
Animeverse Slayer!

A new life. A new world. A destined path. Someone once asked, what's a demon? Leo replied, "They are the incarnation of evil." Then what about Humans, Pirates, Hollows, Ninjas...? Are they demons as well? Through his life Leo found his answer. In every world there will always be evil. I won't look away when evil reigns supreme in front me. Why? Because, I AM A DEMON SLAYER!

DreAm_b0At · Others
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357 Chs

299. Death To Offenders!

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Karakura Town.

After Leo and Shinobu disappeared into the vortex two figures flashed to where they were. It was none other than Shunsui and Jushiro.

Shunsui frowned a bit, "They managed to lead them away."

Jushiro commented, "Well, Aizen is a cunning man."

With no other choice Shunsui said, "There is no other choice. Let's proceed with the plan."






















Leo raised his head. His eyes reflected a cold glow that chilled their hearts.

"Ants, how dare you threaten me with my friends?"

As he spoke a horrible force broke out his body.

Haoshoku Haki! The Kings Sign!

Though Leo always showed a amiable attitude he was still prideful deep down in his bones.

He was someone who stepped on numerous powerhouses!

He was someone with the King's sign!

And those who threaten a King must die!!