
Angel Lord In An Isekai

What will happen when billions of people from Earth get isekai'd to a place called Endless Continent where Magic reigns supreme and are given a castle and an initial unit to fight for hegemony and immortality? Let's find out through the eyes of our protagonist Kazehaya Haru, a fresh University Graduate who gets lucky and is assigned the powerful Angel Race as his troops. Become A Member At My Ko-fi For Access To Upto Dozens Of Chapters Ahead. » KO-FI.COM/LORDARCHDUKE P.S. This is a translation. This is NOT my novel.

LordArchduke · Fantasy
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93 Chs

CH9 Wolf's Den!

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Aria was a little stunned. Her friend request has never been rejected. After all, she is a Castle Lord with a top-level army, and her future is bright. Many Castle Lords want to get closer to her but Haru rejected her.

"It should be because there are too many people who must have sent him as friends. He must've not noticed me."

Thinking of this, Aria's mood was much better. Then, she glanced at the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] and shook her head slightly.

Haru's profiteering behavior, she can't do it. She's not pretending to be generous. She has big dreams. She wants to establish her image in the circle of the Castle Lord, to expand the popularity.

This way in the future, when the battle for hegemony begins, she can easily win over the Castle Lord, surround her, and serve her castle forces. The more Castle Lords who serve her, the stronger her castle power will be.

The higher you stand, the further you see. Therefore, she needs prestige and fame. In the early stage, with a little food, she can win the favor of countless Castle Lords.

For her, it's a great return on investment and Haru's behavior, in her opinion, is to cut himself off from the circle of Castle Lords and it will be difficult for him to get the support of other Castle Lords in the future.

"If I have a chance, I should remind him. He can't just look at your immediate interests! The future is the most important thing!" Aria is determined to become friends with Haru.

Not to mention serving her, forming an alliance is also good because she believes that Haru must also have a top class, same as her. Both of them are qualified to stand in the upper layers of the endless continent. Such people are worth attracting and befriending.

At this time, at some distance in the plains, there was a deafening roar. Several golden lions sent by Aria quickly withdrew, each dragging a bison in their mouths. Her bright eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's the bison boss from yesterday! It's a Tier 5 elite monster! My golden war lions, three Tier 2, three Tier 1, are not its opponents. Just you wait. I will be able to kill it in a few days! I don't know what the Bison Boss can drop? I hope is not just a power stone! It would be even better if it drops a Magic Crystal!" Aria looked into the distance, full of anticipation.

Magic Crystals are special materials for upgrading Barracks Buildings, which are rarer than power stones. It is more difficult than winning the lottery to get a Magic Crystal from an ordinary wild monster. She could only hope that elite monsters have a higher drop rate.


Angel Castle.

In the yard, Haru lay on his back on a bench. The eighteen-winged angel statue not far away exuded a soft white light. The light enveloped Haru, making his mood extremely peaceful and serene.

Compared to other Castle Lords, he lived a very comfortable life. The castle is shrouded in a protective barrier in an invincible state. He doesn't have to worry about his own safety at all and can enjoy a short period of peace.

After all, the Beginner Protection Period is only seven days. After the end of the protection period, Billions of Castle Lords will face a cruel test.

Such easy days are short-lived. He is not a slacker, but he is only a Tier 1 and has no fighting skills. Even if he goes out hunting with the angel team, he will not be of much help, but he may even put himself in a dangerous situation.

Instead of going out, he will make the Angel Squad be distracted and with his protection. It is better for him to stay in the castle and 'collect' the corpses of wild monsters.

By the way, through the world chat channel, he was also learning about the information about the endless continent.


The Endless Continent is a very large world.

There are Thousands of species here! There are endless monsters, beasts, and powerful local empires.

But according to his understanding, Billions of Castle Lords should have descended into the wild, far from a native empire.

This is to keep the Castle Lord from being invaded by powerful forces in the early stages of development. In addition, the random troops of the Castle Lords also varied.

There are humans, dwarves, elves, dragons. There are also humanoids, Half-Dragons, Beastmen, Undead...

Good, Evil, Neutral or a powerful top class or weak low-level troops and many more. The variety is almost countless. Most of the Castle Lords randomly got middle and low-level troops.

Only a few lucky Castle Lords randomly got high-level and top-level troops. Aria's golden war lion belongs to the top class and Haru's angel is considered to be beyond the existence of top-level arms. It is unique.

Of the billions of Castle Lords, he alone has angels. This alone is enough to show that his territory has a promising future. As long as he doesn't die, his future is bright!

"So far, six thousand units of wood have been stored in the warehouse. Two thousand four hundred units of Stone."

"I'm not far from the resources needed to upgrade the castle to the advanced level. If nothing else happens, I can upgrade Angel Castle to a high-level castle today..."

Haru is in a good mood. His four little angels are hunting monsters outside. The wild monsters' meat killed by the little angels is traded for the resources.

This is a powerful advantage! He can get a lot of wood and stone without wasting time collecting at all.

If someone's strength of troops is weak, they can only do the basic collection work silently, and indirectly lose the time to improve their strength.

Among all Castle Lords, only a very few with top troops would dare to imitate Haru. Their group of Castle Lords surpassed countless people in the initial stage and walked ahead.

Just at this time, Haru suddenly heard the roar of a pack of wolves, which came from the jungle not far away. In that direction, there is a holy white light blooming.

"Is this a wolf's den?" Haru faintly heard the four-winged archangel Mary whispering: "The Lord said that evil creatures of darkness cannot look directly at the light..."


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