
And so, the current flows

You will remain a mid-ranked demon slayer until the day you die. Despite this, you are perfectly content with your lot in life as long as you can assist the demon slayer corps. Falling in love with Shinobu Kocho was never part of your plan. Male!Reader/Shinobu. Second person POV. *Story will eventually catch up with canon events of Demon Slayer.

TowfuSan · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 30

You wrap your tonbi tigher around yourself, eyes lazily roaming over your surroundings. In the wane evening light, the trees hedging you and Shinobu on both sides are still visible. Looking beyond turns up similar sights with more shrubbery and the occasional woodland creature. The sky, meanwhile, remains a slowly darkening blanket of light purple and blacks, winking stars speckled across the vast skyscape behind the dotted clouds.

You glance the item in your right hand. The polished wood stick is connected to an unlit lantern by two copper rings. Being village made, it costs less a fraction of the price of the ones sold in cities. The latern is crudely shaped, made of plain waxed paper and cuppsed on the top and bottom with a coloured wood or clay rim.

You did not forget Shinobu needed to be the first to arrive back at the Butterfly Mansion. Though the barest of sunlight remained when both of you had left the village, you are quite certain you would require a source of light when it was your turn to journey back. Night arrives swiftly in a season like this. Better to be safe than sorry. Even if this area is supposedly free of demons, there are likely to be other manner of dangerous creatures lurking about.

You had considered returning along with Shinobu, but both of you agreed that arriving at the same time posed too big of a risk. Slayers and kakushi might be dedicated to the greater good of humanity, but gossip is still the preferred outlet for leisure. Shinobu is already involved in several hot topics, and you don't wish to drag into any more. Plus, with your infamous reputation among some Slayers, there is a chance you would bring a bad sort of scrutiny onto her…

You give the lantern handle a firm pinch. The wood groans silently, caving slightly under the duress. This thing is a fair bit flimsier than what you would normally use… but, well, it should hold up until its purpose is fulfilled. Judging from the weight of the lantern, the oil dish is full enough to keep the burning candle fed for the next two to three hours.

The shape of a familiar, gnarled tree is seen a little ways in front. Stopping under the swaying branches, you reluctantly uncurl your arm from hers. "Unfortunately, this is where we have to part ways. The mansion isn't far from here, I'm worried we'd be seen if I accompany you any further." You want to chuckle, but picturing the fallout makes your innards shrivel. "That would defeat the purpose of the pains we took up till now."

"I appreciate that you're taking my words seriously. I admit, though we've spoken plainly about how we planned to proceed, I was still mildly worried you might have a change of heart and decide to speak out about our relationship." Shinobu tries to adjust her haori, struggling with the bundle she received from apothecary. You take it from her and accept her thanks with a nod.

You're a little surprised at her admission. "Even if doing that didn't immediately ruin my chances with you, it would call my character into question. Generally, a person who breaks their word invites future trouble for short term reward. I'm not willing to take such a pointless risk."

Shinobu giggles and tilts her head, a falling leaf just missing hitting the ends of her butterfly hairpin. It continues to circle downwards, spinning and twisting, before joining the others in carpeting the ground. "Ryuu, I know you mean well, but if you always talk in circles, it's easy for people unfamiliar with you to misunderstand. You talk as if you'd only do things if they benefit you. Do you remember how I reacted on your view on demon slaying?"

You groan. You occasionally wince when you think about the incident. "Don't remind me… I'm still surprised by how calmly you reacted."

"If I hadn't been curious and asked you to explain further, I'd still be under the impression that you were selfish and cowardly," Shinobu says. "I've met people like that, and you're far from being one of them. If I truly mistook you for such a person… I would have suffered quite a loss."

You clear your throat, embarrassed and endeared. Shouldn't it be the opposite? Your relationship with her wouldn't have progressed this far if she had guarded against you. Shinobu continues, "People tend to fear deep waters. It would benefit you to be blunt in casual conversation. Speaking courteously is a vital trait in balancing tensions, but if there isn't a need for it, whoever you're talking to would more likely presume you're putting up airs, or prefer to keep your distance."

You heave a sigh, rubbing the excess cloth of Shinobu's package between your fingers. "This is a valuble skill for a merchant, or anyone doing business, really. One on hand, I have to convince people I'm capable through my actions, but on the other, I wouldn't get that chance if I failed to talk them into it. During negotiations, much of the battle is won when I present myself as articulate and unfailingly logical. If I asked them to trust me simply because 'I'm a good person,' I fear I'd be laughed out of the room."

