
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 36 :- The one who look upon us

Hiroshi and Hiro went to the door to see , what was the source of the sound. When they opened the door , there was nothing but a box which said :- " Gorosuke's Sake ".

" Hey , is that the thing " asked Hiro

" Maybe , but it can be dangerous , I mean over the past few months , every thing is suspicious and we can't trust anyone " said Hiroshi.

" What should we do " asked Hiro

" I don't know " said Hiroshi as they both started to think.

" What can I do for you fine gentleman " said the old man

Hiroshi and Hiro got scared and Hiro jumped on Hiroshi.

" What the hell , grandpa , atleast warn us before you speak " said Hiroshi

" I am telling you he is a ghost , we couldn't even hear his footsteps" said Hiro

" Mind me if I scared you both , is there anything that is bothering you " asked the old man.

" Yes , grandpa , this box is kinda suspicious , and I don't trust it " said Hiroshi

" Do you trust it Hiro" asked the old man ,

" No but what could possibly go wrong " said Hiro as he looked puzzled

" Best outcomes are stirred when discussed" said the old woman.

Hiroshi and Hiro were scared again and this time their faces turned blue.

" This place is haunted " said Hiro as he started to cry and his adrenaline pumped.

" Sorry to scare you my child , but I heard what you said , and I think you 7 might be able to decide how to and why to open this box" said the old woman.

" Yeah , maybe you are right grandma " said Hiroshi.

Hiroshi , Hiro and the old couple went inside the house. They went into the porch where everyone was getting ready for thr travel to the mountain. Hiroshi cleared his throat and said :- " Mission abort , we got what we want "

" What , so what about the time and money we wasted " said Kazuki

" It's here , but I am not sure if it's safe to open it or not " said Hiroshi

" So should we open it " asked Kanako

" Idk , let's ask the brain of the team " said Kazuki as he grunted.

Ryo and Jetchi were meditating on the porch.

Everyone started to stare them and they were still meditating. They eventually opened their eyes and saw that everyone was starting at them , which startled them. Ryo stood up and said :- " Are you crazy or what "

" Did you heard what we just said " asked Kanako.

" No , when you go in meditation you forgot everything right Jetchi " said Ryo

" Jetchi " enquired Ryo.

" Yes , yes ,yes , I am awake " said Jetchi

" You were sleeping , weren't you " enquired Kanako

" No , no " said Jetchi

" Yes , yes " said Kazuki.

" Guys stop it , let's get back to the main reason we were here " said Mimiko

" Thank you " said Hiroshi

" Now , the question is , we just received a box which says Gorosuke sake , which means we have the thing we came looking for , but Hiro is suspicious about it and maybe this is just a goof or a trap " said Hiroshi

" So , we have decided that we will be deciding this by a mutual vote of 9 and majority will win " said Hiro

" Maybe Ryo and Jetchi can help us they are the brain afterall " said Kazuki

" We , can but we still can't see through things what are we X rays? no no we can sense aura of living things but we can't sense for a non living thing" said Ryo.

" So now pls raise in the favour of opening the box " asked Hiro

Kanako Kazuki Hiro and Ryo were in favour to open to box

" Ok , now pls raise hands in the favour to not open the box " said Hiroshi

Hiroshi , Mimiko , Jetchi and the old woman were in favour of opening the box

The old man didn't raised his hand.

" Hey , grandpa why aren't you voting " asked Jetchi

" Because , I am confused whether I should say to open it , my vote can decide your future and past I mean , it can change you all , what if it is a trap that might get you all in trouble only because I made the vote to open the box , or what if that it's safe and nothing happens but chance of that occuring is also a 50 percent" said the old man

" I say we shall open it " said Kazuki as he opened the box

" No wait , No Kazuki " shouted Hiroshi and Mimiko as they rushed to grab him.

Kazuki opened the box and it was normal , it had a bottle of sake that was filled with fluid and was covered in ancient mantra.

" Ok well that was anti climatic" said Hiro

" So , does it mean that all of the time we wasted coming here was for nothing" said Mimiko

" Maybe yes , but the point is we got what we wanted " said Hiroshi

" You know that money was precious and must be saved " said Mimiko

" Yes , I know but " said Hiroshi

" No but or wut , this money is important save it and keep it " said Mimiko

" Ah look at you two , like a lovely couple " said The old woman

" There's nothing like it " said Hiroshi

" Yeah , yeah I mean no it's not " said Mimiko as she blushed.

Both and Mimiko and Hiroshi in their mind said :- " Well that's isn't wrong we do make a couple ".

" So the adventure was all vain " asked Kanako

" Maybe the trip was to bring two or three people together , maybe the trip was for one to get to know about their powers , maybe it was our fate that we met and it was our fate that you were safe and sound and didn't get injured and still got the sake " said the old man

" Or it could be an introduction of a character yet to be introduced to you all , so the writer did all the job for you so that you can proceed to the next arc and this was meant to be your task but the other character development was important so he cutt you out because you are about to be a part of a big and major fight in novel " said the old woman

" Whattttt!!????" said everyone