
And With A Death Began War

James Potter’s life has taken a turn after the death of his little sister in his own home. Fuelled with revenge and hatred for the Death Eaters who killed them, he has become a different person. Amidst the drive of vengeance and grief, will Jily ever have a chance?

Nina_Becker · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Two Men. Two Directions. One Goal.

The wedding date was set a few months from their graduation and it was a small affair. James had no family to invite but an aunt and Lily invited her parents and her sister. They had a low-key wedding with some friends and no more than forty guests.

Lily Evan was getting ready when Petunia Dursley (newly married) came into her room. She hadn't been invited to the Dursley-Evans wedding and she wasn't going to invite Petunia to her own, but James insisted. He had said 'how bad could it be?' She laughed often remembering his words. Oh, he would know how bad it could be.

Only two minutes before she was supposed to walk down the aisle, Peter Pettigrew barged into her room,

"He's gone. Gone!" He shouted, "James just walked out and left."

Mrs. Evans stood up, worried,


"He left, Mother." Petunia repeated, "We should have known….he is so…"

"How could he leave?" Mr. Evans asked, worried too. "My daughter is…."

"Papa, these people are all the same." Petunia shook her head. "This James….she complained about him all the time. Arrogant, a trouble maker….Of course, he is cheating on her."

"Oh, will you shut up!" Sirius Black and Remus Lupin came inside the room, "My boy Prongs is not a cheater…I am sorry, Lils. I know she's your family but….."

Sirius cast an apologetic look towards Lily.

"But, James is my family."

She nodded, understandingly. James Potter and Sirius Black had a bond she could neither understand nor comprehend.

"And, I know he is not a cheater."

"Then, where is he?" Petunia snapped.

"I don't know that but he'll be here." Sirius said, waving his hand.

Petunia snorted. She didn't believe it. She thought James had left. She believed it. Unknowingly, she wanted it to be true. She hated that Lily was marrying a man who was more handsome than her husband, he was more wealthy than her husband…..above all, he was magic. When Vernon was a regular man just like herself.

"We should go down." Lily announced, "James will come."

Everyone followed the lead of the bride and walked in the tent where Lily and James would get married in an outdoor wedding, in their own backyard. Mrs. Evans bought Lily was the only bride who had walked down the aisle when the groom wasn't already there waiting for her.

Ten minutes passed, twenty and thirty....the guests whispered among themselves and half an hour became forty, when Sirius Black disapparated off too.

He knew where James was. He knew an hour ago but he wanted James to take the time he needed. He hadn't gone bear, Sirius entered Godric's Hollow,

"Is it time already?" James noticed him come in.

"Actually, it was time…an hour ago."

"What?" James snapped, "You should have come, Padfoot."

"How was I supposed to know?" Sirius grumbled, "That where you had gone?"

James raised his eyebrows.

"Alright." He admitted, "I knew."

James smiled, "Now, best man...Let's get me married."

He patted Sirius's shoulder.

"They would have been proud, you know." Sirius said, softly. "How you turned out…and everything. They would have been hella proud."

James's smile got wider.

"Thanks, Padfoot."

James went to his own wedding almost an hour late, he quickly rushed down the aisle.

"Sorry." He told his soon-to-be wife, "I was…."

"I know." She smiled.

"I hope you weren't worried." He said.

"Not for a second." She told him.

Remus Lupin, their newly ordained minister, married James and Lily in a small but touching ceremony.

Lily and James were about to have their first dance as a married couple when Sirius Black came rushing in. They all knew that trouble could come at any moment. So, they were prepared. Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and James Potter were always ready to protect their home which was now at Godric's Hollow.

"Everyone, out!" Sirius Black came running inside the tent. "Danger, people!"

James Potter turned away from Lily,

"Shit." He whispered.

"They are coming!" He screamed. "Out, everyone ... .leave. NOW!"

Several of the people disapparated, many screamed and more panicked.

"You okay?" He came back to the woman he just married. "Are you ready for this?"

She nodded, reaching out for her wand.

"I am…" Her eyes sparkled, "Let's kick some Death Eaters' butt as a married couple."

James laughed.

James, Sirius, Remus and Lily stood in front of Godric's Hollow, their wands ready as they got surrounded by Death Eaters. After a series of curses and odds overwhelming against them, they fought greatly.

"Stupefy!" James shouted, "Stupefy!"

Six Death Eaters lay dead and two of them were unconscious. And, Snape started to flee. James ran after him.

"No…" Lily tried to stop him, grabbing his hand, "James, don't go!"

"I have to go." James pulled his hand away, "I have to…."

"James!" She shouted but he disapparated,

"I'll go after him." Sirius reassured her.

"No." She said, decisively. "I will."

She disapparated before someone could stop her.

James Potter appeared in front of a small cottage in the muggle world,

"Hey." James Potter stood in front of Snape.

"How did you find me?" Snape took a step back.

"Expelliarmus." James said, softly disarming Snape and took his wand from the ground.

"How did you find him?" He asked again.

"How did I find you?" James laughed, "I know everything about you, Snape. I know about Sonya."

Snape's face turned white,

"You think I don't know about the muggle girl who lives with you?" He looked him straight in the eye. "You think I don't know about Naomi?" Snape took another step back.

"You think, I don't know about your eleven months old daughter?" James laughed like a maniac. "Thank God, she doesn't have your nose, or your eyes…..or your hair. She's pretty."

"What are you….." Snape didn't know what to say.

"I know everything. Snape." James told him. "Everything."

"I am….I am going to…." He tried to threaten him.

"I thought of hurting you through your family." James told him, "Yeah, I could have. I still can. But, I realized that.....I am not you, Snape."

He shook his softly, not realizing Lily was standing right behind him,

"My fight is with you, not with an innocent woman or a child." James said, "But, you...You watch your back."

He threw Snape's wand on the ground.

"Why not kill me now?" Snape could see what James couldn't at the moment.

He could see Lily Evans in a wedding dress. But, she wasn't Lily Evans anymore, was she? She was the new Mrs. James Potter. James still had everything Snape wanted.

"As I said, I am not you, Snape." He replied, "I am not killing an unarmed man. I don't hurt those who wouldn't hurt me. Or can't hurt me."

James turned,

"Oh…Hello." James was surprised.

"Hi.." Lily smiled, "Are you done here?"

She didn't even acknowledge Snape.

"Yeah." James took her hand, "Let's get out of here." They both disapparated.

Snape cursed. He picked up his wand and walked inside his house. He didn't love the woman who lived with him, but he did love his daughter.

Two boys had met. Two boys had quarreled. Two men had encountered. Two men fought. Two men walked but in different directions. But, with a single goal. They wanted to destroy each other.