Selling to common people requires a welcoming, inviting personality, but striking deals with wealthy lords and cunning business owners with deep pockets deep require more than just a glib tongue. You've never encountered problems speaking how you do with clients. One can even say they trust you more when they're convinced your sole motive is to turn profit, monetary or otherwise.

You think Shinobu has hit the nail on the head regarding how you're easily misunderstood. From your personal observations, you've also already realized that your tendency to bring up sensitive topics with people you've just met, is what leads to many of them holding bad impressions of you.

And now that you think about it… the number of people in the Demon Slayer Corps who have bothered to follow up and ask for an explanation merely adds up to two. Only Oyakata-sama and Shinobu have ever bothered to try and pick apart your reasonings.

You've never found a reason to change how you operated in the Corps, but now that you're courting Shinobu… it certainly changes things. Changes many things. You can't very well continue as you have. You can't be bothered if you're ostracised or not, but Shinobu and the girls don't deserve to deal with problems that will inevitably crop up from your bad reputation by virtue of association.

"You don't have to frown so much, Ryuu." Shinobu steps forward to rest a hand on your forearm. It sends vibrations through your hand, and the dangling lantern shudders from the feedback. "I brought up the issue because I don't wish to see you getting slighted, not when you don't deserve it."

"It's fine, Shinobu. I understand where you're coming from." You fix your reassuring gaze on her. Thanks to the close distance, the light from your lantern refracts off Shinobu's pupils. They shimmer delicately in the low light, a bright and mesmerizing purple. "I've been meaning to attempt a different approach, and now, I've got a proper reason to do it."

"If it is of any comfort, I already know you're a good person. Your actions have proven plenty."

You grin. "Is this the part where I start proclaiming you're the only thing I need to survive this cruel, unjust world?"

"You could, but Aoi and the girls would be upset to hear it." Shinobu points at the bundle she handed you, her mouth curling into a coy smirk. "Especially after the effort they put into your gift. This is the result of our shared efforts, it would be terrible of me to steal all the credit for myself."

The bundle in your hands suddenly triples in weight and value. "Shinobu? What do you mean by that? Isn't this what you purchased from the apothecary?" You stare down at the item you're grasping. Is this a joke or another teasing attempt to throw you off? You shake your head. "I don't understand."

Shinobu's laugh is swept up by a passing gust. Her voice spins and swirls around you, a miniature twister of dulcet tones. She leans up to peck your cheek, then flashes a distance away. Her movement is so quick you don't register her absence until you catch sight of the patterned sleeves of her haori flapping about, jostled by the sudden flurry of motion.

"It's a gift we specially prepared," Shinobu calls sweetly. "Thank you for returning safely to us, Ryuu!"

"Hey, Shinobu-!"

Your call leaves your mouth a second too late and Shinobu's graceful form dances out of sight. Well out of the range of your lantern, the butterfly patterned haori is quickly lost to the encroaching nighttime gloom. You retrieve your gaze from the empty space, fixing it onto the plaincloth bundle in your hands. It is simply wrapped, lacking in ostentatious pins or decorations, and yet, it feels more valuable than any expensive gift you've received.

Your fingers gripping the lantern's handle starts to itch. You want to open that bundle right this instant.

You shouldn't, the rational part of your mind argues. Opening it in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by unknown wilderness, is simply inviting trouble. You don't have your sword, and you could be ambushed from any direction. The sole weapon you have is a dagger you'd strapped securely to your thigh.

Meanwhile, the fiercer part of you argues: what do have to be afraid of?

Though you can only execute the first six forms of Water Breathing, it is impossible that you'd lose to random riff raff hiding out in the forest. You've trained for years in the art of the sword. Wareta had gotten lucky when he made the decision to drug you – he wouldn't have succeeded if he'd tried to ambush you in some dark alley in Kakunodate or challenged you directly.

You do a quick sweep of your surroundings, searching as far as the light of your lantern allows. You keep your ears peeled for strange sounds, sorting through the jostle of twigs and leaves caused by the wind rushing by. In the end, you find no evidence of unwelcome visitors lurking in your immediate surroundings, or suspicious presences where your light does not reach.

"Hmph, that's it then. There shouldn't be anything to worry about," you mutter. In any case, if anything dared to interrupt while you were in the midst of appreciating your gift, the dagger would be useful enough to teach them a painful lesson.

You immediately set about clearing a spot under the gnarled tree. Kicking aside the leaves, you find a large rock to sit on and another smaller sized one to place your lantern on. There is a wealth of dead leaves in a season like this, you would prefer not to turn into an accidental arsonist. Once you're seated comfortably, you balance Shinobu's bundle on top of your knees. You rub your hands together.

