
Animals of the Guardian

gaming_wolf · Others
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8 Chs

The lion’s thrown!

Zachariah and Dominic get in the car "let's pick up Ryan then we can go to where you last saw this lion" Dominic nods and they drive off to pick up Ryan. But when they get to Ryan's location they see two people beating up Ryan " I won't need any armor or weapons for this" Zachariah said while getting out of the car He goes up to the people and beats the living shit out of them Zachariah looks to Ryan "are you ok" Ryan gets up " yeah I am" Ryan said Zachariah looks at the car" you wanna come with me and Dominic on a road trip to find something I won't tell you what it is until you get there". Zachariah said Ryan nods and they both get into the car they drive into a mini desert near by "ok Dominic if that lion is anywhere it has to be here" Zachariah said "most likely" Dominic said while they all get out the car and start looking for a lion " why are we looking for a lion they don't even live near here". Ryan said " we will tell you when we find a lion" Zachariah said they continue searching until Zachariah hears something behind him and right when he turns around a lion tackles him the lion opens it's mouth until it see's a wolf running towards it "hey bud a little help". Zachariah yells to the wolf wait is that "is that it's you Galax" the lion said Zachariah looks at the lion "yup this is your lion Dominic and you never told me your name wolf I mean Galax " Zachariah said "I was going to tell you when I trusted you more" Galax said the lion walks. Up to Dominic " master fallow me to your powerful suit of armor and your almighty weapons" the lions said Dominic nods and fallows the lion to a giant tree with a bunch of lion statues in the middle of the tree is a gold door they both go inside and the lion sits down next to a thrown. But also on the thrown is a suit of gold armor and a gold spear "this is amazing" Dominic said with excitement the lion roars and the armor goes on him "this is awesome" Dominic said then he picks up the spear. They both started walking out they get back to Ryan and Zachariah "look at my great looking armor and my precious spear" Dominic said "Don't get ahead of yourself take that armor off then we will tell Ryan about everything" Zachariah said Dominic nods they get in the car and tells everything to Ryan "guys I have been seeing a glowing tiger from time to time" Ryan said Zachariah and Dominic look at each other "road trip but before that let's use these powers only for saving people"Zachariah said Dominic and Ryan look at Zachariah and nod.