
Anarchist Magoa

{ R-18 Novel } ‼️Gore scenes up ahead or later on!! Merikh Deimos Forsberg, runs away from their home right after their mothers excuctition. She comes across Verena later on, who was trying to find their way back home to London, surprisingly to say she was also trying to run away. Drystand, the right hand man of Merikh. Fled the scene when he was told to find the vampire princess, teleported into long hallway where he meets Oxi. Will they find peace, or remain in an unknown world full of technology.

Jupiterlov3r · Fantasy
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15 Chs

An Hour Left

It was afternoon as Merikh got up, she was confused why she fell asleep for a very long time.

Despite the fact that it's normal for them to wake up late. Merikh went to the restroom to quickly shower, and get ready for the day. 

She tried on a velvet moon fairy lolita dress, that has long sleeved petals around it. She found some violet boots to put on which in fact is short, she woke up around five o' clock pm, which means the beheading is on its close. 

Merikh quickly breathes in and out to check the task bar, to see if the letter convinced their father fully. In which, hoping it did. 

'Convince the king to not execute the Queen ( X )'   

  Task : not completed. 

'Shit.' Merikh thought to themselves, as they quickly got out of the room and ran downstairs. "Uh, your highness?" The royal guard exclaimed as he quickly ran to look and find them. 

Fifteen minutes in.

 { System : Warning } 

 :  Fifteen minutes left to complete the task !!

Merikh continued running and running until she hit the castle doors, she quickly gasped for air and ran for the place where the execution is supposed to be held.

The Queen was already being tied up to the wooden pole, as she was screaming and crying at the scene. Merikh made it in time but watched from afar. 'A wooden pole?' She asked themselves as they quickly tried to be out of view.

"Please don't do this! I have done nothing wrong!" She shouted, as the guards from below the stand were laughing, the ones who respected the Queen however stayed silent.

The string from the back of the Queen's hand was lit, there's no turning back. As the fire began growing, there were screams of pain. Merlin was covering their ears when she was hearing the screams of their own mother.

The King walked in front of her and lifted her head up, thus far all Merikh heard was when she got close. "Your daughter tried to stop this, but failed." The King said, he chuckled at the scene and let go of her.

Merikh was devastated that she couldn't save their mother in time before the execution. She fled the scene and ran back to the castle where she met their right hand man.

"He became mad, Drystan." Merikh said as she hugged him. He comforted them and nodded at their words. "I agree, Mer." Drystan replied, as they both comforted each other while walking upstairs.

"There's still future luck though, your highness." Drystan said as Merikh nodded and wiped their tears from their face without help this time around.

"I want to run, Drystan." Merikh told Drystan, as he looked up with concern, and fear. "From here? But-" Drystan got cut off by Merikh. "It's the only way, and you know I'm next." Merikh said, as Drystan nodded and walked to the room doors.

"Don't tell my father, well.. the king." Merikh said, but in a tone that was serious. Drystan nodded at Merikh's response, he left quickly when Merikh dismissed him. 

She sighed looking at the family portrait, she grabbed the extra blood from the Blood Transfusion and used it to write an X on their fathers face and head.

Merikh grabbed the painting and threw the painting to the ground, with so much force and rage that was happening.

She quickly drank the blood right after, since the vampire energy was low after that. 'Shit, I think I need more.' Merikh thought. She went to go change, for the vampire haunt tonight. 

  { ; Vampire Energy Level : 1,023+ ; }

Merikh quickly put a hood on and ran out the door without Drystand being on look out, she remembers the patterns on when he'll be checking up on them and such. Merikh quickly opened a nearby castle window to jump out of, surprisingly she found one on the second floor so that she doesn't fall all the way. 

"The princess?!" One of the villagers in the castle exclaimed as The King turned to see his daughter running away at the scene. Merikh jumped out from the window and made it safely to the ground, using a type of magic to close the window. 

Luckily, Drystan ran out to look for them, but never found them. Surprisingly she was already out in the forest where it's been told to have many myths and stories about it. 

 { ~ System : Magic, Activated. 

         Level : 2 } 

'Huh?' Merikh thought to themselves, they've never used their magical abilities. The only things they've been taught were the abilities vampires have, that also includes energy, and draining magic. 

She sat by a tree she found to rest for the night, by tomorrow morning Merikh has to go to the village to find their cousin who works at a restaurant nearby. 

But the vampire haunt begins.