
Animalium~ Portal of Greed

The story is about a world of magic. Jhonatan is born into this world, but is soon kidnapped. You read the story as he returns to the world of Animalium after 10 years. Here, he must grow stronger to fight against the demons. He first attends school, where he is placed in the lower classes. There he makes two friends, Flinn and Jace, together they embark on a journey to battle a demon. They are aided by their teacher. Additionally, there are other individuals who help in defeating the evil. Also don't forget why you're doing it and know who you can trust!

StoriesBP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

~ Surviving in the forest

Two weeks later

(Pov narrator)

The past weeks have been focused on spells. The lower classes have learned that there are different Tiers in spells. It's not for nothing that they've learned this, because spells are essential for a Heartglower. They have only received information about Tier 1 spells for now. The lessons explained what was important for this Tier.


Winston starts the lesson again with the help of a chart: (Look inside the comments) 

"As you can see, the colors of the Tiers correspond to the stages from the previous lessons. If your blood mutates, you move up a Tier or stay in the same Tier. In the chart, you can see at which stages you can use a Tier higher. Tier 1 is where everyone currently is, so you need to allow the sensation in your body and let the mana flow through."

End of flashback~

Meanwhile, the first-year students have arrived at the gathering point in the wilderness. The upper class, middle class, and lower class are standing in three separate groups. They are told that they have to survive in the wilderness for a week. In the forest, whispers among students wondering what is to come can be heard.

Winston begins explaining to the lower class that they will venture into the forest as a group. During this journey, Winston will teach various essential survival skills. The goal is for the students to be able to fend for themselves. At the end of the week, Winston will assess the students based on their knowledge and how they apply it. Unfortunately, most won't last the week.

What the students don't know is that the outcome is already partially determined. The intention is for everyone to fail. Animalium is a place where wisdom holds as much value as strength, so it's crucial for students to connect information with their experiences.

The upper class and middle class head into the forest with their guides. Winston looks back and sees Leah walking back towards the school. The lower class is also guided further into the forest. They head to the location where they will spend the next few days. Winston gives the first task: "Make sure to create a covered place to sleep in groups."

A large group of students immediately goes to Flinn and Jace. There is an enthusiastic discussion in the group about who will join Flinn and Jace. Jace suggests making two groups and seeing which one can build a better sleeping place. "Flinn, choose ten people you want to work with. I'll make my own shelter with the rest. Let me know if you can't handle this!" Flinn looks at Jace and selects ten classmates.

Meanwhile, groups have formed in the lower class. Jhonatan chooses to join a group of five standing next to him. It doesn't matter to him who he works with; he has enough experience to survive in the forest. In his group are four girls and another boy. The girls suggest searching for materials for the shelter. Jhonatan goes with Nigel to find a water source. There is a river near their location and Nigel wants to put the water directly into a tree trunk, but Jhonatan suggests filtering the water first. Nigel laughs and says, "With what materials are you going to do that? We were not allowed to bring anything."

Many students do not consider the bacteria that may be present in the water. Most students put water in a hollow tree trunk and walk back to their sleeping area. Winston observes the students and shakes his head. He looks at Jhonatan and Nigel and sees various materials on the ground. Winston walks up to the boys and asks what they are planning. Startled Nigel looks up and explains that Jhonatan wanted all of this. Winston nods and walks back to the sleeping areas.

Jhonatan sees that Nigel is looking at him angrily, but he doesn't care. "Hold your hands in a bowl above the tree trunk and I will arrange the materials in the right order. First, I'll start with a layer of clover, then add a layer of dandelion leaves and finally I'll place a layer of nettles on top. I'll also add sand with a few small stones. I'll repeat this process once. This way, the water will be better purified." After letting the water seep through several times, the trunk is almost full. They take the water to their sleeping spots. Here, the girls are still busy with the shelter.

Jhonatan and Nigel are the last two to return and the girls ask why it took so long. Nigel tells them jokingly that Jhonatan wanted to purify the water first. The girls look fascinated at Jhonatan. They know it's important to filter water, but don't know how to do it in the wilderness. Flinn overhears the conversation and asks Jhonatan if he would like to explain how this is possible.

After a few hours, most sleeping places are ready, but they can't use them yet. Winston has gathered the class because it's time to learn about mushrooms and berries. Winston places various mushrooms and berries on the ground, all of which can be found in the Goldcrest area. He starts by talking about mushrooms because not everything is edible. "Mushrooms may look alike, but not everything is edible. You must pay attention to a few crucial points, such as mushrooms with bright colors, unusual shapes, and strong odors are often poisonous. You should also consider the life stages of the mushroom." Winston gives examples and shows what they can look for tomorrow. "For berries, pay attention to the smell, texture, and milky sap. These are warning signs of a poisonous berry." Winston again shows a few examples and decides that this is enough information for the day. Tomorrow, the students will go out to collect food on their own.