
Angel From Hell

jade_cameron · LGBT+
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-after dinner we made another session of breathtaking make out at the balcony ''I really can't get enough of her'' while our parents and rose' are at the living room discussing stuff,,

 Jennie releases soft moan while I torture the length of her neck,, she's very delectable this is making me hot and I can feel she shivers on my every touch, I went back and claim her lips, snaking my hands at her back, her hands are tugging my hair..

-she licked her lips after we detached pressing our foreheads,,

JENNIE: hmmm.. that was amazing~~

LISA: I know.. You are amazing.. I think your lips are my favorite food now (smirked)

JENNIE: same here~~

LISA: but~~ I think we should stop now..,, before you know... (wiggle her eyebrow)

-her eyes~~ the cat eye that is piercing on me got me lost at the moment, I've been contradicting my self and trying to convince that I can pull off from her, but it even took a lot from me just to simply take my hands away from her.

JENNIE: I don't mind though~ but you're right... we'll be leaving any minute from now.

LISA: yeah~~


-the Kim's bid their goodbye's and Jennie placed a lingering kiss on my cheeks before getting in their car, earning a teasing looks form rose' and my parents...

MR.M: looks like you don't need any help to get the Kim's daughter,

ROSE: that won't be necessary~ Lisa is ''very'' expert in taming women.

LISA: whatever chipmunk, I'll rest now,, goodnight!!

--leaving them at the front door still watching the kim's car I went to my room with creepy smile on my face,, I sigh in satisfaction,, -- I never get this excited when it comes to girls,, I am getting used that they wait before I reciprocate to their actions, but I was totally blown away by this goddess,, ''Jennie Rubyjane Kim''~~ her name sounds good .. I can't wait to have all of her..

-imagining my future with her while closing my eyes,, I was slowly swallowed in slumber..


--I am so irritated right now; I was glaring at all these weasels of a classmate that's been making noises~~it's making my blood boil.. these hyenas are drooling over my fiancé',

-she's Infront of the class right now introducing herself, I can understand them going crazy about her, her visual and figure is to die for, but I think I have to build a huge wall around her, she's already mine and I'm not letting anyone interfere,

-this beauty is arranged to be married to me and be with me for the rest of our lives, while I'm still mesmerized with her Seulgi woke me up.

SEULGI: dude,. Your future wife had a lot of admirers already.

LISA: I know~~I can see how they want to eat her alive.

SEULGI: well, you can't blame them , I mean look at her~

-Seul and I was interrupted with a tap on my shoulder, looking up I saw how Jennie smile at me.

JENNIE: uhm can I sit beside you~?

-I had my mouth hangs open ,then I elbow Seulgi-

LISA: dude move!

SEULGI: what?

LISA: I said move!!

SEULGI: tsk.. whatever.

-she grabs her bag and glare at me moving to another seat,

LISA: o-of course,,, (smile)


-our lecture is about to end and take our lunch when someone caught my attention at the door waving her hands,. its '' Lia'' I hooked up with her 3 weeks ago when she invited almost the whole school just to be on her birthday party,, I was not planning to attend but my dork friends keep insisting and that they won't hang out with me and I was bored..

-the party was wild and crazy, Seulgi keeps getting Irine's attention while she's keeping me company too,, the thing is Lia here is not leaving my side as well not even mingling with her friends and it was making Irine glare at her every time, she tries to flirt with me... I wonder if she just made that party to get close to me.. rose was drinking while chu is just with her.. she's so inlove with my aunt that she don't care of the other girls hitting on her,,



--as always, I woke up in a different room, ''naked'' it's her I saw beside me,, I took off without telling her and after that she was trying to approach me but I already told her that I can't be exclusive.. she said it's fine with her and that we don't have to be in relationship,,~

-we continue to meet each other being friends with ''benefits'' I may have forgot to tell her that we have to stop whatever we have,,

-hovering my head to my friends they were already giving that look.. the ''you're in trouble' look..  I signal them to take care of it,. Jisoo mouthed ''you owe us'' i just responded ''later'', it's crazy how we can communicate that way..

-while I'm looking at them talking to Lia,, she keeps on glancing at me.. and as I was busy trying to distract my self I heard a sweet voice but it's too dangerous kind of sweet.

