
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Curse of Wisdom

" Grandpa , What the hell are we even doing here " asked Kanako

" What? Why you asked such a silly question " replied Gorosuke with affirmation

" Hiroshi and Mimiko with Master Gor are fighting Flit , while Aruma Sensei , Kazuki , Hiro , Ryo and Jetchi are fighting Rhy and Tum " said Kanako

" And ?? " asked Gorosuke

" So what the hell are we doing at the school , you said me to follow you , so i didn't followed Aruma sensei. I thought you will let me fight with my Animal spirit but you brought me here , so i missed anything that was going to happen at the festival ground " said Kanako as she turned her face away.

" You can do both , but do you know how are we gonna defeat someone who's attack aren't visible to us at all? " said Gorosuke

" Yeah.... We'll punch them and suplex them and stab them " said Kanako as she clenched her fist

" See , this is why you are here and not fighting " said Gorosuke as he moved room to room looking for things

" Ah ha , This is the scroll " said Gorosuke as snapped his fingers

" What's in this " asked Kanako

" This the encyclopedia of every general of Dai-shi , It was recently updated after Kuroshi and Gor's son introduction. We need to use this to counter Rhy and Tum " said Gorosuke

" Also it has the location for the 7 weapons lost in time that were used to defeat certain demons and how to find them " he added

" Like the sword Yuzi gave to Hiro " said Kanako

" Yes , it's like that , but that was just the tip of the iceberg. We are done here , they need our help " said Gorosuke

" Grandpa wait...You just ran here to get this scroll ?? " said Kanako angrily

" No , We need to get to Yuzi as well " said Gorosuke as he grabbed Kanako wrist and ran. Kanako looked around and saw a light coming from Hiroshi's room.

" Grandpa wait " said Kanako

" There's something in Hiroshi's room " she added

" What? " asked Gorosuke

Kanako steadily opened the door and saw Hiroshi phone ringing.

" What's that " asked Kanako

" I think it's a modern phone " said Gorosuke

" Not the wire one ? " asked Kanako



" That box just spoke " said Kanako

" We got no time for this " said Gorosuke

" We must hurry " Gorosuke added

Kanako nodded as they both exited the premises and came at a T point.

" Well shit" said Kanako as she sighed

" What ?? " asked Gorosuke

" One way leads to The Hall and one to the Festival ground...Where we go first? " asked Kanako as she pointed in both direction.

" May I be of some help " a voice murmured.

" Who's there " asked Gorosuke as he took a fighting stance

An Old lady carrying a lantern emerged from the bushes.

" Yuzi!! " said Gorosuke

" What are you doing here Grandma " asked Kanako

" I was visiting the Graveyard you know , the place where My loved ones were buried " said Yuzi

" Where you guy's heading at " asked Yuzi

" You see , Rhy and Tum attacked the Festival and something mutated and attacked The Hall , we are divided and don't know what to do " said Kanako

" Divide and Fight? Demons always exploits one vulnerability. You guys have grown individually but not as a team. I told you all to work together. Today your grandpa and other Masters may save you , but the time you all will be alone and vulnerable , you will suffer and you will pay at a very very high cost " said Yuzi

" I have this, this might help you " she added as she opened the basket bag behind her back.

" The Demonica " said Yuzi as she handed the box to Kanako

" Trust your heart and you must think what to do " said Yuzi as she grabbed Gorosuke's hand.

" Yes , Thank you " said Gorosuke

" Best of Luck " she added

" Thank you " Gorosuke and Kanako said together.

" Come Let's Go " said Gorosuke as he started to sprint

Kanako slowly and steadily caught up to him.

" Grandpa , about the masters " said Kanako

" Who really are you " asked Gorosuke

" I can't really tell you that now " answered Gorosuke

" It's a long story but I can assure you that as the righ time approaches , you all shall reach your destiny as well. I am cursed with the knowledge of seeing the Past , The Present and The Future " said Gorosuke

" How's that a Curse " asked Kanako

" I can't tell my close one what happened or What will happen in the coming future. If I will , like I did 30 years ago , Destiny of one individual will change entirely " said Gorosuke

" Wait how's that even possible " asked Kanako

" Let's us assume that you are a scientist who has a meeting with the council of your esteemed organization. A man/woman who will give a you an laboratory internship to experiment on your research and you create a cure. You will find him only if you miss the bus to the meeting. You are running late for the bus and I told you beforehand that you will miss the train. There is chance that since you never got late for the train , you will never meet that person. Since you never met him , you never got a laboratory to work in , thus no cure to the disease " said Gorosuke

" So like , If I know that saving a man will cause death of 100 people , and I didn't save that man , those 100 people will not die ? " asked Kanako

" Those 100 people are destined to die , they won't die by the way they were supposed to. You may change the action and catalyst but the reaction will be same to a degree " said Gorosuke

" I understood nothing " said Kanako

" I am a Master and I have 2 other team as well , The Iron fist and The Celestial Guardians " said Gorosuke

" What?? " said Kanako

" You hear that ? " asked Gorosuke

A low vibration of Zither was heard from the dead silent forest. The sound grew louder as Gorosuke and Kanako reached the premises.

" We are getting closer " said Gorosuke as they entered the deep forest.