
Animalium~ Portal of Greed

The story is about a world of magic. Jhonatan is born into this world, but is soon kidnapped. You read the story as he returns to the world of Animalium after 10 years. Here, he must grow stronger to fight against the demons. He first attends school, where he is placed in the lower classes. There he makes two friends, Flinn and Jace, together they embark on a journey to battle a demon. They are aided by their teacher. Additionally, there are other individuals who help in defeating the evil. Also don't forget why you're doing it and know who you can trust!

StoriesBP · Fantasy
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13 Chs

~ Actions have consequences

(Pov Jhonatan)

I open my eyes and find myself in a dense forest. My breathing is rapid and my heart is pounding. The cool shadows of the trees cling to me like a blanket. With trembling hands, I reach for my face and feel the damp sweat covering my forehead. Confused, I look around, trying to understand how I ended up here. The silence of the forest is interrupted by echoes of my memories, making natural sounds evoke frightening images from the past. More and more memories surface and I desperately try to suppress them.

Staggering to my feet, I observe how the other students are still asleep. I wander towards the water. Upon reaching the river, I lower myself against a boulder. My breathing steadies and I embrace the silence of nature. I know it will be a long journey to come to terms with everything, but I won't let it hinder my future.

With newfound energy, I stand up and walk to the water's edge. Kneeling down, I splash water on my face. My reflection stares directly into my soul and blurs as I run my hand through the water. Behind me, I hear twigs snapping. Quickly, I activate the spell adrenaline kick and turn around. From the darkness, Winston emerges. "Take it easy; there are no wild animals nearby. Still, I commend you for your alertness early in the morning. Few students from the lower class react so sharply in a new environment. If I remember correctly, your name is Jhonatan, right?" I deactivate the adrenaline kick spell and stand upright. "That's correct. My name is Jhonatan Pembroke, and thank you for the kind compliment."

Winston chuckles as he talks about purifying river water. I immediately understand why he's treating it with such mockery. Most students will likely suffer from stomach issues. I'm curious to see how the atmosphere will change in a few hours. "Is it the intention that the majority of the students won't last this week? It seems like this excursion is not feasible for first-year students."

Dead silence follows my question. I see Winston contemplating, but shortly after, he turns around and leaves me alone. It's understandable that this should be a week that leaves a lasting impression, but I fail to see the purpose of the idea that we have to do it ourselves with minimal lessons.

Returning to the sleeping area, I see the first few students who are awake. Students from other groups are already experiencing symptoms due to drinking untreated water. Winston looks at me with a mocking smile and I see him walking towards the log, making himself visible to all students. Shortly after, he lifts a large stone using a spell. I see the stone drop with a thud. The students who were still sleeping wake up, startled by the sound and the vibrations in the ground. The trees around us shake from the impact and in the distance, I see birds flying away.

Winston begins to explain that everyone has fifteen minutes to get ready. "I briefly told you yesterday about the poisonous mushrooms and berries. It's now up to you to collect as many edible variants as possible. You have two hours for this and afterward, I will personally check everything. Don't eat everything you find immediately; have it checked first by me."


(Pov Narrator)

The beginning of the search went smoothly, but soon the first students stopped due to stomach complaints. Winston sent these students back to the school. The symptoms will only worsen and there's no point in keeping them in the wilderness any longer. After the first hour has passed, Winston is still busy guiding students back to the school.

While the rest is actively searching for food, one girl, against all advice eats a mushroom. Initially, everything seemed normal and she enjoyed the nutty taste. However, the pleasure quickly turned into a bitter reality. The poison spread insidiously through her body. At first she noticed only slight shivers, but as time passed, the symptoms became more intense. She clutched her stomach as pain took over her body. The world around her started to fade and dizziness intensified. She grabbed her throat, struggling to breathe. Her body weakened and succumbed to the paralyzing effects of the poisonous mushroom. Once lively eyes now stared lifelessly into the forest. Her final moment consumed by the devastating dangers of nature as the mushroom undisturbedly claimed its place amid the lush greenery.

Before other students can notice that something is wrong, the danger has already become a reality. As a group passes the lifeless body, a few students run to Winston, who is still busy with other matters. Winston inspects the body and concludes that there's no life left. He lifts the body and walks with the last few sick students back to the school. Quickly, he calls out that the rest should make a campfire because it will get dark.

After the group of Jhonatan and Flinn recovers from the shock, they decide to follow Winston's advice. With bundles of dry branches, the students embark on their fire adventure. They quickly discover that the branches are damp from dew and the first sparks refuse to ignite. Tirelessly, they all work together by experimenting with different techniques to ignite the fire. One by one they blow with dedication on the smoldering sparks. After several futile attempts, a small flame finally appears and the fire slowly begins to blaze.

When Jhonatan and Flinn return with their caught fish, they see that the fire is already burning and join the group. Although they have experienced a traumatic event, the atmosphere is once again lively. This is not the last time they will face death. It's a harsh realization for the students that life can end so quickly. However, this doesn't stop them from becoming Heartglowers.