
And She Never Came Back

Alex flees his overbearing mother’s control, seeking independence. He meets Mr. Jacob, who offers him a job and a fresh start. Alex falls for the mysterious Mia, but their love is shattered by betrayal. Heartbroken, he writes a bestselling book about his loss. As success grows, Alex is haunted by the mystery of Mia’s disappearance, leaving readers in suspense about her true nature and fate.

Sadaf_Abdullah · Fantasy
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Chapter Five: The First Date

The days passed in a blur of deliveries and evening conversations, with Alex and Mia growing closer with each passing moment. They had found a rhythm in their friendship, a comforting routine that brought joy to both their lives. But as spring began to blossom into summer, something shifted in the air. It was a Saturday morning, and Alex was preparing for another busy day when Mia approached him with a shy smile.

"Alex, are you free tonight?" she asked, her cheeks tinged with a delicate blush.

Alex's heart skipped a beat. "Yeah, I am. Why?"

Mia's smile widened. "There's a lantern festival in town tonight. I thought it would be fun if we went together."

Alex felt a surge of excitement. "I'd love that, Mia. It sounds amazing."

As the day wore on, Alex found himself eagerly anticipating the evening. The thought of spending time with Mia, away from their usual routine, filled him with a nervous excitement. He finished his deliveries quickly and returned home to freshen up. When he stepped outside, Mia was waiting for him, looking more beautiful than ever. She wore a simple dress that fluttered in the gentle evening breeze, and her hair cascaded in soft waves around her shoulders.

"You look beautiful," Alex said, unable to hide his admiration.

Mia blushed and smiled. "Thank you, Alex. You look great too."

They walked to the festival together, the setting sun casting a golden glow over the town. The streets were alive with the sound of laughter and music, the air filled with the tantalizing scents of various foods from street vendors. Colorful lanterns hung from every possible spot, their warm light creating a magical atmosphere.

As they strolled through the festival, Alex and Mia explored the different attractions. They watched street performers, admired intricate lantern displays, and sampled delicious treats from the food stalls. Alex felt a sense of wonder as he experienced the festival through Mia's eyes, her joy and excitement making everything seem even more special.

They paused at a booth where children were crafting their own lanterns. Mia's eyes lit up, and she turned to Alex with a mischievous grin. "Do you want to make one?"

"Absolutely," Alex replied, eager to share the experience with her.

They spent the next hour crafting their lanterns, their hands brushing occasionally as they worked side by side. Alex's lantern was simple but heartfelt, while Mia's was adorned with delicate designs that showcased her artistic talent. Once they were finished, they admired each other's creations, their shared laughter and smiles deepening their bond.

As the evening grew darker, the festival organizers announced the start of the lantern release. People gathered near the riverbank, each holding a lantern to be set adrift on the water. Alex and Mia joined the crowd, their lanterns in hand. Together, they released their lanterns, watching as they floated away, the flickering lights reflecting off the water's surface.

"It's beautiful," Mia whispered, her voice filled with awe.

"It is," Alex agreed, his gaze fixed on Mia rather than the lanterns.

After the lantern release, the crowd began to disperse, but Alex had one more surprise for Mia. "Come with me," he said, taking her hand gently. "There's something I want to show you."

Mia followed him, her curiosity piqued. They walked through the quiet streets, away from the bustling festival, until they reached Alex's favorite riverside spot. The moon was high in the sky, casting a silvery light over the water. The gentle sound of the river created a serene atmosphere, and the air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers.

"This place is beautiful," Mia said softly, looking around in wonder.

Alex nodded. "It's my favorite spot. I come here whenever I need to think or just get away from everything."

They sat down on a grassy bank, side by side, the night sky stretching out above them. For a while, they simply enjoyed the peacefulness, the sounds of the river and the night creatures creating a symphony of tranquility.

Mia broke the silence, her voice tender and hesitant. "Alex, there's something I need to tell you."

Alex turned to her, his heart pounding. "What is it, Mia?"

She took a deep breath, her eyes searching his. "These past few months have been amazing. You've become such an important part of my life, and I cherish every moment we spend together. I… I think I'm falling in love with you, Alex."

Alex felt a surge of emotions, his heart swelling with happiness and disbelief. "Mia, I feel the same way. I've been trying to find the right moment to tell you, but I was scared… scared that you might not feel the same."

Mia's eyes sparkled with tears of joy. "Really? You mean it?"

Alex reached out and took her hands in his, his gaze locked with hers. "I mean it, Mia. You mean everything to me."

They sat there, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes, the world around them fading away. It was as if time had stopped, and in that moment, nothing else mattered but the connection they shared.

Mia leaned in closer, her voice barely a whisper. "I'm so glad you came into my life, Alex."

He smiled, his heart full. "I'm glad I found you too, Mia."

They sat in comfortable silence, the night sky stretching endlessly above them. The moonlight cast a soft glow on their faces, and the sound of the river was a soothing backdrop to their quiet conversation. They talked about their dreams for the future, their hopes and fears, and everything in between. The more they shared, the deeper their bond grew.

As the night grew late, Alex and Mia reluctantly decided to head back. They walked hand in hand, their steps slow and unhurried, savoring every moment of their first date. When they reached Mia's house, she turned to him with a shy smile.

"Thank you for tonight, Alex. It was perfect."

He smiled back, his heart full. "Thank you, Mia. I had an amazing time."

They stood there for a moment, reluctant to say goodbye. Then, without a word, Mia leaned in and kissed Alex softly on the cheek. His heart skipped a beat, and he felt a warmth spread through him.

"Goodnight, Alex," she whispered, her eyes shining with affection.

"Goodnight, Mia," he replied, his voice filled with emotion.

As he walked back to Mr. Jacob's house, Alex felt like he was walking on air. The evening had been everything he had hoped for and more. When he reached his room, he flopped onto his bed, a goofy grin plastered on his face.

Just then, Mr. Jacob appeared in the doorway, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "What's up, buddy? Why are you so happy?"

Alex looked up at him, his grin widening. "I just had the best night of my life."

Mr. Jacob chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder. "Well, it looks like things are going well for you and Mia. I'm happy for you, Alex."

As Mr. Jacob left the room, Alex lay back on his bed, his thoughts consumed by the evening. He replayed every moment in his mind, savoring the memory of Mia's smile, her laughter, and the feel of her hand in his. He knew that this was just the beginning of something beautiful, and he couldn't wait to see where their journey would take them.

With a contented sigh, Alex closed his eyes, the events of the night dancing through his mind. He felt a sense of peace and happiness that he had never known before, and as he drifted off to sleep, he knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.