Your heart is pounding in your ears. You swallow and hear blood rushing to your head as you think about what manner of gift Shinobu and the girls decided upon. A rare book? Perhaps a drawing, like the ones you sketched for them during your travels, drawn by each of them?

Despite your nervousness, you undo the knot with quick and precise hands. You unfurl the folds of the cloth, holding your breath.

What could be inside…?

Your first glimpse of their gift is the colour of unflinching and vivid blue. Your excitement surges, and you flip the remaining folds back. Blue gives way to splashes of white, these rendered in shapes utterly familiar to you.

Your mouth falls open, your mind filling with shock. "T-This is…"

You grip the object with both hands and lift it. It's entire form is revealed when you pull on both ends and spread it wide open. "What? How did they… how in the heaven's name did they get their hands on this design? I've never even shown it to–"

You mind grinds to a halt. Your journal! You'd loaned it to Shinobu last week, and though you'd torn out the pages containing the ideas you brainstormed for the date, it still held a majority of your thoughts in scribbles and drawings. Including, you recall, a detailed sketch of your new haori.

"Shinobu, you're so sly!" You run your finger along the bold white strokes, three to four of these lines stacked on top of one another to form a patterned wave. The stitching is magnificent. Even scratching it with your nail doesn't pull a single thread. "This is exactly how I wanted it… the colour of the cloth, the feel of the patterns…"

Your face is hurting from how widely you're smiling, but you can't stop. You had envisioned how your haori might've turned out, but this is beyond your expectations. This gift is beyond anything you've expected. This isn't something that's planned offhandedly, Shinobu had actually gone out of her way to have this made.

You marvel at the shocking revelation as you continue running your hands over the haori, feeling every inch of it. Running the pad of your thumb along the inner collar, you catch a stitching that feels strangely deformed. Flipping the haori inside out, you hold it toward your lantern to get a better look. "Oh. Oh, this is…"

The caricature of the butterfly is the size of your thumb. Sewn with a dark pink thread, it blends in perfectly with the deep navy of the haori. You wouldn't have seen it if you didn't know precisely where to look. You run your thumb over it again, sketching out the curve of its wings and swallow tail. Shinobu mentioned a 'we' before she left, and in the entirety of Butterfly Estate, only the girls would have a reason to be a part of this.

You flip the haori back to its previous state, holdingit up like you would a precious scroll or painting. The glow from the lantern forms a faint halo around it, and for a moment, you think the gentle light illuminates the darkest corners of the forest. The words Shinobu said before she left reverberate in your mind, the lingering sweetness of her voice bringing a warm flush to your cheeks.

"Don't be ridiculous…" You bury your face in the haori, your hat toppling onto the ground. "I should be the one thanking you for giving me a place to return to."


The flickering light of your lantern catches the attention of the figure at the gate. You see faint movement, likely assessing who you might be, before they begin to approach. Whoever this is must have a great deal of practice moving silently like this. If they wished to launch a surprise attack, though, they seem to lack the experience to pull it off successfully. You can still pick out the sound of their footsteps against the backdrop of rustling leaves and crying of insects.

You have stopped a safe distance away, waiting for them to come closer to confirm your identity. Soon, the figure steps out of the shadows, entering the space several paces in front of you. You knew they were coming, but seeing them appear feels as if you just watched something appear out of thin air. Though similar to Slayer uniforms, it is clear the Kakushi's function better for stealth. Suited for reconnaissance, indeed.

"Good evening," you greet, giving them a short wave. "I was out on an errand for the afternoon. I ended up returning a little later than I expected."

The kakushi, who you now identify as a man from his exceptionally broad shoulders and tall frame, peers closely at you. Finally, it must click, because he drops his gaze and gives you a deep bow. "Welcome back, Kuroshio-sama."

He doesn't say anything else, giving you further idea of his identity. You recognize most of the kakushi stationed in the mansion, but the ones you don't fall into either of two categories: freshly inaugurated greenhorns, or veterans from the Corps' main headquarters. From his bearing, it is clear he is one of the latter.

Both of you make your way back to the mansion. When you near the gates, he darts forward to open them before you manage to do so. You step through the wooden archway and turn to look at him. "Thanks for your hard work. Have a good night."

The kakushi nods. "And to you as well."

The gate shuts tightly behind you, and you head towards the sheds built near the fence. Once you're done storing the lantern, you pivot and head towards the mansion's main entrance. The sight of the building, glowing with light diffusing through shoji windows, makes your chest buzz with a comforting warmth.

