
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 35 :- Unexpected alliance

That figure ran into the forest , deep inside it and started to climb the mountain. His eyes were shining as it was the only thing visible from the Tengu mask 👺 covering his face.

He was acing the mountain as it was a hill, running from trees to trees like he was walking on the plains , effortlessly without breaking a sweat. He was wearing a robe similar to Goki and Kuroshi hood. He kept running until he reached a temple. It was completely destroyed and reduced to Shrine.

The wreckage of the temple was visible around it. The pillars and the stone were broken while the other statues were destroyed. The figure rushed in as he saw a mark on the shrine , which marked the exact location on which he was standing. He sighed and started to dig. He heard a big thud in the ground and an iron box was revealed. He started to clean it and was about to open it. As he was trying to open it , a spear went right through his cheek , slashing the Tengu mask.

" Dude , what the hell " said the figure

A huge demon , with a face of a human but the body of gorilla and the had small wings at his back was standing behind him with a lot of other minions.

" This is my place and you ain't leaving with that sake " said The monster

" Who are you " asked the figure

" That's not important , just give it back or you will die " said The monster

" Ok I guess you left me no choice" said the figure as he grabbed his weapons attached to his back.

The weapon was a like a snake hook and it represented the climbing kit of climber with grips. The Figure clenched it and said :-

" Let's go " as he rushed at the monster's.

The monster took a stance and blinked his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes , all the minions were dead , slashed like an animal or beast killed them. The figure was sitting on a tree behind the monster.

" How the fuck , you did that " asked the monster.

" You wanna check your back " said the figure

" Wait .... what ahhhhhhhh....hahaaaaaaa..." said The monster as he started to cry in pain.

The figure slashed his wings with his weapon and was holding them.

" Wait , we protecting this sake , pls listen " said The monster.

" Oh really , you know I saw many human skulls in the way and they looked fresh " said the figure

" Wait , I killed them but didn't ate them please listen " said The monster

" Sorry buddy , your time is up " said The figure as he slashed the monster head off and ripped the soul core of him.

" You bitch..." said the Monster as he crumbled into dust.

" Now task two " said The figure as he wiped blood off his weapon.

He took the sake bottle and rushed at down the mountain. As he was ascending the mountain , the scenario changed and the mountain retained its fertility , the tree grew again , flowers bloomed and the birds returned to the trees.

" Well , that's a change I wanted to see " said the figure as he was ascending the mountain.

Meanwhile , Hiro and Hiroshi were getting ready for dinner , when they heard a knock at the door.