
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Simulation in other world.

[Random world loaded]

["The Hidden dungeon only I can enter." Is the loaded world.]

[Talents have been loaded. Please choose 3 of the following talents.]

[Skillless (white), curse of white roses (white), seven sins sword's master (Gold), skill copy (purple), main character (Gold)]

[Skillless (white) - You are born without any skill and without and ability to wield a skill.]

[Curse of white roses (white) - You will live with white privilege but at the age of 16, you will turn into a white rose.]

[Seven sins sword's master (Gold) - You are the master of Seven Sins swords. You can freely wield them. Only restriction would be the limit of the world.]

[Skill copy (purple) - You can copy one skill from a person. Upgradable skill. Can only be used once on a person while at purple grade.]

[Main character (Gold) - You can take place of Main character in simulated world. If no MC exists, you will become the MC.]

Hmm~ two gold talents? It's a jackpot!

It's an obvious choice now.

"Seven, choose 3, 4, and 5."

[Successfully chosen talents.]

[Starting simulation...]


[You woke up. Sun was brightly shining through the window besides your bed.]

[You checked your body and successfully confirmed that now you are the main character of this show.]

[Your body didn't change, but you got the memories of this body that helped you confirm your situation. Your name in this world is Izanagi Stardia.]

[You stood up and checked your skills. You had the great sage skill but you didn't find any other skills.]

[After getting ready you went downstairs. There you found your father kneeling on the floor and apologising to you. You already knew what happened, so you didn't pay attention to him anymore.]

[Your sister also came downstairs and showed her anger towards the person who stole your seat.]

[After calming her down, you announced that you are going to join hero academy. Your father was shocked and said that he doesn't have enough money for your enrollment.]

[You never expected anything from him. You told your family that you will manage the enrollment fee yourself.]

[After exiting the house, you encountered Emma brightness, your childhood friend. She told you what she read about your unique skill. She also shyly proposed the idea of kissing her to test the theory.]

[You both went to the top of a tower, where you initiated the kiss.]

[After a deep kiss, you used your unique skill 'The great sage'.]

[Unlike canon, you already knew the location of hidden dungeon. You decided to ask about the origin of skills instead.]

[You got the answer. "Skills are manifestation of chaos and nothingness bestowed upon residents of this world by a goddess with unknown intentions."]

[After asking the question, you felt extreme headache. You pulled Emma for another deep kiss.]

[After the kiss, your headache calmed down to a bearable level but you didn't stop the kiss.]

[Taste of Emma's lips was just too tempting for you to stop midway.]

[In the end, you both did all the things on the top of the tower.]

[Emma was too embarrassed about it. She kept her face hidden with her hands.]

[After a few minutes of resting, you both confessed to each other. Emma became your girlfriend. Although it took a bit difficulty, she also agreed for you to have a harem.]

[After walking Emma back to her home, you went to the hidden dungeon.]

[As you are now, the monster in hidden dungeon can be quite difficult for you. Fortunately, you copied 'Wind strike' from Emma and 'One-handed swordmanship C' from your father.]

[You didn't understand how seven sins sword worked, but you felt that you can summon them at anytime and even use them without touching them.]

[You summoned the sword of Envy from nowhere. A rusty, black, broken sword instantly appeared in your hand. It was really bad at design and had no blade at all. You wondered how a blade such a this could even be used.]

[Soon you encountered a golden slime. You used sword of Envy on the golden slime. As soon as the sword touched the slime, a voice rang out. "Ahh~ You have such a beautiful golden body... I am soo envious!!]

[Immediately, your sword turned golden black beautiful sword and the slime it touched became an ugly, black, piece of metal. Although the sword looked good now, it still wasn't sharp enough to even scratch something.]

[You were astonished by the power of the sword. You also knew that this was just one of the unique abilities of this sword. You kept moving forward. With every slime encountered, your sword became more beautiful and even got the power to change it's shape.]

[After a few slimes, a voice rang out again. "Ahh~ I am better than you. I am not envious of you anymore." After the voice rang out, the sword didn't turn slimes into pieces of metal. Instead you got to see it's new ability. The ability to avoid any material object and directly attacking the core, or the soul of the enemy.]

[Soon you reached the second floor of hidden dungeon. You encountered many traps on this floor but you survived all of them since, sword of Envy was envious of the traps for being able to kill people without them noticing. Sword of Envy also turned invisible to everyone except the wielder. It also obtained abilities to produce thorns, strike heavily as a hammer, displacing itself in space, etc.]

[Soon you encountered Olivia binded in death chain.]

[You walked near her and talked with her using telepathy. After some talks, she bestowed her skills to you as her successor. You thanked her for her skills and asked her more about LP and it's conversion rate.]

[You noticed that possessing the manifestations of seven deadly sins with you, automatically increased your LP at an extreme rate. Your LP already crossed 10,000 mark and is still increasing just by holding sword of Envy.]