
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Simulation end

[At Albert residence, you found amane— your classmate and also Maria's bodyguard— crying outside the gates.]

[Her reason to cry was today being Maria's last night.]

[After comforting her you walked inside and found Maria on the bed. After talking with her parents, they let you your skill on Maria.]

[You activated pocket dimension S and brought youself and Maria inside a dimension similar to the real world but completely devoid of time and living beings.]

[You made a simple offer to her. You will save her if she offers everything she has to you. Maybe because of the influence from seven sins swords, you felt yourself more demonic than before.]

[She agreed to your offer as long as she gets to live freely.]

[You edited her cursed skill 'Sixteen year old curse' into 'Sixteen year old blessing']

[It costed a huge amount of LP to do it but it was successful.]

[After curing her, her race changed from human to half-angel. She got feathers on her back made of magical energy and a dim halo on her head. Her blond hair also glowed much brighter than before.]

[After helping her with her curse, she had to complete her side of agreement. After having sex with her on her bed in your pocket dimension, you pulled both of yourselves out of the dimension, into the real world.]

[Duke family allowed you to ask anything you wanted as a reward. Since you didn't have any need for money or possessions, you instead asked for Duke rank nobility from them. It was a difficult task for even them, but their daughter's life was definitely worth more than a few problems.]

[Next day, you skipped the classes and instead visited the hidden dungeon. For current you, the hidden dungeon was a piece of cake. Within a hour, you easily completed the hidden dungeon and freed Olivia from death chains.]

[Sure Olivia's clone was a strong being, but with your seemingly omnipotent skills like spatial domination, trajectory manipulation, sub-atomic operation, etc, you were way ahead of a weak thing like death chains.]

[Soon you conquered the dungeon, and edited the whole dungeon itself as a space belonging to you.]

[Later that day, you were invited by Emma into a social gathering. You decided to visit it.]

[After arriving at the social gathering, you attracted everyones attention since you were now a Duke. Many people took the initiative to talk to you. After greeting Emma's parents, you attended the gathering as usual. You danced with Emma. A viscount son also dared to challange you but you paid no attention to him.]

[Just when you were about to kiss Emma, suddenly a woman tried to kidnap her while a man in mask tried to steal some jewel that was main attraction of Emma's family.]

[Just one glance at the woman and her body went limp and fell on the ground. She wasn't breathing anymore. You formed a first in the air and a cracking sound was heard all around the hall. Masked man also fell on the ground with his body similar to jelly.]

[You transferred both of them into your pocket dimension and proceeded to kiss Emma like nothing happened.]

[The social gathering ended soon after.]

[Next day you informed Emma that you will be leaving for honest city ina few days. She was shocked and asked you for the reason. You told her about the hidden dungeon in honest city and told her that you will return soon.]

[You decided to leave after the hot spring trip by hero academy.]

[You fought with monsters in the trip and finally reached the hot spring grounds. A few boys from your class decided to peep on girl's bathing, you just decided to form a dimensional barrier around the hot spring using spatial domination that would block everything using light.]

[When boys tried to peep, and Elna stongs fought them, you helped her by trapping all of them into spatial cage.]

[One of the boys punched you on the back while you were not seeing and sent you flying. With your spatial domination skill, you had already sensed hima nd if you wanted, you could have easily stopped him but you sensed some aspects of fate and influence from will of the world.]

[After you flew into the air, you landed in the hot springs. Elna also arrived at the same time.]

[One thing to other, you ended up bathing in the hot springs with girls as long as you kept your eyes closed.]

[With a blindfold still on your eyes, that didn't really do anything since you stopped using your eyes a while ago and see everything using magic in the world, you banged your every female classmate in the hot springs all night long. All the boys were still trapped in the spatial cages that were devoid of time.]

[After returning back to your house, you found your sister masterbating while saying your name. You also took her virginity. Even then, somehow, your lust was at the peak.]

[Next day, you left for the honest city. Luna and Lola visited together with you. Lola was temporarily called in honest city branch of Odin guild and Luna visited the temple in honest city.]

[You decided to visit the dungeon first thing after arriving in the city.]

[Monsters in the dungeon were no match for you at all. After finishing the dungeon, you encountered a sword in the stone. When you tried touching it, your hands burned to ash.]

[After regrowing your arms, you used the death chains, which were the final reward from first hidden dungeon, to lift the sword and hold it. You weren't able to hold it before because you are no virtuous hero. Though, that was solved by changing your bloodline into half-angel half-demon.]

[This sword was just a shadow of true sword of integrity.]

[After acquiring this sword, a strong monotonous voice responded throughout the world. "Individual Noir Stardia took the sword of heros out of the goddess's sealing stone and regained his position as the hero of the world.". But—,"ERROR!! CORRUPTED SOUL FOUND, DEMON BLOODLINE FOUND, SINNER NOIR STARDIA WILL BE JUDGED BY GODDESS!".]

[You were immediately transferred to a completely white space. In front of you, a woman with a crown was sitting. Judging from her aura, she was the goddess.]

["You are unworthy." She said while pointing at you. Immediately all your skills disappeared into nothingness. But some of the skills still remained with you. The skills you copied using your skill copy talent or plundered using sword of greed and sword of gluttony remained unaffected.]

[Goddess stood up after seeing this. Her face turned into a wide smile that made her look more like a devil than goddess.]

[You felt the danger and took out all you seven sins swords. With everything you could use in this world, you attacked the goddess but they all got repelled just by touching her skin. She started walking towards you with confident demeanor.]

[You knew that no matter how strong these basic sins were they can't rival a god but if you combine all of them, you can atleast defy the gods decision. You combined all the swords of sins and formed the sword of original sin.]

[With the sword of original sin, you rushed towards the goddess. You stabbed the sword towards her neck as she brought her finger towards your forehead.]

[Your sword stabbed through her neck and cut it off cleanly while her finger touched your forehead and blew your head into smittherins.]

[You were not yet dead but were about to die. The goddess walked back unfazed and sat back on her throne. Her neck didn't recover but you weren't able to kill her.]

[You died.]

[Simulation ends-]