
Angel Simulator: I Simulated A Fallen Angel

# DEMON # FALLENANGEL Due to an accident, Lu Xi transmigrated to a kingdom of angels in a western fantasy world. He became an ordinary angel that was framed and wrongly sentenced by the God-King. Fortunately, he awakened the Simulator System and began to simulate the life of Fallen Angel Lucifer. As long as he carried out depraved actions, he would obtain rewards. [In the first year, you successfully enslaved the succubi clan and slept with the succubus queen.] [Your actions have been detected to match one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust! You have obtained the power of darkness.] [In the second year, you successfully formed an alliance with the giant frost dragon and drank with it.] [Your actions have been detected to match one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Gluttony! You have obtained 100,000 gold coins from the continent.] [In the third year, you raised an army and invaded Sky City. The angel clan has been pushed back.] [Your actions have been detected to match one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Wrath! You have obtained the territory, Deep Abyss of Sin.] The God-King chastised the other angels, “Did you think that fallen angels are truly happy?” Lu Xi answered, “No, the happiness of fallen angels is beyond your imagination.”

Lucifer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Fallen Reward, Holy Spirit Suppression

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

[Congratulations to the host for committing your first of the 'Seven Deadly Sins'. You have received a reward: Holy Spirit Pressure (Purple)]

[Holy Spirit Pressure (Purple): With this talent, you can exert pressure on creatures weaker than you when activated, making them submit to you!]

"Purple talent! Oh my god, I didn't expect to be rewarded with a Purple grade talent after hitting a Lizard!"

Lucian was pleasantly surprised. This was the highest level of talent he currently possessed.

One had to know that the Purple grade was second only to Gold!

Lucian remembered that the Angel simulator he owned rewarded him whenever he commit an offense.

"Previously, I killed so many Goblins in the simulation. This is considered a crime, but there are no rewards! This means that effective crimes have to be carried out in reality to obtain rewards!"

Lucian understood the situation in an instant.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit Suppression Talent rewarded by the system was exactly what he needed at the moment.

In fact, his original plan was to subdue the Lizard People tribe by force.

First, he would sneak over and release a wave of Holy Spirit Fire to kill their leader.

Then, take advantage of their chaos and suppress them all with brute force.

However, it was obvious that the success rate of this method is not high, and it would easily backfire on him.

However, after obtaining the talent of Holy Spirit Suppression, the ability to make the other party submit happened to be useful here.

Not only did it save some effort, but it was also many times more effective than the original plan.

At least it wouldn't backfire.

Lucian couldn't wait any longer. He flew quickly toward the gathering of Lizard People.

When they arrived, Lucian frowned.

The Lizard's gathering place was much worse than the Goblins'.

Although they looked more human, they were no match for the Goblins when it came to building houses.

In a clearing, houses made of mud and vegetation were scattered messily.

The shapes of these houses barely looked like houses.

The whole thing was crooked and looked as if it might collapse at any moment.

The roof was made of wide leaves mixed with mud.

Lucian was even worried that the slightest gust of wind would destroy all the houses.

When Lucian appeared at the Lizard People's gathering place, the gang of sniffers quickly spotted him.

A large group of fierce-looking Lizards gathered around Lucian.

"Hey! Where did this little guy come from? He actually came to our territory. Looks like he's lost. Dinner tonight is served! Hahahaha!"

An exceptionally strong-looking Lizard stared at Lucian with a hostile expression.

A greedy look came into his eyes. He even stuck out his blue tongue and licked his lips.

Food was considered scarce resources for the barren tribe.

All the while, when they saw Lucian, they'd treated him like prey.

Lucian looked at the Lizard People expressionlessly.

"Listen carefully, ugly bastards! If you want to treat me like food, you'd better be prepared to be exterminated! I'm here to lead you to the light. Don't be ungrateful!"

The Lizards looked at each other at first, then burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha! What did this little guy say? He wants to lead us to the light? Did I hear wrongly!"

"Little one, this is the Demonic Forest. There's no light here! If you want to preach, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place, right? But I think you, who believe in light, don't mind providing food for a group of hungry people, right?"

"You're too small for us to share. I love roasted wings. Don't any of you take them from me!"

… .

Lucian's face tightened with impatience at the sight of the taunting.

"Tell me who your leader is. Tell him to come out! From now on, I will be your new leader! All of you will submit to me!"

Although Lucian had spoken, it was forceful and aggressive.

But unsurprisingly, there was still a roar of laughter.

Then the strongest of the Lizards came up to Lucian with a sneer on his face.

"Little guy, I'm the leader of the tribe. You said you want to replace me? I think that's a good idea! As long as I eat you, you'll become a part of me. That way, you'll be the leader of our tribe! Hahahaha!"


The leader and the surrounding Lizards laughed out loud after he finished speaking.

By now, Lucian's face was a mask of anger.

He'd planned to have a good, peaceful talk. On the principle of not fighting if he could help it, Lucian actually wanted to use his wits to get what he wanted.

But it was clear the Lizards weren't buying it.

"Hmph! Stubborn!"

With a cold snort, Lucian activated [Holy Spirit Pressure].

Instantly, a terrifying aura emanated from Lucian's small body.

The entire Lizard tribe was instantly enveloped.

As for the Lizards surrounding him, they felt a great pressure the moment this pressure appeared.

When the pressure reached its peak, they could no longer hold on. They fell to their knees.

At this moment, all the Lizard People, including the leader, were lying on the ground, trembling.

The leader felt that his Fifth Realm strength had completely lost its use. He could not muster any thoughts of resistance at all.

When the others faced the Holy Spirit's pressure, their performance was even worse. They could not resist at all.

They were just bred from the Dragon's lineage. Then the Dinosaurs mated with Humans, eventually giving birth to these bastards.

Their bloodlines were very diluted, so their levels were naturally not high.

One had to know that even Dragons would be intimidated by an Angel's might.

This was the way at the level of life. It was an unsolvable situation.

The group of very strong Lizard People in front of him were as weak as insects when facing the pressure of the Holy Spirit.

At this moment, they were like a rowboat in a tsunami, ready to be crushed at any moment.

"Please… please… spare… me!"

At this moment, the leader, who could no longer hold on, used all his strength to squeeze out these words.

He was already terrified of Lucian to the core.

The leader almost wet his pants when Lucian released his pressure.

His previous arrogant attitude instantly disappeared.

Seeing that they had already felt fear, Lucian put away his [Holy Spirit Pressure].

Lucian glanced coldly around the room and spoke again in a cold voice.

"Now, I want you to submit to me. Any objections?"