
Chapter 14 {Gokia}

Qin Tang Long started to look upward, but Gong Qiu Linglong dashed forward and pushed him down on the floor. She held out of her hand, and she built a huge ice wall. Everyone couldn't help it but be in a way of Gong Qiu Linglong her eyes narrowed before she sighed.

"Thanks, Sister Qiu."

Gong Qiu Linglong nodded her head.

"That's a Gokia, it's known to devour people the moment you look into it's eyes it will make your worst fear feel real so don't look at it in the eyes," Gong Qiu Linglong said and started to walk forward.

Riko Ai Lili opened and closed her mouth she wanted to ask how she knew all of this, but at the same time, she knew that Gong Qiu Linglong wouldn't answer her.

As everyone walked along, Gong Qiu Linglong blasted the evil beast out of the way. Qin Tang Long walked right behind Gong Qiu Linglong his eyes were traveling around and making sure everyone was safe.

After three hours of traveling, everyone was tired. Qin Tang Long grabbed his water bottle he threw his head back and took off his jacket. Do far, they have been lucky because they have been listening to Gong Qiu Linglong.

"Everyone, alright?" Qin Tang Long asked.

"This is a pain man we have been walking for so long Sister Gong are we almost there?"

"Yes, we are almost there. Only two hours away, we will be there," Gong Qiu Linglong said and stared straight at Tun Xiao, who let out a yawn.


"Qin, do you have dry spirit beast meat?" Gong Qiu Linglong asked.

"Yeah, here."


Tun Xiao jumped off Gong Qiu Linglong lap and tagged on Qin Tang Long sleeve shirt he was busy eating his sandwich.

"Little guy, you only know how to be nice when you are hungry here," Qin Tang Long said and Tun Xiao staffed his face he let out a yawn and jumped back on Gong Qiu Linglong lap.

"Let's keep on going it's light out," Gong Qiu Linglong said. Everyone agreed with her, so they started moving forward.