
Angel Simulator: I Simulated A Fallen Angel

# DEMON # FALLENANGEL Due to an accident, Lu Xi transmigrated to a kingdom of angels in a western fantasy world. He became an ordinary angel that was framed and wrongly sentenced by the God-King. Fortunately, he awakened the Simulator System and began to simulate the life of Fallen Angel Lucifer. As long as he carried out depraved actions, he would obtain rewards. [In the first year, you successfully enslaved the succubi clan and slept with the succubus queen.] [Your actions have been detected to match one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lust! You have obtained the power of darkness.] [In the second year, you successfully formed an alliance with the giant frost dragon and drank with it.] [Your actions have been detected to match one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Gluttony! You have obtained 100,000 gold coins from the continent.] [In the third year, you raised an army and invaded Sky City. The angel clan has been pushed back.] [Your actions have been detected to match one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Wrath! You have obtained the territory, Deep Abyss of Sin.] The God-King chastised the other angels, “Did you think that fallen angels are truly happy?” Lu Xi answered, “No, the happiness of fallen angels is beyond your imagination.”

Lucifer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

A Terrible Situation

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At this moment, the sky had gradually darkened, but the dim environment did not reduce the Lizard People's enthusiasm at all.

They were still cheering loudly.

"Long live the leader!"

"Long live the Angel!"

Right now, Lucian was glowing with a faint golden light, making him look even more divine against the night.

"My people, the holy journey is about to begin. Are you ready?!"

"I'm ready!!"

The Lizard People roared wildly, their faces flushed with excitement.

Lucian was pleased with their reaction.

With a casual wave of his hand, a golden flame shot straight at a torch in the center of the gathering place.

Instantly, the torches were lit with golden flames.

The blazing light enveloped each of the Lizard People as if they were bathed in Holy light.

The watching Lizards trembled with excitement.

"The sacred torch has been lit! In the future, wherever we go, we will be enveloped in angelic light!"

Lucian opened his hands and called softly.

The lizards knelt on the ground in unison with incomparable excitement.

"Long live the Holy Master!"

In that short time, the Lizard People's way of addressing Lucian had changed radically.

The leader was only commander in name.

As for the Holy Master, they had truly submitted to him from the bottom of their hearts.

From this moment on, Lucian had successfully taken over the Lizard People's tribe.

The original leader of the Lizard People continued to hold his position.

Lucian, on the other hand, had become the Holy Master, placed above the leader.

At this moment, the most powerful beings of the Lizard People tribe were in that room.

Lucian sat on the leader's throne, the leader standing respectfully below him.

The other Lizards stood below.

Lucian's goal was to cultivate the strength of the tribe, and to do that, he would have to start from scratch.

There was no use just shouting slogans.

He glanced at the leader and then asked slowly, "Tell me about our current situation! How much full combat power does the entire tribe currently have? How many are crippled and how many newborns?"

The leader answered at once, respectfully.

"Reporting to the Holy Master, all the full combat power the tribe currently has is in front of you. Including me, there are a total of thirteen."

Lucian glanced down, and suddenly the twelve strong Lizards puffed out their chests with pride.

The leader continued, "In this Demonic Forest, war is inevitable. Currently, there are a total of eight injured people in the tribe, but because we can't obtain medicinal herbs for treatment, they are left to heal on their own. I hope they can survive!"

At that, the leader sighed.

The current disabled had previously been fierce warriors.

If they could recover, the strength of the Lizard People tribe would rise another level.

"In addition, due to food shortages, some newborns starved to death after they are born! There are less than fifteen newborns who can grow healthily every year…"

After answering Lucian's question, the leader stepped respectfully aside again.

Grief lined his face. He was clearly worried about the future of the clan.

Lucian frowned at his leader's report.

The entire tribe was too weak.

Other than the leader standing beside him, who was at the Fifth Realm, only three of the others were at the Fourth Realm.

There were some in the Second and Third Realm. But the majority were in the First Realm.

Moreover, there were too few newborns.

For a tribe to grow, the number of newborns was key.

"The current situation is not optimistic!"

Lucian sighed to himself.

The situation didn't look good, but it was a small problem for Lucian.

It was a little cumbersome to solve, but fortunately he had enough time.

At the moment, the Lizard People tribe's biggest problem was a shortage of food.

So first he had to lead them to solve the food problem.

And Lucian happened to have extensive experience with food.

Through the previous three simulations, although he did not know the territory south of the Demonic Forest completely, he had been to most places.

After a moment's contemplation, Lucian spoke slowly.

"Um… Lizard leader, what's your name?"

"Holy Master, my name is Xi Hai!"

Lucian nodded and continued, "Aye, Xi Hai. While night is falling, many of the game will already be out foraging. It's a good time to hunt!"

"Lead a few warriors ten kilometers to the west of the tribe. There is rich prey waiting for you there! Go, bring sumptuous food for the tribe!"

In Lucian's memory, he'd run into a boar's den a short distance to the west of where he'd left off.

There were only ordinary wild boars there. They had yet to cultivate into demons and were very weak.

As long as the Lizard People tribe rushed over, they could hunt enough food to last them at least a month.

However, after he finished speaking, not only did Xi Hai not act immediately, but he also looked troubled.

Frowning, he asked, "What is it? Is there a problem?"

Xi Hai immediately said, "Holy Master, it's like this. Back then, the Heavenly Fire calamity not only descended on our territory, but it even spread for dozens of kilometers. Therefore, this place has long been barren. There's no prey at all."

Lucian couldn't help but laugh. "The Heavenly Fire had made this place barren. The spontaneous combustion also put an end to the idea of other tribes coming here to hunt. That gives some animals room to survive."

"I can't be wrong. Ten kilometers west of here is rich prey! Go!"

Hearing Lucian's affirmative words, Xi Hai didn't dare retort.

He immediately ordered three lizard warriors and prepared to head to the place Lucian had mentioned to hunt.

But while they appeared respectful, they were muttering inside.

After walking some distance away from the tribe, a Lizard warrior carefully looked back and couldn't help but complain, "Leader, this area has long been barren. How can there be food? The Holy Master is new here. He must have made a mistake! Why don't we change directions? I remember that there are sometimes hares in the southeast."

After hearing these words, the other Lizards could not help but complain.

"That's right, Leader. Ten miles to the west is a barren mountain. There's not even a blade of grass. How can there be prey? The Holy Master has just taken office. He must be overjoyed. He wants to set the tone for his reign! He's simply commanding blindly!"

"Chief, give the word. We'll listen to you. We might as well hunt rabbits!"

Hearing the complaints of his clansmen, Xi Hai felt a little conflicted about Lucian's words.

But then, when he thought of the terrifying pressure emanating from Lucian's body and the strange ability to make things happen, he immediately sobered up.

Hence, he said in a low voice, "Don't question the Holy Master's decision! Execute it obediently! Even if there's nothing there, we… we can still change direction when the time comes!"

Hearing their leader say so, the warriors didn't dare say anything else and hurried on their way.

Ten kilometers was not a long distance. With their full speed, they arrived in thirty minutes.

And when they arrived, all the Lizards were wide-eyed and incredulous.