
And She Never Came Back

Alex flees his overbearing mother’s control, seeking independence. He meets Mr. Jacob, who offers him a job and a fresh start. Alex falls for the mysterious Mia, but their love is shattered by betrayal. Heartbroken, he writes a bestselling book about his loss. As success grows, Alex is haunted by the mystery of Mia’s disappearance, leaving readers in suspense about her true nature and fate.

Sadaf_Abdullah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter Four: Mr. Jacob

Alex's jubilant dance came to an abrupt halt as Mr. Jacob stood in the doorway, his expression both amused and pensive. "What's up, buddy? Why are you so happy?" he asked, his deep voice resonating through the room.

Alex grinned, holding up the handkerchief. "Mia made this for me. It's got my name on it and everything. It's the best gift I've ever received."

Mr. Jacob stepped into the room, his gait slightly unsteady. Alex noticed the faint smell of alcohol and the glassy look in Mr. Jacob's eyes. "Come on, Alex. Let's sit in the living room. I need to talk to you about something."

They moved to the living room, where Mr. Jacob slumped into a chair, gesturing for Alex to sit across from him. He poured himself another drink, his movements deliberate and a bit clumsy. Alex watched him, a sense of unease creeping in. He had never seen Mr. Jacob like this before.

"Alex," Mr. Jacob began, his voice tinged with melancholy, "I've been watching you and Mia. You remind me of myself when I was your age. Full of hope, eager to love, ready to conquer the world. But there are things you need to know, things I've learned the hard way."

Alex listened intently, his curiosity piqued. Mr. Jacob's usually composed demeanor was replaced by a raw vulnerability, and Alex felt a deep respect for the man who had given him a chance to start anew.

"I was in love once," Mr. Jacob continued, his gaze distant as he recalled the past. "Madly in love. She was everything to me—kind, intelligent, beautiful. But she could never love me the way I loved her."

Mr. Jacob's voice grew softer, and Alex leaned in to catch every word. "She had her own demons, her own battles. Her father was a hard man, always demanding more from her, never satisfied. She felt she had to prove herself, to show him she could succeed on her own. And in her eyes, I was a distraction, something that could derail her plans."

Alex's heart ached for Mr. Jacob as he spoke. He could hear the pain and longing in his voice, the regret that lingered after so many years.

"I tried to be there for her, to support her, but my love became a burden. I was too intense, too desperate for her affection. One day, she couldn't take it anymore. She told me she needed to focus on her goals and left me. Just like that, she was gone."

Mr. Jacob's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and he took a long sip of his drink. "It broke me, Alex. I've never been the same since. I've had people in my life who only hurt me, used me, and left. It's a lonely existence, but I've learned to live with it."

He looked at Alex, his expression earnest. "I'm telling you this because I see how much you care for Mia. And I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. Make sure she's ready for what you have to offer, and be careful not to overwhelm her. Sometimes, love isn't enough."

Alex felt a lump in his throat as he absorbed Mr. Jacob's words. He had sensed the growing bond between himself and Mia, and he didn't want to jeopardize it. "Thank you, Mr. Jacob. I'll be careful. I appreciate your advice."

Mr. Jacob gave him a sad smile. "Just don't lose yourself in the process, Alex. You're a good kid, and you deserve to be happy."

With that, Mr. Jacob stood up, swaying slightly before steadying himself. "I'm going to bed. You should get some rest too."

Alex watched as Mr. Jacob disappeared down the hallway, his heart heavy with the weight of the older man's story. He felt a profound respect for Mr. Jacob's resilience and a deep sympathy for the pain he had endured.

As he lay in bed that night, Alex's thoughts drifted to Mia. He cherished their growing connection, but he now understood the importance of patience and balance. He wanted to be there for her, to support her dreams without becoming a burden.