
Anarchist Magoa

{ R-18 Novel } ‼️Gore scenes up ahead or later on!! Merikh Deimos Forsberg, runs away from their home right after their mothers excuctition. She comes across Verena later on, who was trying to find their way back home to London, surprisingly to say she was also trying to run away. Drystand, the right hand man of Merikh. Fled the scene when he was told to find the vampire princess, teleported into long hallway where he meets Oxi. Will they find peace, or remain in an unknown world full of technology.

Jupiterlov3r · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Merikh quickly saw the moon rising, she quickly sat up and looked through their bag. She brought extra bandages, tools, weapons, and extra blood transfusions along the way. 

 { Equipping ; Blood Transfusion 

       ; 1/10 }

Merikh quickly attached the transfusion to the belt she had, which had an extra slot. She quickly tried to use one of their magical abilities, but she had to do it far away from the palace. 

Merikh within an hour from now has already seen a human flesh, ready to drain blood from them. She quickly tried to not get caught, but in exchange, she did accidentally. The red exclamation mark symbol popped up on the person.  

"You! Who are you?" The voice shouted as Merikh quickly hid beside the bushes. She didn't know what to do at the moment, but she stayed hidden. 

"I won't ask again! Who's there?" The person hissed, it sounded like one of the farmer males that worked for Merikh's father. She quickly took a deep breath and stood up at the scene, whitelisting the hoodie, she had their hair in a ponytail just in case the highlights weren't shown. 

'What?' Merikh said to theirself, a notification popped up out of nowhere. It was an option. It's been a while since she had seen options in their view. 

{ Options - } - 

         -  Lie about the name, using a different accent. 

         -  Use real name.

'Well, obviously I can't be caught at all.' Merikh thought, as she clicked the first option, the sound was a light spark. 

{ Option – Chosen } 

Name options ; 

Lady Rosemary 



Merikh picked the first one, it suited nicely as they were once called Rosemary by one of their friends. Who had sadly passed in the winter soulastic war. 

Merikh quickly walked to the farmer, but five spaces away. "Lady Rosemary," Merikh said, as the farmer turned around and saw Merikh at the scene. She looked up, noticing it was nighttime. 

'This is so stupid,' Merikh mumbled, as the farmer got closer to them. She quickly stepped fact at the scene, already getting uncomfortable. "Lady Rosemary? What brings you here?" Said the farmer. 'There's a player who also used the name?' Merikh thought. 

"Decided to have a walk in the night, it's pretty simple as that. Wanted to mourn for the queen." Merikh replied, the farmer nodded and bowed. "I see, well. She was a great queen wasn't she?" The farmer said as Merikh nodded. 

"She was, a great mother to the princess as well I heard," Merikh replied as the farmer chuckled. "True, rumors do quite spread around the village don't they?" The farmer said as he grinned right after. 

Merikh was starting to get uncomfortable, It was probably around midnight thus far. "It's getting late, I should go back to my family," Merikh said, as the farmer nodded. Merikh noticed that there weren't any farmers out, so she took their chances. 

"Have a great night, Lady Rosemary." The farmer said, as he quickly turned away. Merikh quickly took their hood off ran so fast to the farmer and bit him. She decided to go in for another deep drink, as he had made them uncomfortable since the start. 



'How did the other player deal with this idiot?' Merikh thought, as she quickly finished drinking his blood. She quickly took out her knife and decided to stab him. After a while, she took out the knife from his throat and used it again, just like how it happened to the king's lady. 

Merikh quickly looked around for a fire pit to dispose of the dead farmer's body, she quickly spotted one and threw the body onto it. 

"Don't make people uncomfortable, even if it's a first impression dumbass," Merikh said to the fire pit, as she fled the scene. Of course, she had done the Blood Transfusion before, she did it when she was walking to the fire pit. 

  { ; Vampire Energy Level : 1,024+ ; }

Another notification popped up, it was about the vampire energy. Merikh smiled and looked at the fire from ahead. She did a bow and grinned, it's what she usually does. She got it from their mother, so a lot of traits were given from her to Merikh. 

Merikh quickly looked for a river and decided to wash the hoodie, as she needed to wear it for their adventures of running away. 

Before doing so she quickly checked their satchel to make sure she had coins to bring along the way so that she could buy extra needs in the village shops, or a place to stay. As Merikh was walking into the village with their hood on, she quickly found a hotel and decided to enter it. 

"Welcome in, ready to reserve?" The lady at the front desk said as I bowed. "Do you by chance have any rooms for the night?" Merikh asked as the front desk lady nodded. "We do, which floor by chance?" 

Merikh looked at the list in the view of the screen, a lot of technology has changed throughout the years.  

{ Hotel room – H450 : Available 1/2}

   ; Coins: 45 yen 

Merikh picked the hotel room that was available and quickly tried to find 45 coins she had in their satchel. She gave them to the lady and she nodded. "Have a nice evening." The lady at the front desk smiled as Merikh bowed and left for the hotel room. 

Hotel rooms in the area have two bedrooms and a large hotel room. The scenery is pretty, and windows have nice views of the village and kingdom, as shown in the catalog the front desk lady showed Merikh. 

As she used the key to enter the room, she saw a person who was also staying. "Now who may you be?" Merikh asked. 

{ Hotel room – H450 : unavailable : 2/2 } 

The notification was shown on the screen, and the woman or other player bowed. " Verena Jean Marie, a long-time Magoa player."

Here’s today chapter! Sorry for not posting one yesterday as my mental health was really bad and needed a break, however I’m doing okay now! Please make sure to give any motivation as it is appreciated and I thank you for it. And any powerstones I don’t mind! Have a nice day, evening, or noon!

Jupiterlov3rcreators' thoughts