
Angel From Hell

jade_cameron · LGBT+
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7 Chs

"" friendzone"""


Chapter 3



-Lisa has been there every time I'm sad, feeling down, she always makes things light and flip my mood from gloom to bloom, she might be unintentionally doing it but she take the part of my dream partner, she's sweet and caring, she really know how to treat a woman, that might be the reason why ''B*tches'' go crazy on her,, I hate it so much, I want all of them disappear,, and I want her to see me,

''Lisa~~ I uhm. I like you. please go out with me.

--Irine I'm sorry. you're my friend and I don't want to hurt you...

''why would I get hurt??

''I'm not a good guy Irine. you do know how I was in all relationships right... there is too many out there that deserve you...

''but- I want you,

--I'm so-sorry...


-she's my ultimate crush... my puppy love, my teenage love...

-she's my first love... and as far as I know my one great love... I just can't take my eyes off her... but she's also my first heart break, she dumps me several times...  I knew why she can't accept me... she clearly stated before that she doesn't trust herself that won't hurt me and that she can't lose me as her friend.....

-honestly, I would allow her to hurt me ravish me or even humiliate me, whatever pleasures her, I may be a masochist but it's all about it, I'm all for her,

-it hurts. knowing that she can't look at me like the other women she been with, I envy them, even if she doesn't take them seriously~ they were still had a chance to latch over her... to hold her to ''kiss her'' I've been dreaming of the day that her lips will touch mine...


ROSE: are you still thinking about Lisa??

IRINE: you know I always think about her.

ROSE: aiishh.. bae, I told you. you have to forget about her... she cared about you that's why she can't accept your feelings...

IRINE: I know that. it's just... every time I see her with different women that she plays with, I can't help but to envy them...

ROSE: envy them?? do you also want Lisa to just use you and treat you like a toy, you know how she is, she never took them seriously. she didn't even fall in love yet.

IRINE: how about her fiancé'~~?

ROSE: well~~ that is something that is already planned years ago... Lisa was aware of her faith, its also the reason why she's like this.

IRINE: (sigh) I wish I was that person,

ROSE: hey~~ are you planning to sulk all day?? come on,

--yes, I do wish that I can be that person's place, being arranged to Lisa even if she don't feel the same way to be, as long as I can be with her,, I can't understand myself as well, why I am so attached to her,, and I am so jealous right now,, whoever that person maybe, I really wish I can take her place,,





--members of the family were standing at the front door welcoming the Kim's as the Kim couple came out the vehicle Mr. manoban. greeted them with enthusiast.

MARCO: welcome my good friend...

SEO-HYUN: Marco! such an honor to be invited in this huge mansion. thank you.

MARCO: what are you saying. were friends, and soon to be In Laws, so cut the formalities. hello there So-yea-ji..,, where's your daughter.

--as they all hover their heads to the car when it opens. showing a crystal shoe, followed by a lacy powder blue cocktail dress worn by a stunning being, a certain person beside Marco manoban,, has her mouth hangs open,

ROSE: you're drooling Lali~~

MARCO: isn't she beautiful? (Nudging Lisa)

LISA: very~~

ROSE: for the record, everything wears skirt is beautiful for you~

LISA: trivia for you my dear aunt, let her wear a trash bag and I will still drool for her.

-Jennie make her way Infront of them with Lisa still glued her eyes to her beauty.

JENNIE: good evening~~(bow)

MARCO: good evening young lady.  have you meet my daughter?

JENNIE: yes sir. I uhm went to her school earlier. HI Lisa.. (smile)

LISA: he-hello Jennie~~

ROSE: hi ~~ I'm Chae-Young.. you can call me rose.


MARCO: okay~~ rose can you check if everything is ready?

ROSE: sure...

MARCO: and Lisa. why don't you bring Jennie at the garden for the mean time while we prepare for dinner.

LISA: ye-yeah. sure. uhm Jennie?

JENNIE: hmm?

LISA: let's go? (Offering her hand)


-Lisa is following Jennie's footstep, even just watching her back, the latter can't help but to be mesmerized, she's in trance admiring Jennie when she was called out,

JENNIE: Lisa~~, can I ask a question?

LISA: sure. what is it?

JENNIE: is this okay with you?

LISA: what do you mean?

JENNIE: I mean, this~ us being married,

LISA: how about you? you look like your just fine with it,

JENNIE: I asked first... hmmm.

LISA: well~~ my father and I have a deal, at first, I'm not sure, but seeing you It's just a win win for me.

-Jennie turn and face her,

JENNIE: what do you mean by that??

LISA: when was the last time you looked at the mirror? have you seen yourself??

