
Animals of the Guardian

gaming_wolf · Others
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8 Chs

The elements

All of their helmets start glowing and Lapis's eyes start bleeding and she falls off the tree " what the fuck is happening" Ryan said then through the helmets they saw a big button that was glowing " hey let's focus on what our gear is doing it might be helping us" Dominic said while moving his hand to a holographic button they all push the button and they see a glowing arrow on the ground below the tree " I think it wants us to go to the arrows" Dominic said " no shit Sherlock" Zachariah said while getting ready to jump off the tree they all jump off the tree and go to the arrow. " Do you guys hear something" Dominic asked while looking around "there's something in the sky dumbass" Ryan said but then behind them sparks start to form and a portal appears " what the fuck is that" Zachariah asked " I don't know" Dominic said and then a kid walks out the portal wearing a wolf suit and having swords on his back " alright guys it's a kid no cussing" Zachariah said. They all nod as the kid walks towards them " who are you guys" the kid asked everyone looks at the kid " no who the heck are you" Zachariah said a explosion goes off "what's happening!" The kid said " the holocaust numbnuts" "you look 11" Ryan said the kid looks up " hey what is that" the kid said while pointing up the all look up and see a dark figure Henri flys up " it looks like Drax" Henri said while aiming his bow at Drax " hey kid cover your eyes" Henri said the kid nods and covers his eyes Henri shoots Drax in the head and blood goes everywhere but most Drax falls " well that was easy I thought he would actually be tuff to kill" Henri said and then a giant black figure comes out of Drax's body then they hear a howl far in the distance and the ground slowly starts to shake a giant wolf jumps over Zachariah and stops. " Get on!" The wolf said " how can you even talk" Zachariah asked " no time to explain just get on" the wolf said they got on a the wolves back and even the kid and the wolf runs into a forest " alright kid how did you get here also what is your name" Ryan asked the kid looks around " I went into what I think is a portal going into another dimension witch is that s dimension and where I come from I'm actually a superhero and I have a team my superhero name is Wolf noir but my real name is Zachariah also to let me transform into my. suit with weapons I have a Kwami it is basically a magical been based on a creature and mine is a wolf and his name is Galax" wolf noir said " just call me Wolf noir" wolf noir said " well my name is Zachariah to but this armor is from a ancient group called the Guardians and this armor used to be theirs same with my other partners like the one in the lion armor with the spear his name is Dominic. And the one in the tiger armor is Ryan he can make any weapon he imagines and I don't know if you saw but that girl that fell off and probably died her name was lapis but we have our reasons to not be sad about her death" Zachariah said. " In my dimension I have a friend named Dominic and he has a lion suit but I need to get back to my reality" wolf noir said " when we kill Drax then we will help you" Zachariah said " I forgot the Guardians have elemental powers mine should be earth mixed with air so if I just… " Zachariah said while raising his hands " I should be able to put rock armor on this wolf" Zachariah said " I think mine is pure air" Henri said "mine should be fire" Dominic said " mine should be earth wait why do you have two elemental powers yet Zach" Ryan said " are you talking about me" wolf noir said " no the one from this dimension" Ryan said " I don't know" Zachariah said Zachariah jumps into the air and points his

Finger at the giant wolf every one is on and rock armor starts to form on the giant wolf from the feet up and seats start to form on the giant wolves back Zachariah lands back on the giant wolf and looks around " that was was awesome" Zachariah said with a smirk on his face. In the distance they see a giant lion,giant eagle and a giant tiger " you guys get on your ride" Zachariah said Dominic jumps off the giant wolf and goes onto his giant lion the lion roars and the lion glows with fire covering its whole body when Ryan got on his giant tiger the tiger turned into stone and it had vines and moss on it but it still moved and was still fast agile and flexible when Henri got on his eagle the eagle launched up into the air and remained stationary the eagle got odd symbols and marks on it it's feathers became sharp and it's wings were now a deadly weapon all the animals started going towards the giant black figure " let's kill him once and for all" the wolf said and Zachariah,wolf noir,Dominic and Henri got their weapon from their back and Ryan got a mid evil sword as his weapon they all charged to the giant black figure!