
Anarchist Magoa

{ R-18 Novel } ‼️Gore scenes up ahead or later on!! Merikh Deimos Forsberg, runs away from their home right after their mothers excuctition. She comes across Verena later on, who was trying to find their way back home to London, surprisingly to say she was also trying to run away. Drystand, the right hand man of Merikh. Fled the scene when he was told to find the vampire princess, teleported into long hallway where he meets Oxi. Will they find peace, or remain in an unknown world full of technology.

Jupiterlov3r · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The long-time player

Merikh looks at Verena with such concern, she realised that once she booted the game she was woken up in it, Merikh sighed and walked to the couch to sit next to them. 

"How long did you survive for?" Merikh asked Verena as she looked down with a frown, Verena noticed Merikh had forgotten who they were, Verena sighed and tried to remember. "About twenty two years, or even less." Verena responded as Merikh looked at them concerned. 

"Twenty years? Would that mean you had been missing in the real world as well?" Merikh asked as Verena nodded. They both looked at each other, Merikh had probably heard the news in real life. 

New technology had been spreading around lately in the human world, but since Merikh had gotten the vampire role, she managed to change how she was exactly thirty-four years ago. 



   News Article : Missing human. 

  { – Blog reporter – }

"It has been  years since our Journalist of the city who had been missing. They have not been found yet, either they're missing or found dead. Which no one had reported back yet."

"All though, reporter's still say that they might have booked a plane and fly away. Who knows? Will we be able to find them soon?"

Merikh gasps, Verena looks at Merikh with a grin. "Were you trapped here longer?" Merikh asks as Verena nodded. "It's not easy, plus. You know how technology is in the real world these days." 

Merikh looks down with a frown. Verena looked at her, she came closer to her and stroked her hair behind her. "You never had a family?" Verena asks. 

Merikh nodded, she didn't know what to say at first. But then Verena pulls her in for a hug. "Both Orphans huh? I know how it is." Verena said as Merikh giggled and smiled at Verena, feeling a gaze as she looked at her. 

Verena coughed a bit. "So, you're the princess vampire role?" Verena asked Merikh as she looked at her in shock. "How did you know?" Merikh asked Verena as she popped up a screen with her technology advice. 

"Once you start a game, or however you call it. There's this menu and the start button right? Once you click the start button, you see the character screen, and which one you pick."

"Mine's selected as Verena, your's is Merikh. Which is the princess vampire, she is very violent. And dominant."

Merikh saw the tags that were given on their character, she begins to wonder if her human body is trapped in the game, she quickly scrolls to see which other characters are taken, and which are not. 

"When you first started playing, you wouldn't think that you'll be pulled in and live your life in it?" Merikh asked Verena as she nodded. "Machine 064, the government built it so that they could get the ability of the player and the human who's inside the character, which would lead to data."

Merikh is surprised at Verena's thinking skills of the machine, maybe she was the first tester? But what if they remember their real human world name? Merikh has no idea. 

"If you were human, what was your name?" Merikh asks as Verena smiles. "Let's try to get out of the game, and how about I'll tell you once we're out?" Verena asks as Merikh smiles. 

As Merikh was sleeping in their bed, she couldn't stop blushing or thinking about what just happened. She began to fall asleep as dawn hit. 

    System task; 

{ ~ | Task: Try to leave the game : 0/305 | ~ }

This novel is also inspired by Jumanji but a very different type of way. I wanted to do something and see how this would go by as I myself love this movie and took some inspiration of it! Hope you have a nice day,evening, or noon!

Jupiterlov3rcreators' thoughts