
Animalium~ Portal of Greed

The story is about a world of magic. Jhonatan is born into this world, but is soon kidnapped. You read the story as he returns to the world of Animalium after 10 years. Here, he must grow stronger to fight against the demons. He first attends school, where he is placed in the lower classes. There he makes two friends, Flinn and Jace, together they embark on a journey to battle a demon. They are aided by their teacher. Additionally, there are other individuals who help in defeating the evil. Also don't forget why you're doing it and know who you can trust!

StoriesBP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

~Jhonatan's past

(Pov Narrator)

In the early morning, the students awaken to the gentle sound of rain. Confused, they look at each other, the scent of wet earth mingling with the fresh forest air. The group gathers around the smoldering campfire, which has endured the night. Raindrops tap softly on the leaves in the forest and an eerie silence envelops the campfire. In their eyes, you can see the memories of a important event. They know it's reality, but together, they find the strength to move forward.

After a while, Flinn notices that Winston is still nowhere to be found. Jhonatan is also absent from the campfire. Next to the campfire lie the found mushrooms and berries. No one wants to eat from the collection, because they lack knowledge about it. Laura, a girl from Flinn's group, suggests merging and appointing Flinn as the leader. "Winston is still missing, so it's good to establish one leader."

A heated discussion ensues between the two groups. Nigel and the girls don't want Flinn to take the lead. This needs to be discussed fairly, considering who knows the most about surviving in the wilderness. Just as the debate is escalating, Jhonatan rejoins the group. He has been searching for animal tracks. Although Winston mentioned no animals are in the vicinity, Jhonatan checked everything to be sure. It turns out to be a good call, as deep in the forest, wolf tracks are present.

"Jhonatan, you know the most about nature, so I think it's better if you take the lead." Laura looks surprised at Flinn and asks why he doesn't take charge, considering he managed to purify the water. It is revealed that Flinn learned this skill from Jhonatan. Shortly after, an awkward silence falls over the group, like a blanket of misunderstanding. The proud faces of Flinn's group turn into bewildered looks and furrowed brows. Everyone feels the change in the atmosphere, but no one dares to discuss the topic further.

Jhonatan's group searches for the right words to clarify the situation. With a genuine smile and a hint of humor, Flinn says that it's decided that Jhonatan will take the lead. What the group doesn't know is that Winston is keeping an eye on things from a distance through a mana orb. After speaking with Leah, he had to leave the students alone. If they can endure these upcoming days by working together effectively, they all deserve a Separation point.

On the first day, Jhonatan distinguishes between poisonous and non-poisonous food. Most students have only eaten a bit of fish, so there is a need for a substantial amount of food. Fortunately, Jhonatan has enough survival knowledge. They were initially skeptical, but soon their doubts were proven wrong.

A clear division of roles emerges within the group. One subgroup catches fish, another gathers dry branches, some purify water and others reinforce the sleeping areas. Jhonatan focuses on collecting berries and mushrooms.

So, the first independent day passes quickly. Everyone is asleep, except for Jhonatan and Flinn. They discuss that there must be a reason why they have been left to their own devices. It's possible to follow the footsteps and return to school. However, after discussing this as a group, they decide it's likely a test. The students have agreed to finish the week, and if they are not picked up on day seven, they will return to school.

Flinn looks at Jhonatan with genuine curiosity. He continues to be amazed by Jhonatan's knowledge. Turning to Jhonatan, Flinn observes his posture closely. "Jhonatan," Flinn begins cautiously, "How did you acquire all this knowledge? It must have taken years to be able to implement everything practically." Jhonatan smiles and his eyes sparkle with a touch of mystery.

"It's amazing how much you can learn when you take the time. It's not just about surviving in this nature; we're expected to develop in all circumstances. I know a forest where the boundary between worlds is thin." Flinn looks at him with unbelieving eyes, but sparks of curiosity radiate from him. This is precisely what he expected because Jhonatan is much wiser than the rest.

"From the age of twelve, I found myself in an overwhelming situation where I mostly had to take care of myself. I was saved by a group that is very dear to me. They helped me learn about nature and as you've seen, certain spells too." With a thoughtful gaze, Flinn leans back and looks at the stars. "That must have been a very exhausting period. Later, I'd like to hear the whole story." Flinn says with a smile.

Jhonatan stands up and walks to his sleeping place. Flinn remains seated for a while, enjoying the warmth emanating from the fire.


(Pov Winston)

I walk out of Leah's office toward my room. The door swings open and the sound of the impact resonates through the room. The wall vibrates from the force with which I opened the door. My thoughts, like hunted thunderclouds, gather above my head. The room feels small and my hands clench into fists. The storm in my head erupts and the words, like lightning flashes, shoot out of my mouth filled with unprecedented intensity. The items in my room fly through space.

I know Leah doesn't blame me, as this isn't the first time a student has died this way. But experiencing it for the first time leaves a deep impression on me. Surrounded by the wreckage of my outburst, I look at the shards of the irretrievable moment. Slowly, I sink onto the edge of my bed and a deep silence follows, like the calm after a violent storm.

Ultimately, I chose this profession myself. I want to give all students a fair chance to develop. That's why I didn't make an effort to mentor a higher class. I know my family expects me to build connections with the future important generation. It's more valuable to me to give the lower class a fair chance. Technically, I shouldn't even be teaching them; however, it's crucial to encourage this group. When I think about fairness, I don't see it reflected in this world. The rich and the people with status have all the say. In a world where I believe talent should matter, it seems they want to suppress the average citizens. It's as if they are afraid of change that will come.

Reflecting on Jhonatan's question, he was right. I, too, went along too much with the ideas of other teachers. Lower class students are left to their own devices and that was considered normal. In the previous years, I've been lax and until today, I never really thought about it. Why does something always have to happen before we take action? But I am also very guilty of going along with the behavior of others.

Leah has given me the task of observing Flinn and Jhonatan. It has become clear that these two individuals stand out far above the rest. I will observe through the mana orb how the students endure their days.