
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 46 :- Fingers forms Fist

" Dear Children , the answer to your question is infront of you all " said Kirin

" Daikokuten sama chose you to be the body in which we will be reincarnated , he must have thought were carefully and chosen you all to be the part of the prophecy" said Pin

" You all are weak individually but together you all are strong enough to even make Daishi stumble but not upto to the point where you all can defeat him " said Toraje

" You must work together meow like fingers are weak individually but together they form a fist meow and a fist does more damage than a finger does meow " said Neko

" I think it's the time we grant you all your nature elements" said Toraje

" Nature elements " asked everyone together

" You see , long time ago when Gorosuke was still a kid his parents died protecting him from the attacks of the demon. In order to protect the human kind from Demons , Daikokuten summoned Bodhirama , a saint from India who travelled to China and spread the martial arts around the globe. From his blessings , Human's were able to summon a will power strong enough to take a form of animals that protected them hence the name :- "Guardian spirits" said Kirin

" Lord Shara adopted Gorosuke and trained him and the people of the village to fight the demon and wild animals attacking them. Gorosuke grew up to be a fine young man and was married to the Ancestor of Nohara clan who were also called as the Ninja clan , mastering the nature elements being the :- Water , Fire , Earth , Wind and Lighting" said Pin

" Using the emotion spectrum , Gorosuke was the first human to establish a bond with his animal spirit meow and nature spirit thus making the first Guardian spirit meow to have a elemental nature control" said Neko

" Ultimately the technique vanished over the year but the only one that still knew about it were , Gorosuke , Sage Shara and us. Today we are honoured to help you unlock your potential Elements but" said Toraje as he took a break

" But what , Toraje sama " asked Hiroshi

" But the techniques and power limits from person to person" said Pin

" It means that it's strength will be based on our strength and the moves will be based on our skills " sais Mimiko

" Meow , you are so smart meow " said Neko

" Please Stand infront of us and we shall guide you to your elements" said Toraje

Everyone stood infront of their respective Animal Spirits.

" Ah Hiroshi , gentle , caring and a responsible older brother. You are strong and bolt, fast thinking but couldn't control your emotions under pressure. Emotion is your biggest weakness and your biggest strength as well. You show what you are and appear before someone as a protector. You have the element power of Lightning" said Toraje

Hiroshi body felt few sparks as a gold and blue aura circled Hiroshi and entered his body

" Mimiko , meow you are calm and subtle like a lake. Your mind stays stable and logical even under huge pressure , you are streamline and violent at a same time like a waterfall meow. You do what you want and tries to take everyone with you like an ocean meow. You have the element power of :- Water " said Neko

" Hard on the outside , soft on the inside , you live to protect and live to take. You are capable of controlling your emotions but nor to the fullest potential. You have the power to save people and you also stay strong even in the worst time sometimes bringing you more and more danger. You have the element power of :- Earth" said Kirin

" Look Ryo I will be pretty straight forward , I am a bird ok , I fly , so what your element be " asked Pin

" Wind " said Ryo awkwardly

" Yes you have the element of wind " said Pin

" He is a such a mood killer meow " purred Neko

" So will it help us fight the demons " asked Kazuki

" Yes to some extent " said Toraje

" Ok so can you answer some of our questions " asked Hiroshi

" Some yes , all no " said Kirin

" Who's the old couple and where they are " asked Mimiko

" Sorry can't tell " said Kirin

" Can we beat Daishi " asked Hiroshi

" Yes but not now " said Toraje

" Who is our ancestor how are , what's our past " asked Ryo

" We can't tell but that someone will surely in the future" said Pin

" Can you atleast revive some of the villagers so they can help us fight " asked Hiroshi

" No , but we can heal the one injured or poisoned meow " said Neko

" Can you " asked Hiroshi

" Yes " said Toraje

" Everyone please stand still " said Kirin

All the guardian spirits started to float and rise above into the skies. They all moved so fast and swiftly that it appeared that they were merging. They formed a huge golden and blue mini tornado. The tornado stopped with the air dispersing all over the village. The damaged village stared to turn into its original form. The withered flowers and crop rose up once again. The poisoned water turned into health potion and the people who were injured at the school were all healed up. Everyone gazed around themselves and couldn't believe what they saw.

" Thank you , how can we repay you " asked Mimiko

" Stay strong together and work as one and you all will be able to take out any difficulty in your life. We must go now my children" said Kirin as she disappeared in thin air

" Remember finger forms Fist meow " said Neko as she also disappeared

" Ryo , just just eat something good like fish and things I haven't eaten a bass in like weeks " said Pin

" Hiroshi , don't look for Hiro he is safe and will find you when the time is near , god bless you , good luck " said Toraje as he disappeared.

" Wow , that was a mesmerizing memory " said Mimiko

" I think our 50 percent problem is left " said Ryo

" Kazuki for once just stop being arrogant and work together as one " said Hiroshi

" No I won't " said Kazuki as he rushed toward the school.

" Kazuki!!" shouted Hiroshi

Everyone started to run after Kazuki to the school as the sun set. Able jumped on the ground and took a deep breath

" That was close , now it's my turn just 16 hours to go " said Able