
Animals of the Guardian

gaming_wolf · Others
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8 Chs

Air show

Henri wakes up and looks at Zachariah " what do you have on" Henri said then suddenly they teleport on top of a big tree before Zachariah could answer " uh I'll tell you that later right now we have another problem" Zachariah said Henri looks on a branch and sees a glowing white eagle " why are we on top of a tree" Ryan said while climbing to the top of the tree. But then suddenly everyone's powers stop working and Ryan slips off the tree and starts falling Zachariah tried to jump after him but when he did his powers stopped working and there armor came off " what the fuck is happening" Ryan said and Zachariah points up " is that a angel well that's how I know where going to die" Zachariah said. But the glowing flying creature speeds up and it's shape changes to a human but with wings the creature grabbed Zachariah and Ryan but when they looked at the creature they saw Henri in white and yellow glowing armor with wings " well that was fast but if it's the power of a bird then why was Drax so scared of it it just doesn't make sense" Zachariah said while looking in the sky. Henri puts Zachariah and Ryan down and there powers start working again Henri looks up and a bow appears in his hand he shoots the bow but it left a trail of lightning " now I can see why Drax was scared of it" Dominic said but then a yell comes from the forest and it sounded like Drax but the yell was in the direction where thunder struck on the exact place. " that is to overpowered like at this point us fighting him Isn't even fair" Henri said Henri looks at his bow and holds it up " there seems to be a charge meter and when it's full I'm guessing that's how I shot that arrow like that but im gonna try shooting a arrow while the meter is down" Henri said while aiming the bow at a tree. Henri shoots out the arrow but it goes straight down everyone in the distance starts laughing Henri flys up " Ryan and Zachariah get on my back I'm gonna pay Drax a visit" Henri said Ryan and Zachariah nod while jumping on Henri's back Henri flys to where the lighting struck and he saw Drax laying on the floor Zachariah grabs his swords and is about to kill Drax but then a glowing saber tooth pounces on him " it's the same one from the hockey game!" Zachariah said. The saber tooth bites off Zachariah's armor but then Ryan comes in with his claws out and jumps on the saber tooth's back while forming a chain blade in his hand Henri flys up and the two large boxes appear on his wings they seem to be made out of the same material of his wings and inside those boxes are arrows " my eyes I think I can see oh hold on let me try something" Henri said then Henri flys up and nose dives down fast but the boxes are rapidly shooting arrows at Drax and the saber tooth the saber tooth limps over to Drax and teleport to a unknown place Henri lands on the ground and flys Zachariah and Henri back onto the big tree " I think I'm gonna call that move motor arrow" Henri said he lands on top of the tree and looks in the distance and there is a big explosion Dominic looks at the explosion " it's begun" Dominic said while laughing and crying Henri looks at Dominic " what's begun!" Henri said Dominic looks at Henri " the next Holocaust created by Drax that fucker!" Zachariah said with rage and then it goes black.