
And With A Death Began War

James Potter’s life has taken a turn after the death of his little sister in his own home. Fuelled with revenge and hatred for the Death Eaters who killed them, he has become a different person. Amidst the drive of vengeance and grief, will Jily ever have a chance?

Nina_Becker · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

A Girl Born In The Potter House

James Potter took a weekend off from Order of the Phoenix and whisked his wife off to his apartment in Paris. And, both of them spent a glorious and well deserved two days in France and returned to their danger filled lives. He returned to his job and Lily returned home. She would have returned to the Order too had she not been pregnant. James wanted to keep her safe, he wanted to keep them both safe. He didn't have it in him to lose more family. After nine months, James Potter became the father of a baby girl. The moment he laid his eyes on her, he froze. She had soft brown hair, those gray eyes...it was as if Charlotte Potter had been reborn.

"I thought….." Lily said, "We could name her Charlotte."

"No…" James shook his head. "You can't…..I can't do that."

"Why not?" Lily said, cheerfully. "She looks just like her."

"I can't. Lil." He whispered, "She already looks like her. If I name her the same as Charlotte, I will remember what happened to Charlotte every time I call her name. I love her. I will always love my little girl but she can't have Charlotte's place."

Lily stared at him, they had been together for almost four years now, but she still didn't understand who this man was. She didn't realize he still felt so deeply for his dead sister. Sometimes, she felt jealous of the power that a dead eleven year old held over her husband.

It was difficult for James to be away from so much home when his home was so welcoming. His face would light up when he saw Lily in the house. All the sleep deprivation and the tiredness would just melt away when Hazel would grab his finger or smile at him. Life had become tough for the twenty-two year old James, fighting away the death eaters and keeping them away from his home. They had entered his house once, who could say they wouldn't do it again. They had killed an eleven year old, who was to say they wouldn't kill an eleven month old baby. Snape had backed off ever since James followed him to his house, showing Snape that he had the same power over him as Snape did. But, James couldn't trust the man….he was ashamed now, sure ... .but, James just knew in heart that Snape would come one day and hurt his family. And, James didn't have the heart to see his blood in his house again. He never left Lily and Hazel alone, either Snape or Remus stayed when he was away. He didn't doubt Lily's talents, but these were dangerous times…...he didn't leave the house without someone else with him. And,Hazel…...in the first year of her life, she hadn't seen anything more than the Potter Manor because James was too scared.

When Hazel was eighteen months old, Peter Pettigrew (who had gone over to the other side) entered the Potter Manor, disarming the spells on the door. He had spent years with them, he knew them well. He knew their weaknesses and strengths. And, to prove his loyalty to the Dark Lord, he had to enter the Potter Manor and steal the most precious thing there. He had to kidnap, kill and then deliver the corpse of James Potter's daughter. The baby that was the symbol of hope and light for not only the Potters, but also Sirius and Remus who hadn't been as lucky in love as James.

He came inside while Lily was fixing a snack for her daughter, James was just about to come home and then her shift would begin. Remus would leave with her and Sirius would stay with James. That was the only way they were sure that they all would be safe. James and Lily never talked about it, but it was the only way they knew that Hazel would at least have a parent if the other was killed in the war.

Peter stood over her crib and hesitated to take her. He had heard about the baby. And, it was true. She did look like the dead Potter girl. Baby Hazel cooed, shaking her rattle. He took a deep breath, it was either his life or hers. And, he always chose himself. He was about to pick up the baby from the crib and she was startled, she started crying. Lily grabbed her wand tightly and ran.

"Pettigrew…" Her eyes narrowed with disgust as the sight of the man. "Step away from my daughter."

Pointing the wand at him.

"Lily…" He squeaked, fumbling for his own wand.

"Step away!" She shouted.

His wand pointed towards the baby. He had now power over Lily. He was threatening her daughter.

The door opened but neither of them heard it.

"Don't do it, lil." He said, "Or you will regret it….how do you think James will feel?"

He taunted Lily.

"What?" Lily was distracted.

"Do you think James will love you if his precious girl is murdered under your watch?" He said, spitefully. "This one even looks like his sister who died."

"Died?" She spat, "She was killed by the likes of you!"

"Careful of what you say, Lily."

"Sectumsepmra…." Lily pointed her wand at Peter Pettigrew, the man she hated the most after Snape.

"Expelliarmus." Lily's wand fell out of her hand and flew across the room.

She would have thought the spell had come from Peter, but it had been James's voice. She turned in shock. It was her own husband who had disarmed her. Peter looked at her as if he had won.

"James!" He said, "Thank God, you are here…."

He had thought the other Marauders to be weak. Because they had chosen friends over power, they had chosen good over evil. They had chosen love. He thought James would weaken at the sight of his old friend. But, James's face was stone. He came towards Peter Pettigrew and snatched his wand from his hand. In the deep animalistic instinct to protect his home and his blood, he forgot he knew magic. His own wand was lying on the floor, he punched Peter in his face and Lily thought she saw a couple of teeth fall from Pettigrew's mouth. James threw another punch and another till Peter's whole face was messed up and covered in blood. After a few moments, he fell to the ground. James kicked him and when his legs got tired, he punched him more. Peter was unconscious when James dragged him with one hand and threw him out of his house.