A place you can look forward to returning to. A place with people who wish for your safe return. Before this, you had concluded your desire to call this place your home as implausible. But now…

One of your hands clutch the folded tonbi hanging off your forearm, while the other fiddles with the sleeve of your new haori. The material of your tonbi is far superior, but your haori is keeping out the cold just as well. Actually, you feel far warmer. There is only one thing nagging at you, though, and that is…

You rub your chin. "How did Shinobu get my exact measurements?"

You continue to ponder over this mystery even as you slide the entrance door open to enter. The air is warmer inside the mansion, and you realize the reason when you spy a number of braziers stationed along each intersection in the hallway.

This is the first time since the start of Autumn that you've seen them. While the cold weather hasn't yet become a huge issue for you or the rest of the staff at the mansion, it's probably a different story for the recovering patients. Slayers tended to be a prideful bunch, so if the warmers ended up being taken out… tonight must be colder than usual for someone dressed in thin patient scrubs.

Though you feel a little arm, you're not going to take off your haori until you thank Shinobu and the girls,. You want to see their reactions when they see how well their gift has fit you.

You make your way down the hallway. You peek into the dining hall as you pass and find it empty. You don't know what the exact time is, but you don't find it surprising. With Shinobu out of the entire afternoon, Aoi and the girls must have found themselves busier than normal. Your smile fades slightly at the stabbing guilt. You swear to yourself to get them some gifts the next time you head out for an errand. Your house arrest is essentially over, and you wager that you'll receive another mission in the coming weeks or months.

You turn the corner and run straight into something tiny. The person makes a noise of surprise, tumbling back. Your hand shoots out. To your relief, you manage to catch them by the wrist. You give it a firm pull, steadying the poor victim of your carelessness.

"Ah, Kanao! Forgive me, I was distracted." Her shocked expression smoothes into her usual blank face. The girl stares at your hand still clamped around her wrist, and you immediately let go. You used a tenth of your strength, but you're worried you might have misjudged yourself and hurt her. "Are you alright? Have I hurt you?"

Kanao moves her wrists behind her back before you can check. She lowers her head and takes a step back, putting some distance between both of you. You pause, struck by this odd action. Are you seeing things correctly?

Furthermore, her frame is almost disappearing into her clothes. Her build resembles Shinobu, but she has never looked this… small.

"Are you alright, Kanao?" You try again. She flinches at the sound of your voice, and you lower it further. "Sorry for scaring you. Can you tell me if you're alright? I hope you'll forgive me for nearly running you over."

Kanao stares at you, unblinking. You're starting to feel unnerved by the intensity behind her gaze when she reaches into her pocket, taking out a familiar copper coin.

You blink, confused. This isn't the first time you've seen it. You've noticed her using it with the kakushi in the halls, and occasionally with the girls. You'd assumed they were playing a game of sorts, but in a moment like this… you don't know why she's taken it out.

Kanao tosses the coin into the air. It soars, weightless for mere moments, before landing on her open palm.

"Heads…" You startle when she speaks, and even more when she fixes you with a stare filled with what you now realize is animosity. "I am not hurt, Kuroshio-san. You can leave me be."

"O-Oh?" Nearly sending her flying must have done a number on her mood, you reason. Kanao steps aside, giving you as wide a berth as the hallway will allow. You turn to watch her go, something restless settling in the pit of your stomach. "Kanao, please wait."

She turns. Her eyes are chips of ice, but her expression is impassive as she always is. Are you overthinking things? You are unable to think of a reason for her to be this hostile towards you. Her interactions with you… hm, have you both even spoken directly before this? You can't recall.

"I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am for this gift." You tug at your collar, smiling despite the tense atmosphere. "Shinobu mentioned you and the girls helped with the haori. I'm not sure how all of you went about arranging it, but I'm really happy that everyone put in such effort."

You find it embarrassing to be saying this so forthrightly, but you'd promised Shinobu to be less cryptic. This is a good way to start. "Thank you, Kanao," you finish.

Kanao expression screws up, almost as if she's bitten into something terribly sour. She flips her coin, and once more, it lands on heads. That piercing stare drills into you for the second time this evening, and she says, "I had no part in that, Kuroshio-san. You have no reason to thank me."

Kanao spins on her heel, then pauses, looking over her shoulder. "And please don't address my master so intimately. Guests should not forget to be polite."

You watch her go, utterly speechless.

What… what in the world just happened?

Dundundun... yes, this arc's antagonist of sorts has appeared. I hope you won't dislike precious Kanao for her actions, she does have a good reason for it!

I managed to get this chapter in right before it turned to March.

I really can't stand updating the story every two weeks... I feel like the story is progressing too slowly ;-;

I'm going to take a month's rest and plan out the rest of the arc, so we can resume with a better update schedule when I return! Thank you all for reading this far, I hope you'll tune in again when I'm back from my break :D

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