
And She Never Came Back

Alex flees his overbearing mother’s control, seeking independence. He meets Mr. Jacob, who offers him a job and a fresh start. Alex falls for the mysterious Mia, but their love is shattered by betrayal. Heartbroken, he writes a bestselling book about his loss. As success grows, Alex is haunted by the mystery of Mia’s disappearance, leaving readers in suspense about her true nature and fate.

Sadaf_Abdullah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter One: The Meeting

"I can't take this babysitting anymore!" yelled Alex at his mother, his voice echoing off the walls of their grand yet stifling home. "You know what, I'm leaving!" Without waiting for a response, Alex stormed out of the house, the door slamming shut behind him with a resounding bang.

Alex's mother, Amelia, stood in the hallway, her face a mask of concern and confusion. She was a self-made woman, a formidable business tycoon who had built her empire from the ground up. Her influence extended far beyond their home, touching every aspect of Alex's life. She had poured all her energy and affection into her only child, but her attempts to protect and nurture him often felt suffocating to Alex.

As Alex raced down the street, the cool evening air hit his face, a stark contrast to the heated argument he had just left behind. He walked briskly, his mind a whirl of thoughts and emotions. He longed for independence, a chance to prove himself without his mother's shadow looming over him. Despite his great academic record and the promise of admission to his dream university, he had recently discovered that his acceptance had been influenced by his mother's connections. Though he had passed the admission tests and interviews on his own merit, Amelia had spoken to one of the higher officials to ensure her son's place, a precaution that Alex found deeply undermining.

Feeling betrayed and incapable of standing on his own, Alex decided he needed to leave. He switched off his phone and headed towards the river, a place where he often sought solace. As he sat by the riverbank, the water gently lapping at the shore, he imagined a future where he could carve his own path, free from his mother's overbearing influence.

The sky darkened, and the first stars began to twinkle. Alex lost himself in his thoughts, contemplating his next steps. He was so engrossed in his musings that he almost missed the urgent cry that pierced the tranquil night air. "Stop them!" a middle-aged man's voice echoed, desperate and pleading. Alex looked up to see a man chasing after a sack full of oranges that had torn open, the fruits rolling down the street.

Without a second thought, Alex sprang into action. He ran towards the man, helping him gather the runaway oranges. They managed to corral the fruits and place them by the side of the street. The man, breathless and grateful, looked at Alex with appreciation.

"You're a good boy, I see," the man said, still catching his breath.

Alex nodded gently, accepting the compliment with a shy smile. "Is there anything else I can do to help?" he asked.

The man explained that he was delivering the oranges to a nearby juice bar and needed assistance carrying the fruits. Despite the torn sack and the man's broken-down bike, Alex and the man, Mr. Jacob, managed to deliver the oranges to the bar. Mr. Jacob explained the situation to the bar manager, apologizing for the late delivery. The manager, understanding and impressed by their determination, accepted the apology and took the delivery.

Impressed by Alex's willingness to help, Mr. Jacob offered to reward him. However, Alex declined, instead asking if Mr. Jacob could suggest a job as a token of gratitude. Fortunately, Mr. Jacob was in need of a delivery boy. Though hesitant, he informed Alex about the vacancy, and Alex eagerly accepted the offer.

As they walked through the streets, Mr. Jacob listened to Alex's story of leaving home. Though he had much to say, he decided to save his comments for later, understanding Alex's fragile state of mind. In turn, Mr. Jacob shared his own story: he was the owner of a large, prosperous fruit farm. He lived alone and ran his farm during the harvest seasons, spending the off-seasons traveling the world with the money he earned.

Their conversation meandered through various topics, from farming techniques to the best places to visit around the globe. Alex found himself genuinely interested in Mr. Jacob's stories, a welcome distraction from his own troubles. Mr. Jacob, sensing Alex's curiosity and eagerness to learn, felt a growing fondness for the young man.

When they reached Mr. Jacob's home, Alex was surprised. From the outside, it appeared to be a modest, tiny house, but inside, it was luxuriously furnished, a testament to Mr. Jacob's success and taste. The interior was a blend of rustic charm and modern comforts, with polished wooden floors, plush furniture, and walls adorned with photographs from Mr. Jacob's travels.

The late hour and the exhaustion from the day's events had dulled Alex's appetite. Mr. Jacob offered him a simple yet hearty meal, which Alex accepted gratefully. They sat in the cozy kitchen, the warm light casting a comforting glow around them. Mr. Jacob shared more about his life, and Alex felt a sense of kinship with the older man.

After dinner, Mr. Jacob showed Alex to a comfortable guest room. Though he was tired, Alex couldn't sleep. He stood on the balcony, gazing up at the stars, his mind a whirl of thoughts and emotions. Across from him, on the opposite balcony, stood a girl. She was dressed simply, in plain clothes without any jewelry, and had an unassuming beauty about her. Her eyes, however, captivated Alex. There was something about her that mesmerized him, something pure and serene.

They locked eyes, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Alex felt a connection, a spark of something new and promising. His mind, so filled with turmoil and uncertainty, found a strange sense of calm in that brief exchange.

He didn't know who she was, but in that moment, it didn't matter. For the first time in a long while, Alex felt a glimmer of hope and possibility.

As the night deepened, Alex returned to his room, a sense of peace settling over him. He knew the road ahead would be challenging, but he felt ready to face it. With the help of Mr. Jacob and the mysterious girl, he was determined to build a life on his own terms.