
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 44 :- Together as one

" What power " asked Kazuki

" You see my dear child , I was not only the guard of the heaven but the protector of the spectrum of emotions as well. You were capable enough to unlock the 4 spectrum of emotions being , Anger , Surprise , Contempt and the Disgust. However you were lacking 3 main emotions that balances the spectrum being:-

Happiness , Sadness and Guilt " said Kirin.

" How the hell I unlocked it now " asked Kazuki

" I think you know the answer better than me " said Kirin

" I have known you even before you were born , I want you to think deeply about how you unlocked the two remaining emotions and maybe the answer is around your back literally" added Kirin

" My back??? Huh , the baby " said Kazuki

" The baby's father died in your lap, not only you were sad but the death of the father of the baby also had a guilt in your mind that if you were here you could have saved him. The baby smiled sparked a volt of joy in your heart that cause a little happiness" said Kirin

" What..woah..yes about that " said Kazuki

" Is there anything I can help you with" asked Kirin

" Will I be the strongest of all " asked Kazuki

" Together yes , alone no " said Kirin

" I didn't get it " said Kazuki

" For now I want you to go the village doctor house " said Kazuki

" Oh you mean that wizard , Jarrod " said Kazuki

" Yes " said Kirin as she disappeared and her particles entered Kazuki.

" Let's go buddy , I will call you .... Lilly " said Kazuki as he started to move to the village.

Meanwhile Hiroshi and Mimiko entered the village and saw signs of destructions , everywhere they went. Ryo and Flit followed up and saw a building completely demolished however one of the entrance was unharmed.

" Huh that's weird" said Ryo as he knocked the entrance

The entrance frame fall down revealing a bunker. It was a square box which was big enough to fit a man inside of it. Ryo kicked it and it's door opened.

" Are the demons gone" said the man

" Wow Jarrod , nice place to hide " said Ryo

Mimiko and Hiroshi rushed at Ryo

"I think I heard a loud noise" said Mimiko

" Hey Mimiko" said Jarrod

" Oh hi , Jarrod " said Mimiko

" Jarrod meet Hirsohi , Hirsohi-kun meet Jarrod" said Mimiko

Jarrod was a 26 year old man , he was 6 feet tall and has a muscular body contrary to his appearance he was nor a fighter neither a bodybuilder but a scientist. He spent all of his day and night researching on different plants and animals. He had long black hair and wore black leather overcoat, his pant was covered in mud and he also wore a long black boot. His goggles were classic comic goggles with circular and spiral pattern in between.It was thick and Jarrod was consciously moving and fixing the position of his glasses while standing up and clearing the mud on his pants.

" Nice to meet you Jarrod " said Hiroshi

" Yeah I am fine thanks for asking , by the way , I found a way from which , we can cure the poisoning of ivy but it may took time " said Jarrod

" Ooh ok but are you fine what were you doing inside it " asked Mimiko

" When the demons first attacked they destroyed my lab and I thought that if I will survive and my lab won't, there would be a slight change that I can recreate my laboratory from scratch again but if I am not able to survive the laboratory would not be resurrected so I hid inside a bunker basically a time capsule but it acted as a bunker and protected me from the demons attack. When the monks came to me for testing the cause of the massacre I conducted my experiment and hid again inside the bunker because it's precaution is better than cure and wait a minute...." said Jarrod as he took a pause

" IS THAT A DEMON...!!!!!" shouted Jarrod as he hid inside the bunker again

" Yeah he is but he is safe and is on our side " said Hiroshi

" My name is Flit nice to meet you" said Flit

" Oh ok then well we must head for the school because I must check whether my antitoxin is working or not " said Jarrod

" Hey!!!!!!" Kazuki shouted

" What you guys are doing here " said Kazuki as he was coming towards Ryo and Flit from a distance..

Kazuki blinked 2 3 times and glanced at Flit. Kazuki driven by rage , started to charge up his animal spirit as his face turned red. He jumped and rushed towards Flit.

Ryo , Mimiko and Flit face turned blue 😱 in horror as they saw Kazuki coming towards them

" I think I must leave " said Ryo as he took a step back

" Good luck Flit " said Mimiko as she gave a awkward smile to Flit

" I AM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU " shouted Kazuki

" Oh you motherff.." said Ryo as he closed his eyes accepting his fate

Flit blinked 2 3 times and started to touch his body

" Hey... Hey omg I am not dead how the hell " said Flit as he started to laugh and cry at the same time

Kazuki widened his eyes as his kick was stopped by Hiroshi

Hiroshi was standing in front of Flit with his arms crossed ⚔️ like a sword stance.The impact was absorbed by Hiroshi as he stood tall. Kazuki and Hiroshi locked on into each other eyes