
Chapter 15 {Ice Fire Demonic Tiger}

"Ice Fire Demonic Tiger," Qin Tang Long mattered, and everyone looked forward. What the saw was a Ice Fire Demonic Tiger.Ice Fire Demonic Tiger is over one and a half meters in height and over six meters from head to tail. Purple stripes stand out in sharp contrast against its bronze fur, and its eyes are frosty blue and fiery red. Its bizarre appearance is completed with a pair of blue and red wings on its back. Ice Fire Demonic Tiger excels in both long-ranged and close-ranged attacks and can control ice and fire. It can also fly short distances with its wings. This fearsome combination makes it one of the most fearsome beasts. There is a peculiar legend attached to the tiger: It's said that once killed, it would provide two Spirit Rings, one of ice and one of fire.

Gong Qiu Linglong eyes lit up.

"This will be the one."

"The one what?"

"You do many long-range attacks but also close combat. This will be good for you."

Qin Tang Long eyes widen before husband eyes soften she is doing this for him.

"Everyone, let's attack. I will be getting this one!"

"It's 10,000 years old!" Chikaru Hotaru and Lin Niko shouted.

"So what aren't you guys daring."

"Wait, I can get so much money for this. Let's go!" Chikaru Hotaru shouted. Qin Tang Long took the lead. Gong Qiu Linglong and Riko Ai Lili were supporting the team. With her ability to control elements of magic, fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, light, space, darkness, and gravity, she had limitless moves. Her eyes sparked and waved her hand in the air, shooting icicles. Qin Tang Long jumped on one of the huge icicles and held out his right hand where his hammer appeared. Qin Tang Long threw the hammer straight at Ice Fire Demonic Tiger.



Ice Fire Demomic Tiger burst out a powerful fused ice and fire ball.

"Sister Qiu!"

Gong Qiu Linglong waved her hand in the air and created a huge ice wall. Ice Fire Demonic Tiger dashed toward the ice wall and destroyed it with his claw. Gong Qiu Linglong let out a cough so strong she thought to herself. Riko Ai Lili grabbed Gong Qiu Linglong hand.

"Sister Gong, are you alright?"

"Thank you, your Balance Tower is amazing."

"My Sacred Yuan, as for my Heaven Resonance Attribute its Zoko Eyes, my soul power is a 21, cultivation is high, but my spiritual energy is low, so yeah

Gong Qiu Linglong let out a sigh.

"I think you are a talented person. Keep up the good work."

"Sister Gong Brother Qin wasn't able to use any ability, but in just two months his been able to grow so much. How?"

"His a dragon that should soar the sky, one day his name will be known around the world I believe in him," Gong Qiu Linglong said she clapped her hands together as golden chains appeared these were known as Holy Light Chains. As the chains wrapped around Ice Fire Demonic Tiger as he was pinned down, it stood up. Its wings waved in the air, pulled Gong Qiu Linglong up she slammed her feet on the ground. Qin Tang Long Layin Grass wrapped around Gong Qiu Linglong, who felt a special connection her eyes widened as they fell into sadness. What is this feeling? Both Qin Tang Long and Gong Qiu Linglong seemed to have felt it they looked away from each other. Qin Tang Long clenched his fists together he slowly looked up, and he clenched his jaw humph. You wanted to destroy me, not today. The next moment that Qin Tang Long is about to hit the Ice Fire Demonic Tiger, a sword is thrown forward. Ice Fire Demonic Tiger was already weakened, but what they didn't know was that they were another group, Sky Academy.

"Nice job, Sofia!" People yelled.

"WHAT THE HELL WE WORKED FOR AN HOUR TO WEAKEN THIS!" Chikaru Hotaru shouted and glared at the students from Sky Academy. Sofia touched her red hair, and she simply smiled.

"Thank you for your heard work and -"


Sofia was sent flying. Everyone eyes locked on Gong Qiu Linglong her once beautiful golden eyes changed into purple they were like space itself countless of stars. One could not count how many stars. She waved her hand and the ground shaking.

"I hate three types of things, number one I hate people who annoy me, I hate being touched, and I really hate people who steal from someone who worked so hard, so I will just make it due by destroying each and everyone of you," Gong Qiu Linglong said she disappeared from the spot she kicked one of the students.

Gong Qiu Linglong spirit hulo ring started lighting up, and her eyes were full of coldness.

"Stop!" A older guy shouted and took the enpack of the punch.

"They killed the Ice Fire Demomic Tiger it should have been Qin first spirit hulo ring."

"I am sorry but the-"

Gong Qiu Linglong waved her weapon in the air.

"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I SEND TUN XIAO TO EAT ALL OF YOU!" Gong Qiu Linglong shouted. Sky Academy students lift, and Gong Qiu Linglong clenched her fists together.