
An Unlikely Combination [Marvel/ Dc/ Dragon Ball]

Reincarnated in a dc/ Marvel combination universe as a Saiyan hybrid. Dragpn ball is not really apart of this, this is just a DC Marvel combination, with a hybrid Saiyan between him as a half Saiyan and half something else.

ElliotJackson2 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

A New Direction

I slowly walked through the portal. After taking a glance around I saw that I was back in the alley from where the incident happened. I slowly turned to them to see me the Wayne family staring at me in complete disbelief.

Martha and Bruce Wayne were the most traumatized by the experience, Thomas was as well, but he could hide it better than his wife and son was.

"So...." Thomas trailed off slowly, " all this time, you were the one the world called blast."  I slowly nodded my head, but I didn't say anything. My mind was still processing the events that just happened. 

My eyes shifted from Thomas I saw Gratitude and awe, to Martha I saw fear and disbelief, then to Bruce I saw Admiration and shock. An image of Batman slowly flashed into my mind, the image of the joker flashed into my mind, and the image of all of its variates. From Martha's Joker to Thomas's batman, to Thomas's Joker, To Martha's Batman, or...Batwoman in her case. Or even. a Bat family.

However, as my gaze went back to Martha. I saw the slight fear slowly being replaced with determination. It was one look in Martha's eyes, I realized then that fate had its own plans laid out on a silver platter already.

It might be true that Batman might not be born, but if anything, Batswoman could Exist. As much as it kind of saddens me for her to fear me, I understand that sometimes; Fear is necessary to make things happen.

Meanwhile with Martha Wayne. 

Martha looked at what had happened, there was a sense of relief that washed over her as she realized that her own family was safe, but at the same time, a sense of fear and dread washed over her.

Martha realized that the being whom she wanted to be contained, was living amongst her. As she glanced at the robber, she saw the state she was in. The robber was almost paralyzed from the waist down, writhing in agony.

It was in that moment she let her fear overtake her. What if Aaron lost control of his strength and her son was faced with the same or even worse injuries, no she wouldn't let the same thing happened to her son.

Martha will keep her son safe...whether it be a robber or some other being A determined glint spread into her eyes as she turned to look at me.

It was a look I know all too well from watching and reading about different fiction, I had just made an enemy. I looked at her in the eyes, my eyes not showing an ounce of fear, only a slight hint of sadness. 

"Don't lose your heart."

The moment I said those words, I raised my arms, and raised it in a circular motion, golden sparks cut through space-time once again as it formed a golden circle. 

Thomas frowned, he had wanted to express his thanks, to tell Aaron that he had made the right decision in adopting him and to express his own feelings of gratitude and relief towards him; but he left. The revelation that he was Blast still shook Thomas, but he wasn't....

There was no doubt Aaron must have thought he was going to fear him or kick him out or something. He shook his head and looked over to his wife and son. Thomas looked into their eyes and could tell they were traumatized by this event.

However, first things first, he needs to take care of his family and make sure they are alright; he needs to make a call.

Kamar Taj.

I slowly entered the portal to find myself back to where I was when i had first Met Yao, my mind still on the recent turn of events. I knew not every version would be so keen on people with Special Abilities.

I am just glad, and I hope Martha's version does not become a Joker, preventing the joker from happening is of good service to my own good mental health. The world could not handle one, there is no need for two.

As my eyes spotted her, they widened as I actually began to take in her figure. From the minute I sensed her ki signature, I could tell something was different about her.

It wasn't anything like it, but there was something younger about her...at least in away, and the feeling of something similar to Death was upon her, it wasn't death, but it was, different. 

It was like a concept similar to death, was there, but the feeling of the darkness I had felt had left her.  Yao did look weaker, but her soul was...how do I say this.... Healthier.

I knew this had something to do with the time stone.

Mordo's Ki signature was still in the room. 

"Yao?" I asked, as she slowly unveiled her hood to showcase her own youthful face with flowing blonde hair like waves down her shoulders.

My jaw dropped; she looked like a completely different goddess-I-I mean person...Yeah that's what I meant.

Her eyes twinkled mischievously, " Close your mouth my new...boyfriend, you'll catch flies." It was so unnatural for her to say boyfriend to me but yet it felt so right. 

"Did you do all of this for me?" I joked, "You shouldn't have."

Yao chuckled. her eyes still glinting with that same mischievous light, "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. however, we must continue your training, you've been quite busy have you not?" 

I raised my eyebrow, "Something tells me this training is for your benefit rather than mine."

She raised an eyebrow, "Cocky, are you? a teasing grin spreading across her face, "Can it not simply be because I want to test your skills and your strength?"

"Cocky? me? No, I am just merely stating observations." I replied, the corners of my lips quirking upwards to a small smirk as I got into a stance. Lowering my power to her level. "But if you insist, I am always open for a battle."

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