
Animeverse Slayer!

A new life. A new world. A destined path. Someone once asked, what's a demon? Leo replied, "They are the incarnation of evil." Then what about Humans, Pirates, Hollows, Ninjas...? Are they demons as well? Through his life Leo found his answer. In every world there will always be evil. I won't look away when evil reigns supreme in front me. Why? Because, I AM A DEMON SLAYER!

DreAm_b0At · Others
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357 Chs

Dragon - Tiger Forms

First Form : White Tiger Awakening

Second Form : White Tiger Descends

Third Firm : White Tiger Assault

Fourth Form : White Tiger Dominion

Fifth Form : Azure Dragon Ascension

Sixth Form : Azure Dragon Roams The Heavens

Seventh Form : Azure Dragon Descends

Eighth Form : Azure Dragon Majesty