
Animals of the Guardian

gaming_wolf · Others
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A flight of hell to the place that can help

They start to drive to the airport while blasting shattow flow gay remix "we are going to Brazil to find a rain forest" Ryan said they get to the airport and get in the plane some guy gets up "i have a bombe on this plane fly it into Las Vegas or else" the bomber said there's laughing in the back of the plane. "Haha this will be the last joke you hear before you die" Dominic said "you mean the last joke before you all die" the bomber said "no just you will die" Zachariah said while also laughing Dominic roars and. Zachariah howls and there armor teleports on them and there weapons "sheeesh we looking fresh" Dominic said Zachariah and Dominic give the bomber a Death Stare. Dominic held his spear and stabbed it through the bombers heart he did it so fast it looked like he teleported and then Zach does the same thing but takes his katana and slits the guys throat and then they threw the dead body out of the emergency door "that was exhilarating". Zachariah said while everyone else stares at Zachariah and Dominic but instead of freaking out they started clapping Zachariah and Dominic sit down in there chair "great armor return to your home". Zachariah and Dominic said they get off the plane to Brazil Ryan starts pointing them directions to where he feels a connection they get to a rain forest. "ok we are here now time to find ah tiger" Zachariah said as he heard a something in the trees "be quiet" Zachariah whispered the tiger pounces on Zachariah from the trees "why do they always have to land on me". Zachariah yells then Ryan comes up to the tiger "it's you if you catch me you are worthy" the tiger said then the tiger runs into the forest Ryan chases after the tiger.