
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 45 :- Summon the will

" What serves you , saving a demon while he and his kind killed the people of our village" said Kazuki and he backflips and lands straight

" He is on our side , and he isn't a demon " said Hiroshi

" All demons do is kill and betray , he will too " said Kazuki

" No I won't " said Flit as he took a big gulp and started to sweat

" Listen here you piece of crap , if you get on my nerve , I am gonna fucking kill you , you understand that " said Kazuki

" STOP IT "!! shouted Mimiko

" Huh " said Hiroshi

" We have been through a lot already , please for god sakes don't fight we are already weak and we can't do anything. The demons will attack the village in few hours how are we gonna protect our village we can't do anything" said Mimiko as she started to tear up

" Mimiko " said Ryo

" What can we do " asked Kazuki

" What " asked Hiroshi

" We are weak , we can't even save a village , I am weak a man died in my laps , and I couldn't do anything but watch , is that worth the trouble for you. Everyone is in grief for someone's lose , grandpa is injured , lot of people are dead , the monks are busy in healing the injured. We are weak both morally and physically. They were in hundreds , and tomorrow they might come in thousands what we will do then? Can we fight huh , can you fight, now it's village soon it will be the whole world. Daishi and his punks will kill us all we all will die " said Kazuki as his voice became louder and louder

" I don't know" Hiroshi mumbled

" What " shouted Kazuki

" I DON'T KNOW " shouted Hiroshi

" Guys guys c'mon , we need to stay strong" said Ryo

" Where's that old couple and Hiro" asked Mimiko

" Hiro went to the village , he can be anywhere here but I haven't seen the old couple" said Ryo

" Something isn't right guys " said Mimiko

" Huh how " asked Kazuki

" Can't you see , the old couple disappeared as soon as we reached the school , we don't where Hiro is and all this happened while we were gone I mean , when Enzo attacked , he openly damaged and tried killed everyone , If it was a planned attack they could have attacked the day we left not the day before we were arriving here. Also they could have also finished us the moment we were on our train journey " said Mimiko

" I think you are right , I mean we were meant to kill the demons and get the elixir of rejuvenation but it was at our doorstep before we even did anything " said Ryo

" If all that connects it means that they must have attacked us while we were on our way back but I don't remember any demon attacking us " said Hiroshi

" Something is off and I can't get what is , think Kazuki think " said Kazuki as he started to punch his head.

" I think we should go back to school and get ready for what's to come , it's all confusing " said Mimiko

" Flit , Kazuki , Mimiko and Ryo head back to the school , I will go find Hiro " said Hiroshi

" Aaaahhh ahhh " shouted Flit as he collapsed on the floor

" What happened Flit " asked Ryo

" This must be the curse " said Hiroshi

" I think I need to go back " said Flit

" Will we meet again " asked Hiroshi

" I don't know , Hiroshi , you believed in me when no one did , aaaahh , I can't do anything more but I.... I wish you luck my friend...aaahh please take care and ....aaaahh I think I will see you soon " said Flit as he disappeared in thin air

" Well that's another loss , what could we do " asked Hiroshi

" Wait a minute... Everyone summon your animal spirits " said Ryo

" Huh?? What will that do " asked Kazuki

" Don't you see , they are the supreme entity of the heaven. If they don't know anything about it then who will " said Ryo

" I think he is right guys summon your animal spirit" said Hiroshi

Hiroshi, Kazuki , Ryo and Mimiko took a stance and summoned their respective animl spirits

" Animal fury , Spirit unleashed" they all shouted together

Toraje , Kirin , Neko and Pin summoned infront of Hiroshi , Kazuki , Mimiko and Ryo respectively.

" Ahh I am so proud of you meow , thinking logically and analytically in such time " said Neko

" Oh sweet heaven , is that you Neko

" Oh supreme lord Toraje , it's been a Millennial since we meet together " said Neko as she bowed down

" Aaaah such a long time since I meet you both " said Kirin

" Pin look at you , haven't changed a bit in 300 hundred years " said Kirin

" So nice meeting you all again " said Toraje as he smiled

Hiroshi and Mimiko face turned blank as they saw all the guardian spirits talking and greeting each other

" Ummm respected Guardian of the heavens " said Ryo

" Aah sorry actually we were meeting after a long time so we forgot what was the reason you summoned us " said Pin

" Oh supreme spirits we are in trouble what do we , you all must know what is going on and what we can do about it " said Hiroshi

" We know , and we are willing to help but we can't explain you the things that are going on and it's consequences" said Toraje

" It's forbidden to reveal what the sister of heavens and Benzaiten have woven in the spindle of time but we can help you whenever the time is near " said Pin

" We can't explain meow what will happen but we can help you deal with the things in present meow " said Neko

" This is your journey and you must chose the right path. There are 2 decisions good or bad but the difficult thing is to choose the right path " said Kirin