts of toxic gases towards the still approaching monster. Usually those gusts were strong enough to push back a regular person, but not this freak. He just pushed through the waters unendingly.

Enzo's probabilities now came in play. The texts flashing past his eyes, as his mind procured more of it, gave him a complete idea of his situation. He couldn't use elaborate moves due to the restrictions posed by the narrow channel he was standing in. The enemy could very likely use short range weapons for an advantage in this environment, however he was also just as likely to stick to his fists. But Enzo didn't have to worry about that, this would all be over before the man could even raise a punch. And indeed he was right. Just as the freak charged at him through the groggy waters, Enzo's scythe flung around at unnatural speeds. It swung past his face, struck the walls of the sewers, reflected right past him, moving from one side to the other faster than he himself could see. However, these moves weren't random, for they were guided by the probabilities flowing before his eyes. And they were never wrong.

First slash, ripping through the man's left shin. He wobbled and fell with a yelp, his movement halted. The gash nearly amputating the limb off.

Second slash, ripping through the man's right shoulder. A sharp cut pushing deep into his pectorals. Ugly muscles partly covered by the tattooed skin. The man didn't even have time to react.

Third slash, ripping through the man's meaty lungs. Gusts of musky air pushed right into his organs. An arm now hanging loose from the body.

The final slash, ripping off his head in a clean cut. A fountain of blood erupted from the wound, dousing Enzo as well. The man's tattooed head fell into the infectious waters with a loud splash, right as the body slumped to its demise.

The chances of getting killed in the next few minutes 2%

The chances of escaping death in the next few minutes 100%

'Guys get me out of here already.' Enzo yelled. His wishes being turned to reality almost right away as he tumbled backward unknowingly and landed in a grey room with various bulking figures. His probabilities were flying past his eyes. His ciliary muscles hurt trying to keep his eyelids open. The change in brightness wasn't helping either.

'That was clean. Good job agent.' Revan tried his best to compliment.

'Get him out of here already, I'm gagging with this stench.' Beast had his mouth covered by a handkerchief.

'Yeah, that'd be nice. I have that event anyways. Don't want to go smelling like trash, now do I?' Enzo still had a smirk on his face. That final probability he'd seen in regards to his own survival perplexed him a little. Did he just see it wrong?

'You'll get your cleanup after you tell me why I didnt get an invite for this event of yours.' Finnegan sounded pissed.

Enzo could only fall backwards onto the floor, his scythe now vanished, into the thin air. Tiny droplets of the water slithered off his body under influence of gravity. One droplet decided to slither off a little further, right out the room into the maze-like hallways of the headquarters.

I still find it slightly hard to coreograph fights. I'm still experimenting.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ascorbic_Acidcreators' thoughts