JENNIE: is she one of them?

LISA: huh?~

JENNIE: (sigh) the girl with your friends, is she one of your toys?

LISA: uhhmm,.

JENNIE: don't bother.. let's go?

-Jennie held her hand and I didn't let her wait and put my hand to hers, we were walking near my friends and Lia,. I was just hanging my head down trying to avoid her, I don't want any scene, my father will kill me~~ then Jennie stopped exactly Infront of them, she touch my chin and lifted it up for me to look at her, she has this devil smile on her like something is about to happen,, then her eyes landed to Lia that was confusedly looking at us now... Lia was about to speak,

LIA: uh Lisa can we--

-she was cut off and we earn a gasp from her and my friends, as well as the other students near us when Jennie tilt her head pressing our lips together,, I thought that will end there but my eyes became wider as her mouth open up and place her arms around my neck to deepen the kiss, I got lost control ,I don't know how she's doing it but its making me drawn all my attention just to her like no one exist and the people around us just simply disappeared, holding into her waist a little tighter, I pushed my tongue in her mouth that she gladly reciprocate..

-I'm not sure how long we have been making out Infront of our classroom when I feel like losing air., she bit my lower lip and completely detached from me,. I'm just staring at her like an idiot when she smirked wiping my lips with her thumb and spoke

JENNIE: I'll just be in the restroom wait for me at the cafeteria~~?

LISA: ye-yeah.. sure. (gulp)

-just that she walks away swaying her hips like teasing me~~

LISA: guys lets go-

-calling chu and Seul but didn't even looked at them, I'm about to make a step when lia grab my arm.

LIA: Lisa~~? whose that?

LISA: my fiancé'

LIA: what??

LISA: so, we can't meet anymore. thank you for your time Lia,, see you around,, Seul! chu!, come on I'm hungry.

-I didn't heard any respond from her after what I said and we just continue to walk towards the cafeteria..


were at our table waiting for Jennie,, when Seulgi starts to open up about what happened earlier.

SEULGI: dude Jennie is a bad ass!! she clearly Declaire a war at the whole school!!

LISA: what do you mean war??

SEULGI: does she know you're a player??

LISA: uhm yeah. she told me that she was aware-

SEULGI: and~~?

LISA: (sigh) she said she'll clear all the dirt..

JISOO: I think it's not impossible for her to do that..

-the way Jisoo said those words is a little weird and her expression says a different meaning..

LISA: what do you mean..?

JISOO: well~~ her family is influential like you are, and~~ her actions.. I mean have you seen what she has done Infront of Lia.. she even went speechless right..? It's possible that she can just scare away the rest of your collections..

SEULGI: uh-huh!! chu is right dude.. her aura screams authority.. It's kind of scary.

JISOO: but are you ready to change your lifestyle though? I mean I know you already aware of this would happen but.. you to be with just ''one woman'' ??

LISA: I think I can~

SEULGI: I'm not sure about that.. you flirt to anyone that wears skirt dude.. and whenever you put your hands on them, they all go crazy and latch over you.

JISOO: exactly.. I'm telling you it's not going to be easy.

LISA: hey!!!,, I'm not a f*cking loose can that F*cks everything that walk!! I can be trusted you know!! and one more thing,, with the goddess kind of wife that I will have .. do you think I will have time now to look for another girl??..

SEULGI: we'll see about that~~..




-Jennie is washing her hands when she noticed a couple of girls went beside her and one at her back,, a blue-eyed orange hair girl gets close to her crossing her arms Infront of her chest,, Jennie creep out a smirk while still have her eyes at her hands,

NANCY: so~~ you're the new girl that latching over ''my Lisa''

JENNIE: your Lisa??

NANCY: yes!! we slept together several times and I know that she's crazy over me!! so you should keep your hands to yourself b*tch!!

KARINA: oh, she slept with me too!!

-another girl said raising her hands,,

NANCY: shut up!!

JENNIE: hmmm.. so, your one of her toys then,

NANCY: what did you say??

KARINA: this girl has an attitude~~

NANCY: we'll see how far her attitude will go (smirked)

-she grabs Jennie's arm dragging her outside the restroom