
Chapter 13 {Silent One}

That night Qin Tang Long couldn't sleep. He decided to go outside he notice someone was sitting on a stone as the moon shine ever so brightly the golden hair waved back and fourth as Gong Qiu Linglong turned her head her golden eyes showed softness that normal aren't there. Qin Tang Long jumped in the air and sat next to her on a rock. Gong Qiu Linglong tipped her gourd toward Qin Tang Long and let out a sigh.

"Tell your friends I am sorry but if everyone wants to come out of here alive you honestly need to listen to me," Gong Qiu Linglong said.

"I understand that but what-"

Gong Qiu Linglong put her hands on Qin Tang Long mouth and she grabbed him by the hand. They moved slowly backwards. Qin Tang Long just stared out and held out his hand for Gong Qiu Linglong to hold. She stared at it trying to send weather to do it or not so Qin Tang Long took her hand and he put a bracelet on.

"I am a blacksmith a fourth rank at that, I love being in a blacksmith shop and my master but ever since I was a child the only thing that set me apart from everyone is because I was a genius when it came to making weapons and my pure strength even I have notice in just three days my strength has doubled, anyway I know you like a quiet life and don't like being around people you are cold to everyone else even me but when we were hungry you feed us we all know you are kind but you don't like showing it so please just allow people to be your friends alright?" Qin Tang Long said.

Gong Qiu Linglong pursed her lips together and she nodded her head before she glared at Qin Tang Long.

"But Qin if you ever hold my hand again without my say I will kill you and because I am your senior called me Senior Sister Qiu."

"No way."


Gong Qiu Linglong stood up as she saw something fall down and she pulled Qin Tang along backwards. Qin Tang Long saw a faceless creature it's fingers nails were long and sharp the moment it opened its mouth it had thousands of teeth and the scream as terrible. Gong Qiu Linglong did not let go of Qin Tang Long everyone else woke and everyone was frozen on the spot.

"RUN!" Gong Qiu Linglong shouted everyone did not think twice they ran. Akyu Mountain forest was dark each step you took you didn't know if it would be your last day. Gong Qiu Linglong stopped running she waved her finger in the air used both of her water, air, and lightning fusion she turned it into a tornado. She then waved her left hand as a brush appeared this paint brush was long and light purple it had some unknown language on it but it had a strong spiritual energy.

Qin Tang Long turned around and he stopped in front of Gong Qiu Linglong. She looked over she simply nodded her head and both started to attack together.

"Sister Qiu what do we do?"

"This is a level 8 Silent One, it's power is great we need to get out of here we have injured but it will come after us," Gong Qiu Linglong said.

"Sister Qiu why did we come here really?" Qin Tang Long asked. Gong Qiu Linglong stopped running and stared at him her eyes were blank she let out a small sigh and she picked up the dust.

"I have a life and death ability I am able to since the souls around me it's unfair to them how they died as for me being the balance of life and death it means I need to save those who shouldn't die I don't care if I listen to the rules honestly they are more times I watched someone die and I didn't make a move I shouldn't bother with useless shit, you need the Moonlight Flower for a reason and I need something here for a reason we all have secrets don't we so let's keep that way," Gong Qiu Linglong said in a cold tone and dashed off.

Qin Tang Long stood there he didn't understand Gong Qiu Linglong at all one moment she is nice and the next she is pissed off in a bad mood. She has these mounds swings it sometimes gives him a headache. He chased after it didn't take him long to catch up to everyone with his physical body his breathing was at a perfect rhythm his heart was beating perfectly fine everyone walked inside the cave Qin Tang Long touched the wall and he pulled away feeling something slimy.

Drop, drop, drop.

Qin Tang Long looked up what he saw was something he felt like he should of never see.