
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Luna is the second girlfriend

[You gave the entrance exam for hero academy and successfully acquired first place. Unlike canon, you pridefully took the credit for reaper's skull you submitted.]

[You and Emma easily passed the entrance test.]

[Next problem was preparing money for entrance fee. It was not a problem for you since you can create a skill to change LP to money but to avoid suspicion from your family, you decided to become an adventurer in Odin guild.]

[After visiting Odin guild, you met with Lola Metrose. You wrote your skills on a page for registration. On seeing your Get creative and editor skill, Lola got suspicious and asked your relationship with Olivia. You replied that she is your friend.]

[Lola was still suspicious so you both made a bet. After using book of analyzation on you, Lola lost the bet. She had to show her panties to you and you also kissed her as a result. After the kiss, you successfully registered as an adventurer.]

[There was also a receptionist named Sarah who tried to seduce you, but you copied her charm skill instead and used editor skill to delete all her skills. You also copied Lola's superhuman strength S skill.]

[You also edited the copied charm skill into favourable aura skill.]

[You took the quest of hunting goblins as your first quest. Hunting goblins was easy in this world and you can also test your skills.]

[You created and used many skills in hunting goblins. You met Emma who arrived after searching for you because you didn't tell her about joining adventurer's guild.]

[You both went back to adventurer's guild and registered Emma as an adventurer. Seeing Lola cling to you so much, Emma jot jealous and started fighting with Lola verbally.]

[You take the quest to hunt big rabbit with Emma. After killing some goblins on the way, you both encountered the big rabbit. Emma attacked the rabbit with her skills but wasn't able to kill it. You asked Emma to let you fight it since you wanted to use the sword of Pride. Emma, being your girlfriend, wasn't oblivious about your powers and skills.]

[You summoned the sword of Pride. A beautiful sword with enchanting engravings appeared in your arms. You swung the sword towards the big rabbit, who rushed towards you to tackle you.]

[A clean slash, cutting the space cleaning showed the astonishing power of the sword.]

["Know your place, ant!" The voice reverberated all around the surrounding. A strong power rushed out of the sword at extreme speed. The rabbit got evaporated. The forest you were in, completely burned. The mountains ahead of you disappeared. The sea beyond the mountain, completely evaporated.]

[Finally the slash disappeared after making a giant wormhole in space.]

[You both were shocked out of your wits. You both promised each other to never speak a word about it again. Even if you did speak, it was too unbelievable.]

[This slash truly displayed the pride of the sword.]

[You both decided to return back to adventurer's guild. Since big rabbit's body got evaporated, you decided to use a skill, material creation, to recreate a carcass of big rabbit and stored it in pocket dimension S.]

[Since you both were focusing on the rabbit carcass, you didn't notice the huge eye staring at you through the hole in space. There was a small slash wound on the eye.]

[You submitted the carcass to the guild and attended the barbeque party. After returning back home, you quickly went to sleep.]

[Next day, you went to hero academy with Emma. You and Emma are S rank students.]

[In your class, your fellow students didn't like you at first since you were a baronet but no matter how hard they tried, they weren't able to hate you. No matter how much they tried, they weren't able to avoid you. It's like you were the main character of the class. This was because of your passive skill favourable aura.]

[Even though they had a favourable impression of you, they didn't take the initiative to talk to you. Except for one. Maria, daughter of Duke, approached you herself.]

[Your classes began with Elna Stongs as your teacher. She taught backstep to the class which you learned without even the need of skill.]

[You recieved the rewards from Elna that made Emma burst into jealousness.]

[Next you were taught passive defence. Your partner was Maria but her curse acted up and stopped the class.]

[You could use your skill to help her immediately but you are not a saint. It's better to let some real cleric handle it. You could also help her if she offers something in return though.]

[Later you asked Lola and met with Luna.]

[Since Luna was a cleric you hoped to copy her skill was future use. You used Maria as an excuse to meet her.]

[After meeting her and learning of her cowardice, you decided to help her before copying her skills.]

[As promised, you edited her lift curse skill and removed it's side effects. You didn't do it for free though. You helped with her skill in exchange for her body. She was too embarrassed to give her virginity to you on your first meeting.]

[You started with a deep kiss with Luna and proceeded to kiss her whole body while undressing her. Even though you both agreed on not taking her virginity, Luna herself positioned your rod at her cave and pushed it inside.]

[After your intercourse with Luna, you met with Lola again. Unlike before, Luna was completely sticking to you like a lovesick girl.]

[Seeing Luna like this made Lola suspicious since she was unaware of your deal.]

[After Emma got to know about your and Luna's intercourse, she was angry at first that you didn't tell her beforehand but accepted Luna as your second girlfriend.]

[She also asked you to save Maria as her fellow classmate and allowed you to keep Maria as your third girlfriend if you want.]

[As her boyfriend in this life, you decided to hear her request and decided to help Maria. You had already decided to let Luna help Maria but you got a sudden idea that you wanted to try.]