
And She Never Came Back

Alex flees his overbearing mother’s control, seeking independence. He meets Mr. Jacob, who offers him a job and a fresh start. Alex falls for the mysterious Mia, but their love is shattered by betrayal. Heartbroken, he writes a bestselling book about his loss. As success grows, Alex is haunted by the mystery of Mia’s disappearance, leaving readers in suspense about her true nature and fate.

Sadaf_Abdullah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter Two: The First Conversation

Alex awoke the next morning with the sun streaming through the curtains. The events of the previous day seemed almost surreal, but the unfamiliar room reminded him that he was truly on a new path. Determined to seize this opportunity, he dressed quickly and headed downstairs, where Mr. Jacob was already bustling about.

"Good morning, Alex," Mr. Jacob greeted him with a warm smile. "Ready for your first delivery?"

Alex nodded enthusiastically. After a hearty breakfast, they loaded the delivery truck with fresh fruits and set off. As they drove through the city, Mr. Jacob shared tips about the job, explaining the importance of punctuality and politeness.

Their first stop was a bustling café known for its fresh juices and smoothies. Alex felt a flutter of nervousness as he carried the crates of fruits inside, but the café staff greeted him warmly, making him feel at ease. After unloading the delivery and getting a signature, Alex returned to the truck, his chest swelling with pride. He had done something entirely on his own, without his mother's help or influence.

"That went well," Mr. Jacob said, giving Alex a pat on the back. "I knew you'd do great."

As they continued with the deliveries, Alex's confidence grew. Each successful drop-off was a small but significant victory, reinforcing his belief in his ability to navigate the world on his own terms. By the end of the day, he was exhausted but content, feeling a sense of accomplishment that had eluded him for so long.

When they returned home, Alex felt a renewed sense of purpose. After unloading the truck, he decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to clear his mind. As he approached the house, he saw the girl from the previous night standing on her balcony. She was reading a book, her simple attire and natural beauty captivating him once more.

Summoning his courage, Alex approached her. "Hi there," he called out, waving.

She looked up from her book, her eyes widening in surprise. "Oh, hi!" she replied, a smile spreading across her face.

"I'm Alex," he said, leaning against the railing. "I just moved in with Mr. Jacob. I saw you last night and thought I'd introduce myself."

"I'm Marina," she replied, her voice sweet and melodic. "But you can call me Mia. It's nice to meet you, Alex."

They chatted for a while, their conversation light and easy. Alex learned that Mia lived with her father and that her mother had passed away from cervical cancer when Mia was just a child. Despite the hardships, Mia radiated a gentle strength that Alex found inspiring.

"Your dad must be a great man," Alex said, trying to imagine the bond between Mia and her father.

"He is," Mia agreed, her eyes shining with pride. "He's done everything he can to make sure I have a good life. We've had our struggles, but we're a team."

As the sun began to set, they reluctantly said their goodbyes. Alex returned to his room, his mind buzzing with thoughts of Mia. He lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, replaying their conversation in his mind.

Mia was different from anyone he had ever met. She was kind and unpretentious, her simplicity a stark contrast to the superficial world he had grown up in. There was something refreshing about her, something that made him feel at ease. He admired her strength and resilience, qualities he aspired to cultivate within himself.

As he thought about Mia, Alex felt a warmth spread through him. He imagined her smile, the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her father. He found himself wishing to know more about her, to uncover the layers of her life and understand what made her the person she was.

He thought about her mother, about the pain Mia must have endured losing her at such a young age. Alex couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy for her. Despite her loss, she seemed to possess a quiet grace and a hopeful outlook on life. It was a testament to her strength and the love she shared with her father.

As he lay there, Alex realized how different his life had become in such a short time. Just days ago, he felt trapped, suffocated by his mother's well-meaning but overbearing care. Now, he was on his own, navigating new experiences and meeting new people. He felt a sense of freedom and possibility that he had never known before.

Closing his eyes, Alex allowed his thoughts to drift. He thought about the future, about the person he wanted to become. He saw himself growing more independent, learning from Mr. Jacob and finding his own way in the world. And in his mind's eye, he saw Mia by his side, her presence a source of comfort and inspiration.

With these thoughts swirling in his head, Alex felt a peaceful sleep begin to overtake him. He drifted off with a sense of hope and excitement for the days to come, grateful for the unexpected turn his life had taken and eager to see where this new path would lead him.