
And She Never Came Back

Alex flees his overbearing mother’s control, seeking independence. He meets Mr. Jacob, who offers him a job and a fresh start. Alex falls for the mysterious Mia, but their love is shattered by betrayal. Heartbroken, he writes a bestselling book about his loss. As success grows, Alex is haunted by the mystery of Mia’s disappearance, leaving readers in suspense about her true nature and fate.

Sadaf_Abdullah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter Three: The First Gift

The month that followed was a whirlwind for Alex. Every morning, he woke up with a sense of purpose, eager to embark on his deliveries. Each successful delivery bolstered his confidence, and every evening brought with it the joy of seeing Mia. They developed a routine: Alex would return from his day's work, and after a quick shower and a bite to eat, he would find Mia on her balcony. Their conversations flowed easily, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

They talked about everything—music, books, dreams, and fears. Alex learned that Mia loved to paint, often losing herself in the colors and strokes that brought her emotions to life. In turn, he shared his passion for literature and his dream of becoming a writer. They found common ground in their desire to create and express themselves, even though their mediums were different.

One evening, as they were chatting, Mia opened up about her mother. "She was the kindest person I've ever known," Mia said softly, her eyes reflecting the glow of the setting sun. "I miss her every day, but I know she's watching over me."

Alex felt a deep pang of sympathy. "I'm sure she'd be very proud of you, Mia. You're an incredible person."

Mia smiled, a mix of sadness and gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Alex. That means a lot."

As the weeks turned into a month, Alex's first payday arrived. Mr. Jacob handed him the envelope with a proud smile. "You've earned this, Alex. You've done a great job."

Holding the envelope, Alex felt a surge of pride. It wasn't just money—it was a symbol of his independence and hard work. That evening, he walked to the local store and bought a chocolate bar, his mind filled with thoughts of Mia. He wanted to do something special for her, to show her how much their friendship meant to him.

When he returned, Mia was waiting on her balcony as usual. Alex's heart raced with anticipation as he approached her. "Hey, Mia," he called out, trying to keep his excitement in check.

"Hi, Alex," she replied, her smile lighting up her face. "How was your day?"

"It was great," he said, taking a deep breath. "Actually, I got my first paycheck today."

Mia's eyes widened with genuine happiness. "That's amazing, Alex! Congratulations!"

Alex grinned and reached into his pocket, pulling out the chocolate bar. "I got something for you. It's not much, but I wanted you to have it."

Mia's face lit up with surprise and delight. She took the chocolate bar from his hand, her fingers brushing against his. "You bought this with your first paycheck?"

Alex nodded, feeling a bit shy. "Yeah. I wanted to do something special for you."

Mia's eyes softened, and she looked at him with a warmth that made his heart skip a beat. "Thank you, Alex. This means a lot to me. You've made my day."

They spent the evening talking and laughing, their connection deepening. As the stars began to appear, Mia's thoughts turned to Alex. She felt a growing fondness for him, impressed by his kindness and sincerity. That night, as she lay in bed, she found herself thinking about him, imagining his smile and the way his eyes lit up when he talked about his dreams.

The next evening, Mia decided she wanted to give Alex something in return. She spent the day working on a gift, her fingers deftly sewing a handkerchief with intricate designs. She stitched his name into the fabric, her heart fluttering with nervous excitement. When the time came to meet Alex, she felt a mix of anticipation and shyness.

"Hi, Mia," Alex greeted her, his smile as bright as ever.

"Hi, Alex," she replied, her voice a bit shaky. "I… I have something for you."

Alex looked at her with surprise. "You do?"

Mia nodded, holding out the handkerchief. "I made this for you. I hope you like it."

Alex took the handkerchief, his eyes widening as he examined the delicate stitches and his name embroidered on it. "Mia, this is amazing. It's beautiful. Thank you so much."

Mia blushed, her heart racing. "I'm glad you like it. I wanted to give you something special."

Alex's joy was palpable. "I love it, Mia. This is the best gift I've ever received."

After their conversation, Alex returned to his room, unable to contain his excitement. He closed the door and looked at the handkerchief again, marveling at the care and effort Mia had put into it. Overwhelmed with happiness, he began to dance around the room, his movements a spontaneous expression of his joy.