-Lisa step closer to Jennie.. earning a confidence as she received an acknowledging look from the latter.

LISA: every person in this planet would want to marry you in an instant,

JENNIE: is that applies with you too?

LISA: what do you think I doing now??

-Jennie mirror Lisa's move clutching the hem of her shirt.

JENNIE: not so bad yourself. just right to earn the title of a player. (smirked)

LISA: me? a player?

JENNIE: (sigh) it's okay ''hubby'' I know how to clean dirt in the road, you see. (Tracing her fingers up to Lisa's neck) I'm very territorial, everything that gets near my property is a threat for me, so~ you can kiss your toy's goodbye,

LISA: uh-huh~~ I'm your property now?

JENNIE: you tell me.

-Lisa snaked her hands at Jennie's waist pulling her closer making their body attached,

LISA: how to seal this deal then. (Whispers in jennies' mouth)

JENNIE: I would like it if you did what's running in your head right now.

LISA: tempting~ but too soon for that, how about we practice what should we do when the priest says, ''you may now kiss your bride.'' (smirked)

JENNIE: sounds good to me~

--Tilting both their heads allowing their faces close the distance between them,


-her lips are so soft,, it's so electrifying, I even hitch my breath by the contact,, I don't know when was the last time I felt like this for just a mere kiss,, or did I even had,, ''vanilla'' her scent I breathe Is making me dizzy,, Iike an aphrodisiac,, it arouses me,, how can this be,, she's Bitting my lip, made me open up,,

my grip to her waist tightens, as she smiles between our kiss, I totally lose control, right then my mouth took over, roaming my tongue in every corner of her mouth, feels like heaven, she moans, ''this is dangerous, she's dangerous'' detaching from our intense session, she looks at me confused.

JENNIE: why~~ (panting)

LISA: don't make that sound (gulp)

JENNIE: what sound.

-she bit her lower lip, God I think I'm going crazy, she's devilishly sexy, and if she's seducing me, she's doing it so effortlessly. licking my lips unconsciously I pulled her back and before claiming her again.

LISA: if you keep this up, our dinner will end up to my bed,

JENNIE: hmmm, show me~~

-my eyes widen on her remarks, she's pushing me to my limit, and this is not good, we were just like few meters away from her parents and my father, but she wants me to ravish her right then and there,




-everything has been preparing and I was standing here for like more than 5 minutes now, this horny b*tches has been eating their faces long enough and I'm really starving,

while waiting for them to let go of each other, I roamed my eye and saw a familiar face not so far, the garden,

''Irine??''' what is she doing here...? -- she's glaring into something, following where she was looking at and I understood why she's like want to murder someone. she is looking at Lisa and Jennie kissing.

-I might need to step forward before someone will spill blood, and on the other hand I can't take seeing my friend getting hurt, I know how she's crazy about Lisa,

ROSE: ehem'' I thought you'll save that after the wedding.

--both of them look at me while they were still panting from their early night exercise..

ROSE: dinner is ready and~~ your parents are waiting for you.

-not waiting for them to respond I turn my back and took a glance to where Irine was standing but she's not there anymore.

''she might have gone home, well whatever I'm friggin hungry;


-the dinner went well.  talking stuff about the wedding plan, knowing Lisa and Jennie more personally, as we all can see I think they don't need it anymore, they were attracted to each other, these might be the calmest arrange marriage I ever know, given the fact that its a same sex marriage.

-watching Lisa and Jennie looked at each other, they seem like they prefer to eat each other than the actual food Infront of them.  I know Lisa and that look she's giving Jennie, she's already naked in her eyes, literally if not for their parents and me, she already bangs Jennie here in the table.

I got a little bored so let me try and tease them..

ROSE: so~~ Jennie.. you haven't got any boyfriend? or suitors maybe. I mean your way too beautiful to be single..

JENNIE: nope.. I'm busy with my studies..

ROSE: whoa!! really~~ I can't imagine guys let you slide .. 

-Lisa is looking at me confused. time to throw the ball to her.

ROSE: you know I think you two fits for each other, you might be the woman we've been waiting for to straighten Lisa's mind.

-Lisa starts to glare at me, I just smirked at her.

JENNIE: don't worry rose. I know well enough about Lisa's ''extracurricular activities.'' and I think I can handle her very well,

-watching Jennie,, its not confident but its like she's stating the actual thing that will happen, I was even stunned and amazed, I can't wait to see it with my actual eyes.

ROSE: ohhhhh~~ I like that, you and I are going to be best friends,, and Lali.. playtime is over.

LISA: shut it chip.

-I just laugh at her,, and continue eating my food.. 



Have a nice day muuaps
