
Animalium~ Portal of Greed

The story is about a world of magic. Jhonatan is born into this world, but is soon kidnapped. You read the story as he returns to the world of Animalium after 10 years. Here, he must grow stronger to fight against the demons. He first attends school, where he is placed in the lower classes. There he makes two friends, Flinn and Jace, together they embark on a journey to battle a demon. They are aided by their teacher. Additionally, there are other individuals who help in defeating the evil. Also don't forget why you're doing it and know who you can trust!

StoriesBP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

~ Jhonatan's first fight

(Pov Jhonatan) 

I see Winston walking back to the school. Most students have resumed their spells. Learning Adrenaline Kick wasn't very difficult, but due to circumstances, it took longer than necessary. Fortunately, I've made good use of my time in the portal. I now know three spells that are valuable in all situations. Adrenaline Kick is great for quick movements and strength, Mana Shield provides protection, and Shadow Step allows for silent movement. I already have them under control, so now I want to learn the spell Freezing Chaos, which is useful for attacking my enemies.

In the portal, I could only watch as the Metatron Blade of Sable engaged in combat. I never want to stand by and watch again. If someone needs help, I want to offer it. With the spell Freezing Chaos, I can freeze my enemy for a brief period, providing many advantages in a fight. Every second counts, so if I can disrupt my opponent's rhythm, it will offer many benefits.

The motion for an ice spell is quite difficult, so it will take a lot of time to get it under control. Let me put my learning strategy back into action to work as efficiently as possible.

After a few hours of practice, I see most students returning to their rooms. They're tired from training and for most of them, their mana has run out. Fortunately, I've listened to Logan's advice and it's evident that I can keep going longer without needing to use mana. Learning Freezing Chaos is much more challenging than Adrenaline Kick. It would be a waste of time if I have to take longer than necessary.

In the distance, Flinn and Jace are approaching. They wave enthusiastically at me. "Why are you two coming to train so late?" Flinn and Jace calmly walk up to me. 'We had some family matters to attend to. Something happened during the competition.' I remain calm because I have a feeling they are referring to the portal. I decide to ask them what they are talking about.

"Was someone caught cheating?" Flinn shakes his head and says they'll tell me later as a few students walk by. I nod in agreement and continue with my movements. I see Flinn and Jace also starting their spells.

After a while of practicing, I decide it's been enough. The sun has already set by now and it's wise to give my muscles some rest. I decide to walk to the Curative Goji. I feel like I arrived much faster than before, but it's probably because I know the route. I've collected all the berries and choose to plant a few more. This is a place that's easily accessible, but not too conspicuous. Just as I'm about to get up to leave, I hear rustling behind me.

I turn around abruptly, surrounded by the dense trees and the pitch-black darkness of the forest. The shadows seem to move. Squinting my eyes, I try to figure out what's hiding there. Without too much thought, I activate Adrenaline Kick. My senses are sharp to every sound and every movement around me. I see two eyes staring at me, gleaming in the moonlight. The light barely pierces through the leaves, making it hard to discern the creature's contours. Yet, from the darkness, I can tell it's a wolf.

As the wolf approaches, I see its teeth bared in a deadly grin. Wolves are masters of speed and agility, so it's too late to run. The wolf with eyes gleaming with fierce determination sprints towards me. In an instant, I focus on the spell Mana Shield. In a blink, I see the mana shield appear, a shimmering barrier on my arm. The shield of mana vibrates as the wolf bites with full force. Sparks of magical energy dance around the impact zone. The wolf is thrown back, howling in pain and confusion. I realize that I have a few precious seconds to strike. I activate Shadow Step and make a swift move to the ground's branches. Without hesitation, I swing a thick branch towards the wolf. With a dull thud, the branch lands on the wolf's head. It growls and looks in my direction, but before anything can happen, it's already too late. I strike again and the wolf collapses motionless.

A sigh escapes my mouth, I dust mud off my hands and leave the forest. During the return walk, I replay the event in my mind. A smile appears on my face because that was so exhilarating.


(Pov Narrator) 

After two days of intense practice, it's time to kick off the weekend with a drink. Jhonatan walks to the bar, where he arranged to meet Flinn and Jace. As he arrives, he sees them sitting at a table. The boys haven't ordered anything yet, as they were waiting for Jhonatan. The table is placed somewhat secluded, and they have some privacy. No one in the bar has the opportunity to eavesdrop on them.

As soon as Jhonatan greets them and sits down, the bartender approaches. "Good day gentlemen, what would you like to order?" Jace and Flinn exchange glances and nod. "Two beers and a steak for us," Jhonatan swallows and decides to order the same. The bartender takes note of the order and heads to the kitchen.

Not long after, the bartender returns with three beers. With a forced smile Jhonatan looks at Flinn and Jace, the bitter taste of the previous drink comes back and it gives him an uneasy feeling. Flinn takes the beer and gazes at the glass for a second. He takes a big sip while Jace watches him with wide eyes. It's their first time drinking beer and they've heard that it can be quite bitter. Still, they want to make an impression on Jhonatan since they've noticed his talent in spellcasting. He's already practicing the spell Freezing Chaos, which shows that he's ahead of the rest.

Jace takes a sip of beer but quickly puts his glass down, struggling to swallow it. He looks at Flinn, who maintains a poker face. Flinn turns to Jhonatan. "We've noticed that you're working on learning Freezing Chaos. Why did you choose to learn this spell at the beginning of the year?" Jhonatan considers what he wants to reveal about his past, as he doesn't know the two boys very well yet.

"I've been studying spells for quite some time. I've already mastered three spells to a reasonable level. But I wanted to learn an offensive spell now, so I can be more useful. In the future, I want to protect everyone and become one of the strongest Heartglowers." Flinn and Jace are very impressed by the composure Jhonatan displays while speaking. Jace looks at Jhonatan with full amazement and is curious about more stories. Before he can ask anything, Flinn shifts the conversation to the portal. "The reason we were only able to start practicing late a few days ago is that we were informed about a portal. It was discovered during the competition, but we don't know who came out of it. Did you notice anything while running, since you arrived later through the gate?"

Jhonatan searches for the words before he starts speaking. He doesn't want to give himself away, but he also doesn't want to act like he knows nothing."During the competition, I had an unsettling feeling. Personally I didn't see anything, but with the knowledge I possess, I assume it where demons." With Jhonatan's information, Flinn and Jace look at each other with satisfaction. This confirms their suspicions about the portal and Jhonatan. The rest of the evening proceeds in a relaxed manner and a bond is forming among the three of them.